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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 398

398. Verses 12-14. And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, as a fig-tree shaken of a mighty wind casteth her unripe figs. And the heaven departed as a scroll rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal," signifies prediction still further [concerning the state] of the church:

"and lo, there was a great earthquake," signifies the state of the church entirely changed; "and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood," signifies that all the good of love was separated, and thence all the truth of faith falsified.

"And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth," signifies that the knowledges of good and truth perished; "as a fig-tree shaken of a mighty wind casteth her unripe figs," signifies, which the natural man has laid waste by reasonings.

"And the heaven departed as a scroll rolled together," signifies that the spiritual man became closed; "and every mountain and island were moved out of their places," signifies that all the good of love and all the truth of faith would perish.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 398

398. Verses 12-14. And I saw when he had opened the sixth seal, and behold there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, as a fig-tree casteth her unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll rolled up; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

12. "And I saw when he had opened the sixth seal," signifies still further prediction respecting the state of the church (n. 399); "and behold there was a great earthquake" signifies the state of the church entirely changed n. 400; "and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood," signifies that all the good of love was separated, and thence all truth of faith falsified n. 401.

13. "And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth," signifies that the knowledges of good and truth perished (n. 402); "as a fig-tree casteth her unripe figs when shaken by a great wind," signifies which knowledges the natural man has laid waste by reasonings (n. 403).

14. "And the heaven departed as a book rolled up," signifies that the spiritual man became closed up (n. 404); "and every mountain and island were moved out of their places," signifies that every good of love and every truth of faith perished (n. 405, 406).

Apocalypsis Explicata 398 (original Latin 1759)

398. VERSUS 12-14.

"Et vidi cvm apervisset sigillum sextum, et ecce terrae motus magnus factus est; et sol factus est niger tanquam saccus cilicinus, et luna facta est tanquam sanguis. Et stellae caeli ceciderunt in terram, sicut ficus dejicit grossos suos a magno ento concussa. Et caelum absaessit tanquam liber convolutus; et omnis mons et insula e locis suis emota sunt."

12. "Et vidi cum aperuisset sigillum sextum", significat praedictionem (de statu) ecclesiae adhuc ulteriorum (n. 399); "et ecce terrae motus magnus factus est", significat statum ecelesiae prorsus immutatum (n. 400); "et sol factus est niger tanquam saccus cilicinus, et luna facta est tanquam sanguis", significat omne bonum amoris disparatum sit, et inde omne verum fidei falsificatum (n. 401).

13. "Et stellae caeli ceciderunt in te, nam", significat quod cognitiones boni et veri perierint (n. 402); "sicut ficus dejicit grossos suos a magno vento concussa", significat quas naturalit homo per ratiocinationes depopulatus est (n. 403).

14. "Et caelum abscessit tanquam liber convolutus", significat quod spiritualis homo occlusus sit (n. 404); "et omnis mons et insula e locis suis emota 1

sunt", significat quod omne bonum amoris et verum fidei perierit (n. 405, 406).


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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