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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 536

536. And to him was given the key of the well of the abyss.- That this signifies communication and conjunction with the hells, is evident from the signification of a key, which denotes opening, of which we shall speak presently and from the signification of the well of the abyss, which denotes the hells where and whence are the falsities of evils, of which we shall speak in the following articles. It is said, that the key of the well of the abyss was given to the star falling from heaven unto the earth, because the star, in this case, signifies the cognitions of truth from the Word falsified by applications to evils and the falsities thence; and the evils of falsity and the falsities of evil with man, open the hells where similar evils and falsities exist. But what is meant by opening the hells, will also be explained in the following article, for it is said, "And he opened the well of the abyss."

[2] It is from appearance in the spiritual world that a key signifies opening; for houses and chambers are there, also doors by which they enter, and locks and keys by which they are opened, and they all signify such things as are in man. The house itself corresponds to the interiors of his outer (animus) mind and his inner (mens) mind; similarly the chambers. The doors correspond to the communications between the interiors of the inner and the outer mind; and the key corresponds to admission to and opening from one part into the other. In a word, everything in the houses in which angels and spirits dwell, corresponds to particular things in them. Few spirits recognise (norunt) this, because few know (sciunt) anything of correspondences; for they are in them and therefore do not reflect upon them. The case is similar with man in the world, few know the qualities of their affections and thoughts because they are in them, and therefore do not reflect upon them, although they are innumerable, as is evident from the analytical particulars that have been discovered by many learned men, all of which are operations of the mind. From these facts it may be known, why a key is here mentioned, and why it signifies admission and opening.

[3] It has a similar signification in other passages in the Word; thus in Matthew:

Jesus said to Peter, "I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of the heavens" (16:19);

this is explained above (n. 22:21, 22), where the same is said concerning Eliakim, as also explained above (n. 1:18), of which above (n. 3:7); see above (n. 20:1, 2); this passage will be explained in the following pages.

So again, in Luke:

"Woe unto you lawyers! for ye take away the keys of heaven; ye enter not in yourselves, and them that are entering in ye hinder" (11:52).

They were called lawyers, who searched the scriptures, and taught how they were to be understood. And because the sacred Scripture, or the Word, is the means of communication, and thence conjunction with heaven, as stated in the article above, and because truths open the communication, and the goods of truth establish conjunction, whereas truths falsified, which in themselves are falsities of evil, cause disjunction, therefore it is said that they take away the keys of heaven, that is, that by means of truths they could open communication with heaven to those whom they taught. But because they perverted the Word by applying it to their own loves, and thence to false principles, it is therefore said, that they entered not themselves, and hindered those who were entering. From these things also it is evident, that the key which opened the well, signifies communication and conjunction with the hells by means of the falsities into which the truths of the Word are turned by those who falsify them in applying them to evils of life, and to the false principles thence conceived.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 536

536. And there was given unto him the key of the pit of the abyss, signifies communication and conjunction with the hells. This is evident from the signification of "key," which is opening (of which presently); and from the signification of "the pit of the abyss," as meaning the hells where and from which are the falsities of evil (of which in the following articles). It is said that the key of the pit of the abyss was given to "the star from heaven fallen unto the earth," because the "star" signifies the knowledges of truth from the Word falsified by application to evils and falsities therefrom; and the evils of falsity and the falsities of evil that are with man open the hells where there are like evils and falsities. But what is meant by opening the hells will also be explained in the following article, for immediately it is said, "and he opened the pit of the abyss."

[2] It is from the appearance in the spiritual world that a "key" signifies opening; in that world there are houses and chambers, there are doors through which there is entrance, and locks and keys by which they are opened, and every one of these things signifies such things as are with man. The house itself corresponds to the interiors of his disposition and mind; likewise the chambers; and the doors correspond to the communication between the interior things of the mind and disposition; and a "key" corresponds to the admission and opening from one part into another; in a word, each particular thing in a house in which angels and spirits dwell corresponds to the particular things within them. Few of the spirits know this, because few know anything about correspondences, for being in them they do not reflect upon them. It is the same as it is with men in the world; few of whom know what their affections and thoughts are, because being in them they thence do not reflect upon them, and yet they are innumerable, as can be seen from the results of mental analysis set forth by many of the learned, all which are operations of the mind. This makes clear why a "key" is mentioned, and that it signifies admission and opening.

[3] So elsewhere in the Word, as in Matthew:

Jesus said to Peter, I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of the heavens (Matthew 16:19).

(This may be seen explained above, n. Isaiah 22:20, 22), where the like is said of Eliakim (this, too, is explained above, n. Revelation 1:18). (Respecting this see above, n. Revelation 3:7). (See above, n. Revelation 20:1, 2). (This will be explained hereafter.)

And in Luke:

Woe unto you lawyers! For 1ye take away the keys of heaven; 2ye enter not in yourselves, and those entering in ye hinder (Luke 11:52).

