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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1200

1200. Because He hath judged the great harlot.- That this signifies judgment upon those who arrogated to themselves domination over the church and heaven, is evident from the signification of judging, as denoting the Last Judgment, which was accomplished upon those who are meant by Babylon as the harlot. These were those who, by the domination which they arrogated to themselves over the church and over heaven, falsified all the truths and goods of the Word; the words therefore follow "who corrupted the earth with her whoredom," which signify that they falsified all the truths, and adulterated all the goods of the church. But by Babylon as a harlot, no others are meant than those who exercise that dominion, and as a result falsify and adulterate everything contained in the Word, and make light of the Word itself.

[2] Continuation [concerning the Life of Animals]. - Because the whole of heaven, the whole of hell, and the whole world of spirits are each divided into societies, and the societies arranged according to the genera and species of affections, and because the animals there are appearances of affections, as was just observed, therefore one genus of animal with its species appears in one society and another in another, and all the genera of animals with their species in the societies taken together. In the societies of heaven gentle and clean animals appear; in the societies of hell savage and unclean beasts, and in the world of spirits beasts of an intermediate kind.

[3] They have been often seen by me, and when they have appeared I have been able to learn the quality of the angels or spirits there; for all these are known from the appearances which are near them, and around them, their affections also from various objects, and also from animals. In the heavens I have seen lambs, sheep, goats, so similar to those in the world that there is no difference whatever; also turtle-doves, pigeons, birds of paradise, and many others, beautiful in form and colour; fish also in the waters, but these were in the lowest parts of heaven. In the hells on the other hand there are seen dogs, foxes, wolves, tigers, swine, mice, and many other kinds of savage and unclean beasts, besides poisonous serpents of many species, also crows, owls, and birds of night. But in the world of spirits are seen camels, elephants, horses, asses, oxen, stags, lions, leopards, bears, also eagles, kites, magpies, peacocks, and quails. I have also seen compound animals there, such as were seen by the prophets, and are described in the Word, as in the Apoc. 13:2, and elsewhere.

[4] Since there is such a resemblance between the animals that appear in that world and those in this world that they cannot be at all distinguished; and since the former derive their existence from the affections of the angels of heaven, and from the lusts of the spirits of hell, it follows that natural affections and lusts are their souls, and that these, being clothed with a body, are animals in a corresponding form. But what affection or lust forms the soul of this or that animal, whether a beast or wild beast of the earth, a bird of day or of the night, a fish living in clear or foul water, does not belong to this place to explain. Animals are frequently mentioned in the Word, and they have there a signification according to their souls. The signification of lambs, sheep, she-goats, rams, kids, he-goats, heifers, oxen, camels, horses, asses, stags, and also of certain birds, may be seen explained in the Arcana Coelestia.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1200

1200. For he hath judged the great harlot, signifies judgment upon those that have transferred to themselves dominion over the church and over heaven. This is evident from the signification of "to judge," as being the Last Judgment which was accomplished upon those meant by "Babylon" as "a harlot," who are such as have falsified all the truths and goods of the Word by the dominion over the church and over heaven that they have transferred to themselves; therefore it is said "that corrupted the earth with her whoredom," which signifies that all the truths of the church have been falsified by them, and all its goods adulterated. But by "Babylon" as a harlot only such are meant as exercise that dominion, and thereby falsify and adulterate all things of the Word, and hold the Word itself in little esteem.


[2] As the entire heaven and the entire hell, and the entire world of spirits are divided into societies, and the societies are arranged according to the genera and species of affections, and as the animals there, as has just been said, are affections made apparent, so one kind of animal with its species appears in one society, and another in another, and all kinds of animals with their species in the societies taken together. In the societies of heaven gentle and clean animals appear, in the societies of hell the savage and unclean beasts, and in the world of spirits beasts of an intermediate character. These I have often seen, and from these I have been able to recognize the quality of the angels and spirits there. All in the spiritual world are known from what appears near them and about them, and their affections are known from various things, and also from the animals.

[3] In the heavens I have seen lambs, sheep, and goats, so closely resembling those seen in the world that they do not differ at all. I have also seen in the heavens turtle doves, pigeons, birds of paradise, and many others, beautiful in form and color. I have also seen fishes in the waters, but these in the lowest parts of heaven. In the hells, dogs, wolves, foxes, tigers, swine, mice, and many other kinds of savage and unclean beasts are seen, besides poisonous serpents of many kinds, also ravens, owls, and bats. But in the world of spirits camels, elephants, horses, asses, oxen, deer, lions, leopards, bears, also eagles, kites, magpies, peacocks, and quails, are seen. I have also seen there composite animals, like those seen by the prophets and described in the Word (as in Revelation 13:2, and elsewhere).

