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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 241

241. (Matthew 5:18) I counsel thee. That this signifies the means of reformation of those who hold the doctrine of faith alone, is evident from the things that now follow; for the reformation of those who are in that doctrine is now treated of; hence, I counsel thee, involves precepts how they ought to live in order that they may be reformed, and so be saved.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 241

241. Verse 18. I counsel thee, signifies the means of reformation of those who are in the doctrine of faith alone. This is evident from what now follows, for the reformation of those who are in that doctrine is now treated of; therefore "I counsel thee" implies precepts as to how such must live that they may be reformed and thus saved.

Apocalypsis Explicata 241 (original Latin 1759)

241. (Vers. 18.) "Suadeo tibi." - Quod significet medium reformationis illorum qui iii doctrina de sola fide, constat ex illis quae nunc sequuntur, nam agitur nunc de reformatione eorum qui in illa doctrina sunt; inde "Suadeo tibi" involvit praecepta quomodo illi victuri ut reformentur, et sic salventur.

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