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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 441

441. It has been shewn that the tribe of Asher signifies charity towards the neighbour, which is the spiritual internal itself of those who are in the second or middle heaven, and that the tribe of Manasseh signifies the good of life, which is the external spiritual flowing from their internal spiritual. But temptation which is signified by the tribe of Napthali, is the uniting medium, for the internal and external are united by means of temptations. The signification of these three tribes in their order is evident from what has been stated. It is to be observed, that both men and angels must have the internal and the external in harmony with each other, in order to be in heaven. No one can be in heaven who is in one only, that is to say in the internal alone or in the external alone. For the internal is as the soul, and the external as the body; the soul cannot act except by means of the body, nor can the body act except from the soul. Therefore the internal lies impotent and dead as it were, unless the external correspond, or be correspondently harmonious with it, for there must be an external in which, and by means of which, action takes place; just as the soul acts in and by means of its body; and the external, unless there be all internal to which it corresponds, lies, as though dead, for there must be an internal from which the external may act. These things are said to shew that Asher signifies the internal, and Manasseh, the corresponding external; as also above that Judah signifies the internal, and Gad the corresponding external. The case is the same in everything. Therefore man has an internal and an external, the internal being that which is called his Spiritual, and the external that which is called his Natural; the one conjoins itself with the other by correspondences; according to the quality, therefore, of the one, such is that of the other, and everything that does not make one with the other by correspondences, is dissipated and perishes.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 441

441. It has been shown that "the tribe of Asher" signifies charity towards the neighbor, which is the spiritual internal itself of those who are in the second or middle heaven, and that "the tribe of Manasseh" signifies the good of life, which is the spiritual external that flows from their spiritual internal; while temptation, which is signified by "the tribe of Naphtali," is the uniting medium, for the internal and external are united by means of temptations. This makes clear what these three tribes involve in their order. It is to be known, that there must be with man and with angel, that they may be in heaven, both an internal and an external in accord with each other. It is impossible for anyone to be in only one of these and be in heaven; that is, in the internal only or in the external only; for the internal is like the soul, and the external like the body; the soul can effect nothing except by means of the body, nor can the body effect anything except from the soul; so the internal, unless the external corresponds or is correspondently concordant, lies powerless and as it were lifeless, for there must be an external in 1and through which the internal must work, as the soul works in and through its body; likewise the external, unless there is an internal corresponding to it, lies as if dead, for there must be an internal from which the external must work. This has been said to make known that "Asher" signifies the internal, and "Manasseh" the corresponding external; as also above, "Judah" signifies the internal, and "Gad" the corresponding external. 2It is similar in everything; therefore in man there is an internal and an external, an internal called his spiritual, and an external called his natural, one conjoining itself with the other by correspondences; therefore of what quality the one is such is the other, and everything that does not make one with the other by correspondences is dissipated and perishes.


1. The photolithograph has "out of" for "in. "

2. The photolithograph has "internal."

Apocalypsis Explicata 441 (original Latin 1759)

441. Ostensum est quod per "tribum Ascheris" significetur charitas erga proximum, quae est ipsum spirituale internum eorum qui in secundo seu medio caelo sunt, et quod per "tribum Menassis" significetur bonum vitae, quod est spirituale externum fluens ex spirituali interno eorum; tentatio autem, quae per "tribum Naphthali" significatur, est medium uniens, internum enim et externum uniuntur per tentationes: ex his patet quid tres hae tribus in suo ordine involvunt. Sciendum est quod utrumque tam internum quam externum, unum cum altero concordans, erit apud hominem et apud angelum ut in caelo sit; non potest aliquis solum in uno esse, et in caelo; nempe solum in interno, aut solum in externo: internum enim est sicut anima et externum sicut corpus; anima nihil potest operari nisi per corpus, et corpus nihil potest operari nisi ex anima; quare internum, nisi externum correspondet seu correspondenter concordat, jacet invalidum et sicut exstinctum; externum enim erit 1

in quo et per quod operabitur, sicut anima in suo corpore et per illud; et externum, nisi internum sit cui correspondeat, jacet sicut mortuum, internum enim erit ex quo operabitur externum. Haec dicta sunt ut sciatur quod per "Ascherem" significetur internum, et per "Menaschen" externum correspondens; ut quoque supra, quod per "Jehudam" significetur internum, et per "Gadem" 2

externum correspondens. Simile est in omni re; quare in homine est internum et externum, internum quod ejus spirituale vocatur, et externum quod ejus naturale; unum se conjungit cum altero per correspondentias; inde quale unum est, tale est alterum, et omne quod non per correspondentias unum facit cum altero, dissipatur et perit.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.
2. The editors made a correction or note here.

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