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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 247

247. Be zealous therefore, and repent. That this signifies that they may have charity is evident from the signification of being zealous as being to act from spiritual affection, for this is zeal in the spiritual sense; and because charity is that affection itself, therefore it is said, be zealous and repent, by which is signified that they may have charity. Moreover, no one is let into spiritual temptation, unless he is in the spiritual affection that is called charity; for unless he is in that, there is no combat with falsities and evils, because no zeal for truths and goods. Because by temptation not only are evils mastered and falsities removed, but also in their place truths are implanted, and these are conjoined with the good of charity, so that they become one; therefore by being zealous and repenting, is signified that they may have charity.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 247

247. Be zealous, therefore, and repent, signifies that they must have charity. This is evident from the signification of "being zealous," as being to act from spiritual affection, for this affection is zeal in the spiritual sense; and as charity is this affection itself, it is said, "be zealous and repent," which signifies that they must have charity. Moreover, no one is let into spiritual temptation unless he is in spiritual affection, which is called charity; for unless he is in that, no combat arises with falsities and evils, because there is no zeal in behalf of truths and goods. Since by temptation not only are evils subdued and falsities removed, but also truths are implanted in their place, and these are so conjoined with the good of charity as to be one with it, therefore to "be zealous and repent" signifies that they must have charity.

Apocalypsis Explicata 247 (original Latin 1759)

247. "Zelo age ergo, et resipisce.' – Quod significet ut sit illis charitas, constat ex significatione "zelo agere", quod sit ex affectione spirituali, haec enim est zelus in spirituali sensu; et quia charitas est ipsa illa affectio, ideo dicitur "Zelo age et resipisce", et per id significatur ut sit illis charitas. Praeterea nemo in tentationem spiritualem immittitur nisi sit in affectione spirituali quae charitas vocatur; nisi in illa sit, non existit aliqua pugna cum falsis et malis, quia nulla est zelus pro veris et pro bonis. Quia per tentationem non solum domantur mala et removentur falsa, sed etiam loco illorum implantantur vera, et haec conjunguntur cum bono charitatis usque ut sint unum, ideo per "Zelo age et resipisce" significetur ut sit illis charitas.

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