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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 473

473. And I said unto him, Lord, thou knowest.- This signifies that it is known to the Lord alone, as is evident from the explanation above (n. 471), namely, that by one of the elders, who answered, and to whom it is now said, "Lord, thou knowest," is meant, out of heaven from the Lord. For whatever the angels said to men in the Word, they did not say it from themselves, but the Lord spoke through them, therefore also the angels who spoke are, throughout the Word, called Jehovah. For this reason the Word, even where it is spoken by the angels, is Divine; for no one, not even an angel, can of himself utter such Divine things as are contained in the Word, nor indeed any truth which is in itself Divine, but the Lord alone by means of them. From these things it is evident, that the words, "Lord, thou knowest," signify that it is known to the Lord alone.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 473

473. Verse 14. And I said unto him, Lord, thou knowest, signifies that the Lord alone knows this. This is evident from what has been said above n. 471; namely, that by "one of the elders" who answered, and to whom it is now said "Lord, thou knowest," is meant out of heaven from the Lord; for whatever in the Word is said to men by angels, is not said by the angels but by the Lord through them, for this reason here and there in the Word the angels that speak are called Jehovah; and for this reason the Word, even where it was spoken by angels, is Divine; for no one of himself, not even an angel, can speak such things as are Divine which are in the Word, nor in fact any truth which is in itself Divine; this the Lord only can do through the angels. This makes clear that "Lord, thou knowest," signifies that the Lord alone knows it.

Apocalypsis Explicata 473 (original Latin 1759)

473. [Vers. 14.] "Et dixi illi, Domine, tu nosti." - Quod significet quod solus Dominus id noverit, constare potest ex illis quae supra (n. 471) dicta sunt, quod nempe per "unum ex senioribus", qui "respondit", et ad quem nunc dicitur, "Domine, tu nosti", intelligatur e caelo a Domino; nam quicquid angeli locuti sunt ad homines in Verbo, non illi locuti sunt, sed Dominus per illos; quare etiam angeli qui locuti sunt passim ibi vocantur "Jehovah"; et inde est quod Verbum, etiam id angeli locuti sunt, sit Divinum; nullus enim, nec angelus, ex se potest loqui tale Divinum quod in Verbo est, et ne quidem aliquod verum quod in se est Divinum, sed solus Dominus per illos; ex his constare potest quod per "Domine, tu nosti", significetur quod solus Dominus id noverit.

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