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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 382

382.And he that sat upon him. That this signifies the Word, is plain from the things said and shown above (n. 373). Its being said that his name was Death, does not imply that the Word in itself is death, but [that it appears so] in the presence of those who are in evils and the falsities thence; for such persons see and perceive in it nothing of truth and good, thus nothing of spiritual life. Therefore, it is according to the appearance and perception of those who are of such a quality, that his name who sat upon the pale horse is called Death; for the Word appears to every one according to his quality, - as life to those who are in good and truth, but as death to those who are in evils and falsities. It is the same with the Lord Himself, who is the Word; He also appears to every one according to his quality, - as a fire and as light vivifying and recreating to those who are in good and the truths thence, but as a consuming fire, and as thick darkness, to those who are in evil and the falsities thence (see n. 934 end, 1861 end, 6832, 8814, 8819, 9434, 10551). Hence also to those who are in evil and the falsities thence, the Lord appears to be angry, to punish, to condemn, and to cast into hell, although He is never angry, nor does he punish, condemn, or cast into hell, but saves in proportion as man applies himself; for He is very Good and Truth, He is Love itself and Mercy itself. It is the same with this passage, where it is said that the name of him that sat upon the pale horse is Death. (The rest [of the explanation] of this circumstance may be seen in the passage cited above, n. 373.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 382

382. And he that sat upon him, signifies the Word. This is evident from what has been said and shown above n. 373. Its being said that "his name was Death" does not mean that the Word in itself is death, but only before those who are in evils and falsities therefrom, for such persons see and perceive in the Word nothing of truth and good, thus nothing of spiritual life; consequently before such as these it is according to appearance and perception that his name that sat upon the pale horse is "Death." For the Word appears to everyone according to his quality, as life to those who are in good and truth, but as death to those who are in evils and falsities. It is similar with the Lord Himself, who is the Word; He too appears to everyone according to his quality; to those who are in goods and truths therefrom He appears as a fire and as light vivifying and recreating, but to those who are in evils and in falsities therefrom He appears as a consuming fire and as thick darkness (See Arcana Coelestia 934, 1861 end, 6832, 8814, 8819, 9434, 10551). And for the same reason to those who are in evil and in falsities therefrom the Lord appears to be angry, to punish, to condemn, and to cast into hell, when yet He is never angry, never punishes, or condemns, or casts into hell, but saves so far as man applies himself; for the Lord is good itself and truth itself, He is love itself and mercy itself. The like is true of this passage, where it is said that the name of the one that sat on the pale horse is "Death." (On this more may be seen cited above, n. 373)

Apocalypsis Explicata 382 (original Latin 1759)

382. "Et sedens super illo." - Quod significet Verbum, constat ex illis quae supra (n. 373) dicta et ostensa sunt; quod dicatur quod "nomen illi mors", non est quod Verbum in se sit mors, sed coram illis qui in malis et inde falsis sunt, illi enim nihil veri et boni inibi vident et percipiunt, ita nihil vitae spiritualis; quare secundum apparentiam et perceptionem coram illis qui tales sunt, nomen sedentis super equo pallido vocatur "mors." Verbum enim cuivis apparet secundum ejus quale; ut vita illis qui in bono et vero sunt, at ut mors illis qui in malis et falsis. Simile est cum Ipso Domino, qui est Verbum; Ipse etiam apparet cuivis secundum quale ejus; ut ignis et lux vivificans et recreans illis qui in bono et inde veris sunt, sed ut ignis consumens ac ut caligo illis qui in malo et inde falsis sunt (videatur n. 934 fin. , 1861 fin. , 6832, 8814, 8819, 9434, 10551): quapropter etiam apparet Dominus illis qui in malo et inde falsis sunt, sicut quod irascatur, puniat, condemnet, dejiciat in infernum; cum tamen nusquam irascitur, nec punit, condemnat ac dejicit in infernum, sed salvat quantum homo se applicat; est enim ipsum Bonum et Verum, est ipse Amor ac ipsa Misericordia. Simile est cum hoc, quod dicatur quod "nomen sedenti super equo pallido sit mors." (Reliqua de hac re videantur in loco supra citato, n. 373.)

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