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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 505

505. And they were cast upon the earth.- That this signifies progression towards the lower parts, where also the evil were, is evident from the signification of being cast upon the earth, said in reference to the hail and fire mingled with blood, for this took place when the first angel sounded, as denoting to proceed towards the lower parts, where the evil were gathered together, with whom also were some of the good. That progression towards the lower parts is signified, is because the changes and desolations, signified by the third part of the trees and all the green grass being burnt up, took place progressively towards the lower parts where the evil were, as stated above. The reason why these lower parts are here meant by the earth is, that those things were seen by John when he was in the spirit, that is, when he was in the spiritual world. For a man's spirit when its sight is opened to him, sees those things which are in the spiritual world, where there are mountains, hills, and valleys; there upon the mountains and hills are the angelic heavens, but those who have not yet been taken up into heaven are in the valleys below, where therefore the evil mingled with the good were at this time; therefore those valleys, which were below the mountains and hills, are here meant by the earth. Consequently by being cast upon the earth, signifies out of the heavens towards the lower parts. But when mountains, hills, and valleys, taken together, are called earths, then "earth" signifies the church there.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 505

505. And they were cast unto the earth, signifies progression towards the lower parts, where the evil were. This is evident from the signification of "being cast unto the earth," namely, "hail and fire mingled with blood," which was effected by "the first angel sounding," as being to advance towards the lower parts, where the evil were consociated, with whom also there were some of the good. This signifies progression towards the lower parts, because the changes and desolations that are signified by "the third part of the trees and all the green grass were burnt up," were effected progressively towards the lower parts where the evil were, as has been said above. "The earth" means here the lower parts, because these things were seen by John when he was in the spirit, that is, when he was in the spiritual world; for man's spirit, when it has its sight opened, sees the things that are in the spiritual world and in that world there are mountains, hills, and valleys, and upon the mountains and hills there are the angelic heavens, but in the valleys below are those who have not yet been taken up into heaven; on these, therefore, there were now the evil mixed with the good; wherefore these valleys that were below the mountains and hills are here meant by "the earth" (or land); so "to be cast unto the earth" means out of the heavens towards the lower parts. But when mountains, hills, and valleys taken together are called "the earth," then "the earth" signifies the church there.

Apocalypsis Explicata 505 (original Latin 1759)

505. "Et missa in terram." - Quod significet progressionem versus inferiora, ubi etiam mali, constat ex significatione "mitti in terram", nempe "grando et ignis mixta sanguine", quae facta sunt per quod "primus angelus clanxit", quod sit progredi versus inferiora, ubi consociati erant mali, cum quibus etiam aliqui boni. Quod significetur progressio versus inferiora, est quia mutationes et desolationes, quae significantur per quod "tertia pars arborum" ac quod "omne gramen viride" combusta sint, factae sunt progressive versus inferiora, ubi erant mali, ut supra memoratum est. Quod per "terram" hic intelligantur inferiora, est quia illa visa sunt Johanni quando in spiritu fuit, ita quando in mundo spirituali; nam spiritus hominis, dum visus ei apertus est, videt illa quae in mundo spirituali sunt; et ibi sunt montes, colles, valles; supra montibus et collibus ibi sunt caeli angelici, in vallibus autem infra sunt illi qui nondum in caelum sublati sunt; super illis itaque nunc erant mali mixti bonis; quare valles illae, quae infra montes et colles erant, hic intelliguntur per "terram": inde per "mitti in terram" significatur e caelis versus inferiora. At cum montes, colles, valles, simul sumpti vocantur terra, tunc per "terram" significatur eccleSia ibi.

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