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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 218

218. That no one take thy crown. That this signifies lest intelligence perish is evident from the signification of a crown, as denoting wisdom (concerning which see above, n. 126), in this case, intelligence, because those who are in spiritual love, or charity, and thence in faith, are in intelligence, but those who are in celestial love, or love to the Lord, and thence in the perception of truth, are in wisdom. The reason why by that no one take thy crown, is signified lest intelligence perish, is, because evils and falsities therefrom take away man's intelligence; for intelligence is from truth, and this is taken away from man by evil spirits when he is in evils, because he is then associated with them, and what is thus taken away perishes.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 218

218. That no one take thy crown, signifies lest intelligence should perish. This is evident from the signification of "crown," as meaning wisdom (of which see above, n. 126, here intelligence, because those who are in spiritual love or in charity and faith therefrom, are in intelligence; while those who are in celestial love, or in love to the Lord, and in the perception of truth therefrom, are in wisdom. "That no one take thy crown" signifies lest intelligence should perish, since evils and falsities therefrom take away man's intelligence; for intelligence pertains to truth, and this is taken away from man by evil spirits when he is in evils, because he is then associated with them; and what is thus taken away perishes.

Apocalypsis Explicata 218 (original Latin 1759)

218. "Ut nemo accipiat coronam tuam." (Quod significet ne pereat intelligentia, ) constat ex significatione "coronae", quod sit sapientia (de qua supra, n. 126); hic intelligentia, quoniam illi qui in amore spirituali sunt, seu in charitate et inde fide, in intelligentia sunt; illi autem qui in amore caelesti seu in amore in Dominum sunt et inde in perceptione veri, in sapientia sunt. Quod per "ut nemo recipiat coronam tuam" significetur ne pereat intelligentia, est quia mala et inde falsa auferunt intelligentiam homini: intelligentia enim est veri; haec aufertur homini a malis spiritibus cum homo in malis est, quoniam illis tunc associatur; et quod sic aufertur, hoc perit.

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