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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 15

15. And keep those things which are written therein. That this signifies, that they do so from the love of truth, is evident from the signification of observing and keeping, as denoting to perceive, to will and to do accordingly; in this case, according to the doctrine of heaven; and from the signification of the things which are written therein, as denoting from the love of truth, or from the delight of that love; for what is done from love is done from delight; delight is from no other source. This is signified by the things which are written therein, because the things which are contained in the doctrine of heaven are inscribed on their heart, and thus on their life; and the things which are inscribed on the heart and life are inscribed on the love, for the heart in the Word signifies the love. (28:20).

In Luke:

"Blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it." (11:28).

In John:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man keep my word, he shall not see death to eternity" (8:51).

In the same:

"If a man love me, he will keep my word. He that loveth me not, keepeth not my words (14:15, 23, 24).

Again in the same: "If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you" (15:10, 14):

to do is to will, and to will is to do; because in deeds the will is everything.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 15

15. And keep the things which are written therein, signifies from the love of truth. This is evident from the signification of "observing" and "keeping," as being to perceive, to will, and to do according thereto, here according to the doctrine of heaven; and from the signification of "the things which are written therein," as being, from the love of truth, or from the delight of that love; for what is done from love is done from delight; delight is from no other source. This is signified by "the things which are written therein," because the things contained in the doctrine of heaven are written on the heart, and thus on the life, of those here described; and things written on the heart and life are written on the love; for "heart" in the Word signifies love (Matthew 28:20);

in Luke:

Blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it (Luke 11:28);

in John:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, if anyone keep My word he shall never see death (John 8:51);

in the same:

If any one love Me he will keep My word: He that loveth Me not, keepeth not My words (John 14:15, 23-24);

and in the same:

If ye keep My commandments ye shall abide in My love. Ye are My friends if ye do the things which I command you (John 15:10, 14).

To do is to will, and to will is to do; because in deeds the will is everything.

Apocalypsis Explicata 15 (original Latin 1759)

15. "Et servantes quae in ea scripta sunt." - Quod significet quod ex amore veri, constat ex significatione observare et "servare", quod sit percipere, velle et facere secundum id, hic secundum doctrinam caeli; et ex significatione "quae in ea scripta sunt", quod sit ex amore veri, seu ex jucundo illius amoris, quod enim fit ex amore hoc fit ex jucundo; aliunde non est jucundum: quod id significetur per "quae in ea scripta sunt", est quia illa quae in doctrina caeli sunt, cordi eorum, ita vitae eorum, inscripta sunt; et quae inscripta sunt cordi et vitae, illa inscripta sunt amori, nam "cor" in Verbo significat amorem (n. 7542, 9050, 10336): quod sit amor veri, est quia illa dicuntur de doctrina caeli, et doctrina caeli est ex veris. Saepius in Verbo dicitur "observare" et "servare" praecepta, mandata, verba, legem; et per "observare" et "servare" ibi significatur intelligere, velle et facere:

– Ut apud Matthaeum,

"Docentes eos servare omnia quaecunque mandavi vobis" (28:20);

apud Lucam,

"Beati audientes Verbum Dei et servantes illud" (11:28);

apud Johannem,

"Amen, amen, dico vobis, Si quis Verbum meum servaverit, mortem non videbit in aeternum" (8:51);

apud eundem,

"Si quis diligit Me, Verbum meum servat;...qui non diligit Me, verba mea non servat" (14:15, 23, 24);

apud eundem,

"Si praecepta mea servaveritis, manebitis in amore meo;.... vos amici mei estis, si feceritis quae Ego praecipio vobis" (15:10, 14).

Facere est velle, et velle est facere, quia in factis est voluntas omne.

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