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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 317

317. And seven eyes. That this signifies, who has omniscience, is evident from the signification of seven eyes, when said of the Lord, as denoting omniscience; for eyes, when said of man, signify the understanding; wherefore, when said of the Lord, they signify omniscience. That eyes, when said of man, signify the understanding, and when said of the Lord, Providence, as also the Divine Wisdom and Intelligence, which is omniscience, may be seen above, n. 152. Seven eyes are mentioned, because seven signifies all, and is said of what is holy, as [has been shown] above.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 317

317. And seven eyes, signifies and who has omniscience. This is evident from the signification of "seven eyes" as being, in reference to the Lord, omniscience; for as "eyes" in reference to man signify the understanding, so in reference to the Lord they signify omniscience. That "eyes" in reference to man signify the understanding, and in reference to the Lord providence, as also Divine wisdom and intelligence, which is omniscience, see above, n. 152. "Seven eyes" are mentioned, because "seven" signifies all things, and is predicated of what is holy (as above).

Apocalypsis Explicata 317 (original Latin 1759)

317. "Et oculos septem." - Quod significet et cui omniscientia, constat ex significatione "oculorum septem", cum de Domino, quod sint omniscientia; per "oculos" enim, cum de homine, significatur intellectus; quare cum de Domino, significatur omniscientia.

Quod "oculi", cum de homine, significent intellectum, et cum de Domino, providentiam, ut et Divinam Sapientiam et Intelligentiam, quae est omniscientia, videatur supra (n. 152): "septem oculi" dicuntur, quia "septem" significant omnia, et praedicantur de sancto (ut supra).

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