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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 492

492. And there were given unto him many incenses.- That this signifies truths in abundance, is evident from the signification of incenses, as denoting the truths of spiritual good; and from the signification of many, as denoting abundance of truths; for multitude is used in the Word in reference to truths, and magnitude to good. The reason why incenses signify truths is, that offerings of incense represented worship from spiritual good, and frankincense signified that good, as shown in the article above, therefore incenses from frankincense represented the things which thence proceed, and the things which proceed from that good are truths. For it is that good which thinks truths, and speaks them, that is to say, man does so from that good. Spiritual good is also formed in man by means of truths; for truth with man becomes spiritual good when he lives according to it, as may be seen above (n. 458:1); and that thus spiritual good is in its essence truth, see also above (n. 376). But concerning the offerings of incense and their significations see n. 324, where the subject is treated of.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 492

492. And there was given unto him much incense, signifies truths in abundance. This is evident from the signification of "incense," as being the truths of spiritual good; also from the signification of "much," as being an abundance of truths, for "multitude" is predicated in the Word of truths, and "magnitude" of good. "Incense" signifies truths, because the offerings of incense represented worship from spiritual good, and "frankincense" signified that good, as was shown in the article above; therefore "incense-offerings" of frankincense represented what proceeds from that good, and truths are what proceed from that good; for truths are what that good, that is, what man from that good, thinks and speaks. Moreover, spiritual good is formed in man by means of truths; for truth becomes spiritual good with man when he lives according to it (See above, n. 458; thus spiritual good is in its essence truth (See also above, n. 376. But offerings of incense and their signification have been further treated of above n. 324, which see.

Apocalypsis Explicata 492 (original Latin 1759)

492. "Et dati sunt illi suffitus multi." - Quod significet vera in abundantia, constat ex significatione "suffituum", quod sint vera boni spiritualis; et ex significatione "multorum", quod sit abundantia verorum, multitudo enim in Verbo praedicatur de veris, et magnitudo de bono.

Quod "suffitus" significent vera, est quia per suffitiones repraesentabatur cultus ex bono spirituali, et per "thus" significabatur id bonum, ut in superiori articulo ostensum est; inde per suffitus ex thure repraesentabantur quae inde procedunt, et quae procedunt ex illo bono sunt vera; nam id bonum cogitat illa et loquitur illa, hoc est, homo ex illo bono. Est etiam bonum spirituale formatum apud hominem per vera; nam verum apud illum fit bonum spirituale quando is vivit secundum illud, videatur supra (n. 456 [a]); et quod sic bonum spirituale sit in sua essentia verum (etiam supra, n. 376 [a, b, e]); sed de suffitionibus et illarum significatione, actum est supra (n. 324), quae videantur.

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