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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 224

224.And my new name. That this signifies, that they will also acknowledge the Divine Human of the Lord, is evident from the signification of I will write upon him My new name, as being the acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine Human. To write upon any one denotes to implant in the life (as may be seen above, n. 1:1, 2, 3, 10, 14).

From these considerations it is evident why it is that by the name of Jehovah is meant the Lord's Divine Human. That this is meant in the Word by the name of Jehovah, the Lord Himself shows in John:

Jesus said, "Father, glorify thy name; and there came a voice from heaven, saying, I both have glorified it, and will glorify it again" (12:28).

To glorify is to make Divine. And again:

Jesus said, "I have manifested thy name unto men. I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it" (17:6, 26).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 224

224. And My new name, signifies that they will also acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human. This is evident from the signification of "I will write upon him My new name," as being that they will acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human. "To write upon one" is to implant in the life (See above, n. John 1:1-3, 10, 14).

From this it can be seen why "the name of Jehovah" means the Lord's Divine Human. That this is meant in the Word by "the name of Jehovah" the Lord Himself shows in John:

Jesus said, Father, glorify Thy name. And there came a voice out of heaven, saying, I have glorified it, and will glorify it again (John 12:28).

To "glorify" is to make Divine. In the same:

Jesus said, I have manifested Thy name unto men, and I have made known unto them Thy name, and will make it known (John 17:6, 26).

Apocalypsis Explicata 224 (original Latin 1759)

224. "Et nomen meum novum." - Quod significet quod etiam agnituri Divinum Humanum Domini, constat ex significatione "scribere super illum nomen meum novum", quod sit quod agnituri Divinum Humanum Domini: "scribere super illum" est implantare vitae (videatur supra, n. 222), hic implantare fidei ex charitate, quia de illa fide in scriptis ad Angelum hujus Ecclesiae agitur (videatur supra, n. 203); et implantare illi fidei est agnoscere corde.

Quod "nomen Domini novum" sit Divinum Humanum Ipsius, est quia in libro hoc prophetico, qui Apocalypsis vocatur, agitur de illis qui in Nova Hierosolyma erunt, et de illis qui non erunt, ac non de successivis statibus ecclesiae, ut creditur (videatur supra, n. 5); ac illi qui in Nova Hierosolyma erunt, omnes agnituri sunt Divinum Humanum Domini: quare etiam in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae ultimo dicitur,

"Quod Trinum in Domino sit, nempe ipsum Divinum, Divinum Humanum, et Divinum procedens, est arcanum e caelo, et pro illis qui in sancta Hierosolyma erunt" (n. 297 ibi).

Quod hoc sit "nomen Domini novum", constare potest ex eo, quod non prius in ecclesia agnitum fuerit. Quid porro per "nomen Jehovae", "Domini", et "Jesu Christi" in Verbo intelligitur, videatur supra (n. 26, 102, 135, 148); et quod intelligatur Divinum Humanum Domini (n. 26 et. 102): quod hoc per "nomen Jehovae" intelligatur, est causa quia "nomen" in Verbo significat quale status et rei (videatur supra, n. 148); et quale Divinum per quod omnia creata sunt et fiunt in caelis et in terris, est Divinum Humanum Domini, sicut etiam dicitur apud Johannem,

"In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat. Verbum;... et omnia per Ipsum facta sunt, et absque Eo factum est nihil quod factum est et mundus per Ipsum factus est Et Verbum Caro factum est, et habitavit inter nos, et vidimus gloriam Ipsius, gloriam ut Unigeniti a Patre, plenus gratia et veritate (1:1-3, 10, 14);

ex his constare potest unde est quod per "nomen Jehovae" intelligatur Divinum Humanum Domini. Quod hoc intellectum sit in Verbo per "nomen Jehovae", manifestat Ipse Dominus apud Johannem,

Jesus dixit, "Pater glorifica nomen tuum; et venit vox e caelo dicens, Et glorificavi et rursus glorificabo" (12:28);

"glorificare" est Divinum facere: et apud eundem,

Jesus dixit, "Manifestavi tuum nomen hominibus;... et notum feci illis nomen tuum, et notum faciam" (17 [6,] 26).

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