Those were called "lawyers" who searched the Scriptures and taught how their contents must be understood; and as it is by means of the Sacred Scripture or the Word that there is communication and consequent conjunction with heaven, as was said in the article just above, and as truths are what open the communication, and the goods of truth are what constitute conjunction, while truths falsified, which in themselves are the falsities of evil, are what cause disjunction, so they are said "to take away the keys of heaven," that is, that they are able by means of truths to open communication with heaven to those whom they teach; but because they perverted the Word by applications to their loves and to false principles therefrom, therefore it is said, "Ye enter not in yourselves, and those entering in ye hinder." From this it can be seen that "the key that opened the pit" signifies communication and conjunction with the hells by means of the falsities into which the truths of the Word are turned by those who falsify them by applying them to the evils of life and to the false principles derived therefrom.


1. Latin "who," Greek "for."

2. Latin "heaven," Greek "knowledge."

Apocalypsis Explicata 536 (original Latin 1759)

536. "Et data ei clavis putei abyssi" - Quod significet communicationem et conjunctionem cum infernis, constat ex significatione "clavis", quod sit aperitio (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "putei abyssi", quod sint inferna ubi et unde falsa mali (de qua in sequentibus articulis). Quod dicatur quod "data sit stellae e caelo delapsae in terram clavis putei abyssi", est quia per "stellam" significantur cognitiones veri ex Verbo falsificatae per applicationes ad mala et inde falsa; et mala falsi et falsa mali, quae sunt apud hominem, aperiunt inferna ubi similia mala et falsa: sed quid per aperire inferna intelligitur, etiam dicetur in sequente articulo; nam mox dicitur, "et aperuit puteum abyssi."

[2] Quod "clavis" significet aperitionem, est ex apparentia in mundo spirituali: sunt ibi domus et conclavia; sunt januae per quas intrant, et sunt serae et claves per quas aperiuntur; et singula illa significant talia quae sunt apud hominem: ipsa domus correspondet interioribus quae ejus animi et mentis sunt, conclavia similiter; et januae correspondent communicationibus quae sunt inter interiora mentis et animi, et clavis correspondet admissioni et aperitioni ab una parte in alteram; verbo, singula domus, in qua habitant angeli et spiritus, correspondent singulis quae in illis. Pauci ex spiritibus id norunt, ex causa quia pauci sciunt aliquid de correspondentiis; sunt enim in illis, quare non reflectunt super illa. Se habet hoc sicut in mundo apud homines, quod pauci sciant quales sunt affectiones et cogitationes suae, quia sunt in illis, et inde non reflectunt super illas; cum tamen sunt innumerabilia, ut constare potest ex analyticis, quae a pluribus eruditis detecta sunt, quae omnia sunt operationes mentis. Ex his sciri potest unde est quod dicatur "clavis", et quod illa significet admissionem et aperitionem.

[3] Similiter alibi in Verbo:

- Ut apud Matthaeum,

Jesus dixit Petro, "Dabo, tibi claves regni caelorum" (16:19);

(quod explicatum videatur supra, n. 206): tum apud Esaiam (cap. Esaiam 22 1

20, 22), ubi de Eliakimo simile dicitur (quod etiam explicatum est supra, n. 206): ut et in Apocalypsi,

"Ego habeo claves inferni et mortis" (1:18);

(de quo supra, n. 86): alibi,

"Haec dicit Sanctus Verus, habens clavem Davidis, aperiens et nemo claudit, et claudens et nemo aperit" (Apocalypsis 3:7);

(de quibus supra, n. 205, 206): et alibi,

"Vidi angelum descendentem e caelo, qui habebat clavem abyssi, et catenam magnam super manu sua, et comprehendit draconem et vinxit illum mille annis" (20:1, 2);

(quae in sequentibus explicabuntur): et apud Lucam,

"Vae vobis legisperitis, 2

quia portatis claves caeli, ipsi non ingredimini, et ingredientes prohibetis" (11:52):

"legisperiti" dicti fuerunt qui scrutati sunt Scripturas, et docuerunt quomodo intelligenda sunt quae ibi; et quia Scriptura Sacra seu Verbum est per quod communicatio et inde conjunctio est cum caelo, ut in mox superiori articulo dictum est, et quia vera sunt quae aperiunt communicationem et bona veri quae faciunt conjunctionem, at vera falsificata, quae in se sunt falsa mali, quae disjunctionem, ideo dicitur quod "portent claves caeli", hoc est, quod per vera aperire possint communicationem cum caelo illis quos docent; at quia perverterunt Verbum per applicationes ad suos amores et inde ad principia falsa, ideo dicitur quod "non ipsi ingrederentur", et quod "ingredientes prohiberent." Ex his quoque constare potest quod "clavis quae aperuit puteum" significet communicationem et conjunctionem cum infernis per falsa in quae versa sunt vera Verbi ab illis qui falsificant illa applicando ad mala vitae, et ad principia falsa inde capta.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.
2. The editors made a correction or note here.

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