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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1211

1211. And ye that fear him.- That this signifies the worship of the Lord by those who are in the good of love, is evident from the signification of the fear of God, as denoting worship from the good of love, concerning which see above (n. 696, 942, 1150).

[2] Continuation [concerning the Vegetable Kingdom].- We shall now make a few observations respecting plants in heaven, animals there having been treated of above. There are in the heavens, as on earth, plants of every kind and species. There are there even those which are not found on the earth; for there are composite forms of genera and species, also with infinite variation. This property they derive from their origin, of which we shall speak below. The genera and species of plants again differ in the heavens, like the genera and species of the animals there, of which we have treated above.

[3] There appear there, according to the degrees of light and heat, paradisiacal gardens, groves, fields, and plains, and in them shrubberies, lawns, and beds of flowers. In the inmost or third heaven especially, there are groves of trees, the fruits of which distil with oils; there are beds of flowers, from which fragrant odours are diffused around, and in the seeds of which there are delicious flavours arising from their fragrance, and the oil which they contain; grass-plots too which abound with similar perfumes. In the middle or second heaven there are also groves of trees, the fruits of which distil with wines; and beds of flowers from which exhale delightful odours, and the seeds of which possess a variety of delicate flavours; there are grass-plots also of a similar kind.

[4] In the lowest or first heaven there are objects similar to those in the inmost and middle heavens, but with a difference in the delights and charms which they possess, according to their degrees. There are also in the inmost heavens fruits and seeds of pure gold; in the middle heaven the same objects are of silver; and in the lowest, of copper; there are also flowers formed of precious stones and crystals. All these are productions springing forth from the earth there. For there are earths there as with us, but nothing is produced there from seed that is sown, but from seed created, and creation there is instantaneous, the duration being sometimes long and sometimes momentary; for they exist by the forces of light and heat from the Sun of heaven, which is the Lord, without the aid of the light and heat of the sun of the world. The materials of our earths are fixed, and the germinations constant; but the matters or substances in the lands (in terris), which are in the heavens are not fixed, therefore the germinations from them are not constant. Everything there is spiritual under a natural appearance; but it is different in the lands subject to the sun of our world.

These things are adduced in order that the fact may be confirmed that in every thing spiritual, whether in heaven or in the world, there are those three forces, namely, the active force, the creative force, and the formative force, and that these forces continually tend to their ultimate, wherein they terminate and subsist; and this not only in primaries, but also in ultimates. For this reason lands also exist in the heavens, the lands there being those forces in ultimates. The difference is, that lands there are spiritual from their origin, while here they are natural, and that the productions from our lands are effected from the spiritual through the medium of nature, but in those lands without the medium of nature.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1211

1211. And ye that fear Him signifies worship of the Lord by those who are in the good of love, as is evident from the signification of "the fear of God," as being worship from the good of love (See n. 696, 942, 1150).


[2] Something shall now be said about plants in heaven, as the animals there have already been spoken of. In the heavens, as on the earth, there are plants of all genera and species; yea, in the heavens there are also plants that are not on the earth, for there are composite forms of the different genera and species with infinite variation. This they derive from their origin, of which below. The genera and species of the plants differ in the heavens as the genera and species of animals do, of which above.

[3] According to the degrees of light and heat there, paradisal gardens, groves, fields, and plains are seen; and in these, groups of trees and flowers and lawns. In the inmost or third heaven especially there are orchards whose fruits drop oils; beds of flowers from which fragrant odors are spread abroad, and the seeds of which are sweet to the taste from the fragrance and the oil; and there are lawns diffusing like odors. In the middle or second heaven there are orchards whose fruits drop wine; and flower-beds from which exhale pleasant odors, with seeds of delicate flavor, and also lawns. In the lowest or first heaven there are the same things as in the inmost and in the middle heaven, with a difference of delights and pleasantnesses according to degrees.

