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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 446

446. Verse 8. Of the tribe of Zebulun were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand. "Of the tribe of Zebulun were sealed twelve thousand," signifies the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the third heaven. "Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand," signifies the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the second heaven. "Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand," signifies the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the ultimate heaven.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 446

446. Verse8. Of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand sealed; of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand sealed; of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand sealed.

8. "Of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand sealed," signifies the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the third heaven (n. 447); "of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand sealed," signifies the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the second heaven (n. 418); "of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand sealed," signifies the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the lowest heaven (n. 449).

Apocalypsis Explicata 446 (original Latin 1759)

446. Versus 8. "ex tribu Sebulonis duodecim millia signati; ex tribu Josephi duodecim millia signati; ex tribu Benjaminis duodecim millia signati."

8. "Ex tribu Sebulonis duodecim millia signati", significat conjunctionem illorum qui in tertio caelo cum Domino [n. 447] ; "ex tribu Josephi duodecim millia signati", significat conjunctionem illorum qui in secundo caelo cum Domino [n. 448] ; "ex tribu Benjaminis duodecim millia signati" Significat conjunctionem illorum qui in ultimo caelo cum Domino [n. 449] .

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