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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 160

160. Who calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants. That this signifies that thence is the doctrine of every kind of falsity is evident from the signification of a prophet, as being one who teaches truths, and impersonally the doctrine of truth (concerning which, see 1 Kings 16:31-33);

That Jezebel slew the prophets of Jehovah (1 Kings 18:4, 13);

And that she would also have slain Elijah (19:1, 2, and following verses);

That, by a stratagem in substituting false witnesses, she took away the vineyard from Naboth, and slew him (21:6, 7, and following verses);

Hence it was predicted by Elijah, that dogs should eat her (1 Kings 21:23; 2 Kings 9:10);

And afterwards that, by the command of Jehu, she was thrown out of the window, and that her blood was sprinkled upon the wall, and upon the horses that trod her under foot (2 Kings 9:32-34).

[2] By all these things the perversion of the church arising from the delight of the love of self and of the world, and from the evils and falsities thence originating was represented; for all the historical parts of the Word, as well as the prophetical, are representative of those things that pertain to the church. By Baal, whom Ahab served, and to whom he erected an altar, is signified worship from the evils of the love of self and of the world; by the grove which he made is signified worship from falsities thence derived. By Jezebel slaying the prophets of Jehovah is signified the destruction of the truths of the church; by her desiring also to slay Elijah is signified a desire to annihilate the Word, for Elijah represented the Word. By the vineyard, which, by false witnesses, she took away from Naboth, is signified the falsification of truth, and the adulteration of good; by the prophecy of Elijah that dogs should eat her, is signified uncleanness and profanation. By her being thrown out of a window, and by the sprinkling of her blood upon the wall and upon the horses that trod her under foot, is signified the lot of those who are of such nature and quality. What is the lot of these is evident from the particulars understood in the internal sense. From these considerations it can be seen, that no other Jezebel is meant by the woman Jezebel who calleth herself a prophetess than Jezebel the wife of Ahab, treated of in the Word; and that by her are described those who are immersed in false doctrines derived from the delights of the love of self and of the world.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 160

160. That calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce My servants, signifies that the doctrine of all falsities is therefrom. This is evident from the signification of a "prophet," as being one who teaches truths, and abstractly from persons, the doctrine of truth (of which, see 1 Kings 16:31-33);

And that Jezebel slew the prophets of Jehovah (1 Kings 18:4, 13);

And that she wished to slay Elijah also (1 Kings 19:1-2);

And that through craft, by substituting false witnesses, she took away the vineyard from Naboth, and slew him (1 Kings 21:6-7 seq.);

It was therefore predicted by Elijah that dogs should eat her (1 Kings 21:23; 2 Kings 9:10);

And afterwards, by the command of Jehu, she was thrown out of the window, and some of her blood was sprinkled upon the wall and upon the horses that trod her under foot (2 Kings 9:32-34).

[2] By all these things the perversion of the church by the delight of the love of self and the world, and by the evils and falsities flowing forth therefrom, was represented. For all the historical parts of the Word, as well as the prophetical, are representative of such things as are of the church. "Baal" whom Ahab served, and to whom he raised up an altar, signifies the worship from the evils of the love of self and the world; the "grove" which he made signifies worship from the falsities therefrom. That "Jezebel slew the prophets of Jehovah" signifies the destruction of the church in respect to its truths; that "she wished to slay Elijah also" signifies a desire to annihilate the Word, for Elijah represented the Word. "The vineyard which by means of false witnesses she took away from Naboth" signifies the falsification of truth and the adulteration of good; the prophecy of Elijah that "dogs should eat her" signifies uncleanness and profanation. That "she was thrown out of a window, and some of her blood was sprinkled upon the wall and upon the horses that trod her under foot," signifies the lot of those who are of that character; what the lot of such will be can be seen from the internal sense of the particulars there. From this it can be seen that by "the woman Jezebel, who calleth herself a prophetess," no other Jezebel is meant than Jezebel the wife of Ahab, spoken of in the Word; and that by her those are described who are in the doctrine of all falsities from the delights of the loves of self and of the world.

Apocalypsis Explicata 160 (original Latin 1759)

160. "Dicentem se prophetissam, docere et seducere meos servos." - Quod significet quod inde doctrinam omnium falsorum, constat ex significatione "prophetae", quod sit qui docet vera, et abstracte a persona, doctrina veri (de qua n. 2534, 7269); inde in opposito sensu per "prophetam" intelliguntur qui docent falsa, et abstracte a personis doctrina falsorum; similiter hic per "prophetissam": quia hic per "prophetissam" significatur docens falsa, et doctrina omnium falsorum, ideo additur quod "doceat et seducat Domini servos"; "docere et seducere" dicitur, quia "docere" praedicatur de veris et falsis, ac "seducere" de bonis et malis, ac "servi Domini" in Verbo dicuntur qui in veris sunt, et "ministri" qui in bono (videatur supra, n. 155 fin. ). Dicitur de Isabele, quod "se dicat prophetissam"; non quod Isabel uxor Achabi se dixerit prophetissam, sed quia per illam significatur jucundum amoris sui et mundi, et hoc jucundum docet et seducit illos qui in veris sunt; quisque enim, dum ex se, cogitat ex suo amore, ac inde se imbuit falsis, quod est "docere et seducere." De Isabele legitur in Verbo.

Quod Achabus rex Israelitarum acceperit Isabelem filiam regis Zidoniorum in uxorem, et quod abiverit et serviverit Baali, et ei erexerit altare in Samaria, et fecerit lucum (1 Reg. 16:31-33);

Quod Isabel occiderit prophetas Jehovae (1 Reg. 18:4, 13);

Et quod etiam occidere voluerit Eliam (cap. 1 Reg. 19:1, 2, seq.);

Quod per dolum, substituendo falsos testes, abstulerit vineam Nabotho, et eum occiderit (cap. 1 Reg. 21:6, 7, seq.);

Inde praedictum ab Elia, quod canes comederent illam (1 Reg. 21:23; 10);

Et dein quod jussu Jehu dejecta sit e fenestra, et quod aspersum fuerit de sanguine ejus ad parietem, et ad equos qui conculcaverunt eam (2 Reg. 9:32-34).

[2] Per haec omnia repraesentabatur perversio ecclesiae ex jucundo amoris sui et mundi, et ex inde scaturientibus malis et falsis; nam omnia historica Verbi, aeque ac prophetica, sunt repraesentativa talium quae ecclesiae sunt; per "Baalem", cui servivit, et cui erexit altare, significatur cultus ex malis amoris sui et mundi; per "lucum", quem fecit, significatur cultus ex falsis inde; per "quod occiderit prophetas Jehovae" significatur destructio ecclesiae quoad sua vera; per "quod etiam occidere vellet Eliam" significatur quod annihilare vellet Verbum, nam hoc Elias repraesentavit; per "vineam, quam per falsos testes abstulit Nabotho" significatur falSificatio veri et adulteratio boni; per propheticum Eliae "quod canes illam comederent", significatur immundities et profanatio; per "quod dejecta sit e fenestra", et per "quod aspersum sit e sanguine ejus ad parietem et ad equos qui conculcaverunt eam", significatur sors illorum qui tales sunt; qualis sors illorum fit, constare potest ex singulis ibi in sensu interno. Ex his videri potest quod non alia Isabel intelligatur per "mulierem Isabelem dicentem se prophetissam", quam Isabel uxor Achabi, de qua in Verbo; et quod per illam describantur illi qui in doctrina omnium falsorum sunt ex jucundis amorum sui et mundi.

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