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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1224

1224. And he said unto me, Write.- That this signifies that these things shall be for a memorial to posterity, is evident from the signification of writing, as denoting to inscribe on the life and faith of man (concerning which see above, n. Apoc. 21:9, 10).

[2] Continuation [concerning Omnipresence and Omniscience].- 5. That the Lord, from the intellectual faculty which every man possesses, and from its opposite, is also present with those who are out of heaven and the church and with those who are in hell, or will come into hell and knows their whole state.

Every man has three degrees of life; the lowest he has in common with beasts; this is not the case in regard to the two higher. It is through these two higher degrees that man is man; they are closed with the wicked, but are open with the good. They are not however closed so far as the light of heaven is concerned, which is wisdom and proceeds from the Lord as the Sun; but they are closed to the heat, which is love, and proceeds at the same time from the same source. It is for this reason that all men, even the wicked, have the faculty of understanding, though not that of willing, from heavenly love. For the will is the recipient of heat, that is of love; and the understanding is the recipient of light, that is of wisdom, from this Sun.

[3] The reason why every man is not intelligent and wise is, that he who is not, has by his life closed the receptacle of this love; and this being closed, he has not the will to understand anything but what he loves; for he wills and loves this as the object of his thoughts, and consequently also of his understanding. Since then all men, even the wicked, have the faculty of understanding, and that faculty is from the influx of light from the Sun which is the Lord, it is plain that the Lord is present also with those who are out of heaven and the church, and who are either in hell, or will go there. It is from this faculty also that man has the power of thinking and reasoning on a variety of subjects; beasts are incapable of this; and it is from this faculty again that man lives for ever.

[4] Another proof of the Lord's Omnipresence in hell is, that the whole of hell, equally with the whole of heaven, is before the Lord as one man; but in this case it is a man-devil, that is, a monster. With him all things are in opposition to those which are in the Divine Man-Angel, and therefore from the latter is known everything that exists in the former; that is, from heaven everything in hell is known. For from good evil is known, and from truth falsity; thus all the quality of the latter from that of the former. There are three heavens and three hells; and as the former are distinguished into societies, so also are the latter. Every society in hell corresponds by contrast, to a society in heaven, the correspondence being like that between good and evil affections; for all the societies are affections. Thus as each society in heaven is, as has been said, in the sight of the Lord like one man-angel in the similarity of its affections, as we have stated; so also each society in hell is in the sight of the Lord like one man-devil in the similarity of its evil affections. I have been permitted to see this. The societies of this latter kind appear indeed as men, but of a monstrous form; I have seen three kinds of them, the fiery, the black, and the pallid; all of them have however deformed features, a husky tone of voice, external speech, and a corresponding demeanour. The love of all of them is lascivious and they are unchaste; the delights of their will are evils, and the delights of their thought falsities.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1224

1224. Verse 9. And he said unto me, Write, signifies that these things shall be for a memorial to posterity. This is evident from the signification of "to write," as being to inscribe on the life and faith of man (See n. Revelation 21:9-10).

[2] 5. The Lord by the intellectual faculty that each man has, or its opposite, is also present with those who are out of heaven and the church, with those who are in hell or who are to come into hell, and knows their whole state. Every man has three degrees of life, a lowest in common with beasts, and two higher that are not in common with beasts. By these two higher degrees man is a man; these are closed with the evil, but with the good are open. And yet, in regard to the light of heaven, which is the wisdom that proceeds from the Lord as a sun, these two degrees are not closed with the evil, but are closed in regard to the heat, which is the love, that at the same time proceeds therefrom. From this it is that every man, even an evil man, has a capacity to understand, but not a capacity to will from heavenly love, for the will is a receptacle of heat, that is, of love, and the understanding is a receptacle of light, that is, of wisdom, from that sun.

[3] The reason why every man is not intelligent and wise is that some have by their lives closed up in themselves the receptacle of that love, and when that is closed they have no wish to understand anything except what they love, for that only do they wish and love to think about and thus understand. And as every man, even an evil man, has an ability to understand, and that ability is from an influx of light from the sun which is the Lord, it is clear that the Lord is also present with those who are out of heaven and the church, who are either in hell or are to come into hell. It is from the same ability that man is able to think and reason about various things, which beasts cannot do. It is from the same ability that man lives forever.

[4] Another proof of the Lord's omnipresence in hell is that the entire hell, like the entire heaven, is before the Lord as one man, but as a man-devil or a man-monster; and in this all things are in opposition to those that are in the Divine man-angel, consequently from this latter everything that is in the former can be known, that is, from heaven everything that is in hell; for evil is known from good and falsity from truth, thus the entire quality of the one from the quality of the other. There are three heavens, and there are three hells; and as the heavens are divided into societies so are the hells; and each society of hell corresponds by opposition to a society of heaven. The correspondence is like that between good affections and evil affections, for all societies are affections. So in the same way that each society of heaven, as has been said, is in the Lord's sight as one man-angel in the likeness of its affection, each society of hell is in the Lord's sight as one man-devil in the likeness of its evil affection. This, too, it has been granted me to see. They appear like men, but monstrous. I have seen three kinds of them, the fiery, the black, and the pallid, but all of them with deformed faces, a husky voice, external speech, and like gestures. They all have a lascivious love, and not one of them a chaste love. The delights of their will are evils, and the delights of their thoughts are falsities.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1224 (original Latin 1759)

1224. (Vers. 9.) "Et dixit mihi, Scribe." - Quod significet quod haec erunt posteritati in memoriam, constat ex signicatione "scribere", quod sit inscribere vitae et fidei hominis (de qua (supra), n. 222); et quod sit certum (n. 898); hic autem quod erit posteritati in memoriam, nam agitur de ecclesia a Domino instauranda, quae per "Novam Hierosolymam Intelligitur, haec enim est quae intelligitur per "uxorem Agni", et quoque vocatur "uxor Ipsius" (Apocalypsis 21:9, 10).

[2] (Continuatio (de Omnipraesentia et de Omniscientia).)

(5.) Quod Dominus apud illos qui extra caelum et ecclesiam sunt, qui in inferno sunt, vel in infernum venturi sunt, etiam praesens sit, et sciat omnem illorum statum, ex facultate intellectuali quae est cuivis homini, et ex opposito.- Omni homini sunt tres gradus vitae, infimus communis cum bestiis, ac duo superiores qui cum illis non communes sunt. Homo per binos hos gradus superiores est homo; hi clausi sunt apud malos, sed aperti apud bonos. Sed hi gradus apud malos non clausi sunt pro luce caeli, quae est sapientia, quae procedit a Domino ut Sole; sed clausi sunt pro calore, qui est amor, qui simul inde procedit. Ex eo est quod omni homini, etiam malo, sit facultas intelligendi, sed non facultas volendi ex amore caelesti: voluntas enim est receptaculum caloris, hoc est, amoris, ac intellectus est receptaculum lucis seu sapientiae ex illo Sole.

[3] Quod omnis homo non sit intelligens