[4] Moreover, in the inmost heaven there are fruits and seeds of pure gold, in the middle heaven of silver, and in the lowest heaven of copper; there are also flowers of precious stones and of crystals. All these germinate from the lands there. There are lands there, as with us; but nothing springs up from seed sown, but only from seed created; and creation there is instantaneous, sometimes enduring for a long time and sometimes only for a moment; for they exist there by means of the forces of light and heat from the sun of heaven, which is the Lord, and apart from the forces that serve as substitutes and aids from the light and heat from the sun of the world. This is why the matters in the lands of our globe are fixed, and the germinations are permanent; while the matters or substances in the lands that are in the heavens are not fixed, and consequently the germinations from them are not permanent. There all things are spiritual with a natural appearance; but in the lands that are subject to the sun of our world it is not so. These things have been mentioned to show that in everything spiritual, both in heaven and in the world, and both in the firsts and in the ultimates, there are these three forces, namely, the active force, the creative force, and the formative force; and that these forces proceed continually to their ultimates, in which they close and subsist; and for this reason there are lands also in the heavens, for the lands there are these forces in ultimates. There is this difference, that the lands there are spiritual from their origin, but here they are natural; and the productions from our lands are effected from the spiritual by means of nature, but in those lands without nature.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1211 (original Latin 1759)

1211. "Et timentes Ipsum." - Quod significet cultum Domini ab illis qui in bono amoris sunt, constat ex significatione amoris Dei, quod sit cultus ex bono amoris (de qua (supra), n. 696, 942, 1150).

[2] (Continuatio (de Regno Vegetabili; hic de Vegetabilibus in Caelo).)

Nunc aliquid dicetur de Vegetabilibus in caelo; prius dictum est de Animalibus ibi. Sunt in caelis sicut in terris vegetabilia omnis generis et omnis speciei; immo sunt in caelis vegetabilia quae non in terris, sunt enim composita generum et specierum, etiam cum variatione infinita; hoc trahunt ex Origine sua, de qua infra: sed genera et species vegetabilium differunt in caelis, sicut genera et species animalium ibi, de quibus supra.

[3] Secundum gradus lucis et caloris ibi apparent horti paradisiaci, nemora, agri et campi, et in illis arboreta, floreta et vireta. In caelo intimo seu tertio sunt imprimis arboreta ex quorum fructibus stillant olea; sunt floreta, ex quibus sparguntur odores fragrantes, et in quorum seminibus sunt sapores ex fragrantia et oleo dulces; sunt vireta, quae redolent ex similibus. In caelo medio seu secundo sunt arboreta ex quorum fructibus stillant vina; sunt floreta, ex quibus halant odores amoeni, et in quorum seminibus sunt sapores delicati; vireta similiter. In infimo seu primo caelo dantur similia quae in intimo et medio caelo, cum discrimine jucunditatum et amoenitatum secundum gradus.

[4] Sunt quoque fructus et semina in caelo intimo ex puro auro, in caelo medio ex argento, et in caelo infimo ex cupro; et quoque sunt flores ex lapidibus pretiosis et ex crystallis. Haec omnia sunt egerminationes ex terris ibi. Sunt terrae ibi sicut apud nos; sed nihil enascitur ibi ex semine seminato, sed ex semine creato, et creatio ibi est instantanea, ac duratio quandoque diutina et quandoque momentanea; existunt enim per vires lucis et caloris ex Sole caeli, qui est Dominus, absque viribus succenturiatis et auxiliatricibus per lucem et calorem e sole mundi: inde sunt materiae in terris nostrae telluris fixae, ac germinationes constantes; materiae autem seu substantiae in terris quae in caelis sunt, non sunt fixae, et inde nec germinationes ex illis sunt constantes; sunt omnia ibi spiritualia in apparentia naturali: aliter in terris subjectis soli mundi. Haec allata sunt ut confirmetur quod omni spirituali, sive in caelo sit sive in mundo, insint tres illae vires, quae sunt vis agendi, vis creandi, et vis formandi, et quod illae vires continue pergant ad suum ultimum, ubi desinant et subsistant; et hoc non modo in primis ejus, sed etiam in ultimis ejus: inde est quod in caelis aeque existant terrae, nam terrae ibi sunt illae Vires in ultimis; discrimen est quod terrae ibi sint spirituales ex origine, et quod terrae hic sint naturales; et quod productiones e nostris terris fiant ex spirituali, media Natura, at in illis terris absque Natura.

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