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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 416

416. And after these things I saw. That this signifies new perception concerning the state of heaven before the Last Judgment, is evident from what follows in this chapter, where, the separation of the good from the evil is treated of. For before a last judgment takes place, the good are separated from the evil by the Lord, and led away; and since such things are involved in the things seen, therefore they are signified here by after these things I saw."

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 416

416. Verse 1. And after these things I saw, signifies a new perception as to the state of heaven before the Last Judgment. This is evident from what follows in this chapter, which treats of the separation of the good from the evil; for before the Last Judgment occurs the good are separated from the evil by the Lord, and are led away; and because this is involved in the things that were seen, so all this is here signified by "after these things I saw."

Apocalypsis Explicata 416 (original Latin 1759)

416. (Vers. 1.) "Et post haec vidi." - Quod significet novam perceptionem de statu caeli ante ultimum judicium, constat ex sequentibus in hoc capite, in quibus agitur de separatione bonorum a malis; nam antequam ultimum judicium supervenit, separantur boni a malis, a Domino, et abducuntur; et quia ea quae visa sunt involvunt illa, ideo hic per "post haec vidi" omnia illa significantur.

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