[4] As the animals that appear in that world bear such a resemblance to the animals in this world that no difference is discernible, and as the animals in that world derive their existence from the affections of the angels of heaven, or from the lusts of the spirits of hell, it follows that natural affections or lusts are their souls, and when these have been clothed with a body they are animals in form. But what affection or cupidity is the soul of this or that animal, either a beast or a wild beast of the earth, a bird of day or of the night, or a fish of limpid or fetid water, will not be explained here. These are mentioned frequently in the Word, and have a signification there in accordance with their souls. The signification of lambs, sheep, she-goats, rams, kids, he-goats, bullocks, oxen, camels, horses, asses, deer, and various kinds of birds, has been disclosed in the Arcana Coelestia, and may be seen there.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1200 (original Latin 1759)

1200. "Quia judicavit meretricem magnam." - Quod significet judicium super illos qui dominationem super ecclesiam et super caelum in se transtulerunt, constat ex significatione "judicare", quod sit ultimum judicium quod factum est super illos qui per "Babylonem" ut meretricem intelliguntur, qui sunt qui per dominationem super ecclesiam et super caelum in se translatam falsificaverunt omnia vera et bona Verbi; quare sequitur, "quae corrupit terram scortatione sua", per quae significatur quod ab illis falsificata sint omnia vera ecclesiae, et adulterata omnia bona ejus. Sed per "Babylonem" ut meretricem non alii intelliguntur quam qui illam dominationem exercent, et propter illam falsificant et adulterant omnia Verbi, ac ipsum Verbum vilipendunt.

[2] (Continuatio [de Vita Animalium] .)

Quoniam universum caelum in societates distinctum est, similiter universum infernum, et quoque universus mundus spirituum, ac societates secundum genera et species affectionum ordinatae sunt, et quoniam animalia ibi sunt apparentiae affectionum, ut modo dictum est, ideo aliud genus animalis cum suis speciebus apparet in una societate et aliud in altera, ac omnia genera animalium cum suis speciebus in societatibus simul sumptis. In caeli societatibus apparent animalia mitia et munda, in societatibus inferni bestiae immites et immundae, et in mundo spirituum bestiae mediae. Visae mihi sunt multoties, et ex illis visis datum est cognoscere quales ibi angeli aut spiritus erant; omnes ibi cognoscuntur ex apparentiis quae prope et circum illos, et affectiones eorum ex variis, et quoque ex animalibus.

[3] Visi mihi sunt in caelis agni, oves, caprae, in tali similitudine cum agnis, ovibus et capris in mundo, ut prorsus nihil differant; visae etiam in caelis sunt turtures, columbae, aves paradisiacae, ac plures aliae pulchrae forma et colore; visi etiam sunt pisces in aquis, sed hi in infimis caeli. In infernis autem visi sunt canes, vulpes, lupi, tigrides, porci, mures; et plura alia genera bestiarum immitium et immundarum, praeter serpentes venenatos multarum specierum, tum etiam corvi, noctuae, bubones. In mundo autem spirituum visi sunt cameli, elephantes, equi, asini, boves, cervi, leones, pardi, ursi, et praeterea aquilae, milvi, picae, pavones, cotumices. Visa etiam sunt animalia composita, qualia visa sunt prophetis, et in Verbo descripta (ut Apoc. 13:2, et alibi).

[4] Quoniam talis similitudo animalium in illo mundo apparentium cum animalibus in hoc mundo est, ut plane non discerni queant, et illa trahunt existentiam suam ex affectionibus angelorum caeli, et ex cupiditatibus spirituum inferni, sequitur quod affectiones naturales et cupiditates sint animae illorum, et quod illae indutae corpore sint in effigie animalia. Quaenam autem affectio seu cupiditas est anima hujus aut illius animalis, sive sit bestia aut fera terrae, sive sit avis diei aut noctis, sive sit piscis aquae limpidae aut fetidae, non hujus loci est exponere: nominantur passim in Verbo, et ibi significant secundum animas illorum; quid significant "agni", "oves", "caprae", "arietes", "hoedi", "hirci", "juvenci", "boves", "cameli", "equi", "asini", "cervi", tum aliquae "volucres", in Arcanis Caelestibus detectum videatur.

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