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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 190

190. (Verse 3) Remember, therefore, how thou hast received and heard, and take heed. That this signifies the remembrance of what the Lord teaches in the Word, and attention to it, is evident from the fact that, in what is written to the angel of this church, the subject treated of is those whose life is merely moral, and not spiritual; but of these it is now said, that they should procure to themselves spiritual life, in order that the moral life may be quickened, which is signified by the words just preceding be wakeful, and strengthen the things that remain, which are about to die. From this it is evident that by remember, therefore, how thou hast received and heard, and take heed is signified remembrance of what the Lord teaches in the Word, and attention. By taking heed is signified attention, as is the case with those who are in the spiritual affection of truth; for such persons, when they read the Word, do not see it from the doctrine of the church in which they are born, but they see it as if they were separated from that doctrine, because they desire to be enlightened, and to see truths inwardly in themselves, and not from others. Those who are in such a state are enlightened by the Lord, and it is granted to them to form to themselves doctrine from the truths which they themselves see; this doctrine also is implanted in them, and remains in their spirit to eternity.

[2] But those who read the Word from the doctrine which they receive from others, cannot see truths from the light of their own spirit, thus not inwardly in themselves, but out of themselves; for they believe it to be true because others have seen it, and therefore they attend only to such things as serve for confirmation, other things they either pass by as if they did not see them, or draw them to the side of things which their doctrine dictates. That these cannot be enlightened, any one may see; for they only lay up matters in the memory of their natural man for the purpose of confirmation; from these they afterwards speak. This is why these persons remain natural, and do not become spiritual; since, in order that he may become spiritual, a man must fill his spirit with truths from the Word; and this can only be effected by his being desirous of knowing truth from the Word, and being delighted with it when he sees and perceives it; this is the spiritual affection of truth, concerning which we have frequently spoken before. This, now, is what is meant in the spiritual sense, by Remember, therefore, how thou hast received and heard, and take heed. (That it is the part of a wise man to see and perceive truth from the light of heaven, but not to confirm what is said by others, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 1017, 4741, 7012, 7680, 7950. That to see and perceive truth from the light of heaven is only given to those who love truth because it is truth, and who are therefore in the spiritual affection of truth, n. 8521; that the light of confirmation is natural light, and not spiritual, which can exist also with the evil, n. 8780.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 190

190. Verse 3. Remember, therefore, how thou hast received and heard, and take heed, signifies recalling to mind what the Lord teaches in the Word and attention. This is evident from this, that what is written to the angel of this church treats of those who are in a moral, and not in a spiritual life; and these are here told to acquire for themselves spiritual life, that their moral life may be made alive, which is signified by the words just preceding, "Be wakeful, and confirm the things remaining that are about to die;" from which it can be seen that "Remember, therefore, how thou hast received and heard, and take heed," signifies recalling to mind what the Lord teaches in the Word, and attention. "To take heed" signifies attention, as it is with those who are in the spiritual affection of truth; for when these read the Word they do not look at it from the doctrine of the church in which they are born, but they look at it as if they were separated from that doctrine; for their wish is to be illustrated, and to see truths inwardly in themselves, and not from others. Those who are in such a state are illustrated by the Lord, and it is granted to them to make doctrine for themselves out of the truths that they see; and this doctrine is implanted in them, and abides in their spirit to eternity.

[2] But those who read the Word from the doctrine received from others are not able to see truths in the light of their own spirit, thus not inwardly in themselves, but only outside of themselves; for they think that a thing is true because others have seen it, and therefore they attend only to what corroborates it; other things they pass by as if not seen, or they bring them over to the support of what their doctrine declares. Such as these cannot be illustrated, as anyone can see; for they only store up confirmations in the memory, which belongs to their natural man, and from this memory they henceforth speak; consequently they stay natural as before, and do not become spiritual; for to become spiritual is to imbue one's spirit with truths from the Word; and the spirit is not imbued with truths except as it desires to know truth wherever it is in the Word, and delights in it when it sees and perceives it; this affection is the spiritual affection of truth, that has been so often spoken of before. This, then, is what is meant in the spiritual sense by "Remember, therefore, how thou hast received and heard, and take heed." (That it is the part of a wise man to see and perceive truth from the light of heaven, but not to confirm what others may say, see Arcana Coelestia 1017, 4741, 7012, 7680, 7950; that to see and perceive truth from the light of heaven is granted only to those that love truth because it is truth, and are therefore in the spiritual affection of truth, n. 8521; that the light of confirmation is not spiritual but natural light, which also the evil may have, n. 8780)

Apocalypsis Explicata 190 (original Latin 1759)

190. (Vers. 3.) "Memento igitur quomodo acceperis et audieris, et observa." - Quod significet recordationem quid Dominus in Verbo docet, et attentionem, constare potest ex eo, quod in scriptis ad Angelum hujus Ecclesiae agatur de illis qui in morali vita et non in spirituali sunt; de his autem nunc ut sibi comparent spiritualem vitam ut vivificetur moralis, quod significatur per mox praecedentia verba, "Esto vigilans et confirma reliqua moritura"; ex quibus constare potest, quod per "Memento igitur quomodo acceperis et audieris, et observa" significetur recordatio quid Dominus in Verbo docet, et attentio. Per "observare" significatur attentio, qualis est illis qui in affectione veri spirituali sunt; hi enim cum legunt Verbum, non vident illud ex doctrina ecclesiae ubi nati, sed vident illud quasi separati ab illa; nam volunt illustrari, et intus in se videre vera, et non ab aliis. Qui in eo statu sunt, illi illustrantur a Domino, et datur illis doctrinam sibi facere ex veris quae ipsi vident; quae etiam doctrina illis implantatur, et manet in spiritu eorum in aeternum.

[2] At qui ex doctrina quae ex aliis, legunt Verbum, illi non possunt videre vera ex luce sui spiritus, ita non intus in se sed extra se; cogitant enim quod verum sit quia alii id viderunt, et ideo solum ad confirmantia attendunt; cetera vel praetereunt sicut non videant, vel trahunt in partem illorum quae dictat doctrina. Quod hi illustrari nequeant, quisque videre potest; modo enim reponunt confirmantia in memoria quae est naturalis sui hominis, ex qua dein loquuntur: inde est quod hi maneant naturales sicut prius, et non fiant spirituales; nam spiritualis fieri est imbuere ipsum suum spiritum veris ex Verbo; et spiritus non imbuitur aliter quam ut desideret scire verum ubicunque est in Verbo, ac delectetur eo cum videt id et cum percipit id; haec affectio est affectio veri spiritualis, de qua toties prius dictum est. Hoc nunc est, quod in sensu spirituali intelligitur per "Memento quomodo acceperis et audieris, et observa." (Quod sapientis sit videre et percipere verum ex luce caeli, non autem confirmare quod ab aliis dictum est, videatur n. 1017, 4741, 7012, 7680, 7950. Quod videre et percipere verum ex luce caeli solum detur apud illos qui amant verum quia est verum, proinde qui in affectione veri spirituali sunt, n. 8521. Quod lux confirmationis sit lux naturalis et non spiritualis, dabilis etiam apud malos, n. 8780.)

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