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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 554

554. And their faces were as the faces of men.- That this signifies that they appear to themselves as spiritual affections for truth, is evident from the signification of faces, as denoting the interiors of the mind and affection; see above (n. 412); and from the signification of man, as denoting the spiritual affection for truth, and thence intelligence and wisdom; see above (n. 280). And because faces are types of the interiors of man, they therefore signify the same as men themselves, namely, affections of truth. But in the present case it is said that they appear to themselves as affections for truth, and thence to be intelligent and wise, because it is stated of the locusts that their faces were seen as the faces of men.

[2] The locusts appeared with such faces, on account of the strong persuasive [power] which sensual men possess who are in falsities from evil, and who are signified by the locusts, the persuasive [power] itself presenting such appearance, but this only before themselves, and before such others as are also in falsities from evil, but not before the angels of heaven. The reason of this is, that the angels are in the light of heaven, and whatsoever they see, they see from that light; and the light of heaven, because it is Divine Truth, dissipates everything that is imaginative originating in the persuasive [power]. Sensual men appear to themselves to be such, because sensual men persuade themselves that they are in truths from good above others, although they are in falsities from evil; for they cannot view anything interiorly from heaven, but only outwardly from the world, and those who see from the world alone see only from an illusory light, from which they imagine themselves to be wiser and more intelligent than others, not knowing wherein intelligence and wisdom consist, and whence they come. It is from this persuasive faith that they believe themselves to be in the spiritual affection for truth, this therefore is signified by the faces of the locusts appearing like the faces of men.

[3] But these things must be illustrated by experience from the spiritual world. All in the heavens, are men as to their faces and the other parts of the body, for they are in the spiritual affection for truth, and the spiritual affection for truth is itself in form a man, because this affection is from the Lord, who is the only Man, and because from Him the entire heaven conspires to the human form; hence it is that the angels are the forms of their own affections, which also appear from their faces. But these things are amply explained in Heaven and Hell 59-102). But in hell, where all are external and sensual, because in falsities from evil, they also appear to themselves as men, even as to their faces, but only amongst their own; but when they are seen in the light of heaven, they appear as monsters, with horrible faces, and sometimes in place of the face only something hairy, or with a horrible grate of teeth, and sometimes ghastly pale, as though dead, in which there is not any living human faculty, for they are forms of hatred, revenge, and cruelty, in which there is spiritual death, because in opposition to the life which is from the Lord. That they appear amongst themselves with a face like men, is the result of fantasy and persuasion therefrom. Concerning these appearances see also in Heaven and Hell 553).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 554

554. And their faces as men's faces, signifies that they seem to themselves to be spiritual affections of truth. This is evident from the signification of "faces," as being the interiors of the mind and affection (of which above, n. 412; and from the signification of "man," as being the spiritual affection of truth, and thus intelligence and wisdom (of which above, n. 280; and as the face is a type of man's interiors, "faces" have the same signification as the men themselves, namely, the affections of truth, but here that they seem to themselves to be affections of truth, and thus intelligent and wise, because it is said of the locusts that their faces appeared "as men's faces."

[2] The locusts appeared with such a face because of the strong persuasiveness in which sensual men are who are in falsities from evil, and who are signified by "locusts;" the persuasiveness itself presents such an appearance, but only before themselves and before such others as are also in falsities from evil, but not before the angels of heaven; and for the reason that angels are in the light of heaven, and whatever they see they see from that light, and the light of heaven, being Divine truth, dissipates everything fantastic that comes from persuasiveness. Sensual men appear thus to themselves because sensual men persuade themselves that they are more in truths from good than others are, although they are in falsities from evil; for they are unable to look inwardly from heaven at anything, but only outwardly from the world; those who see from the world alone see only from a delusive light, from which they suppose themselves to be more intelligent and wiser than others, not knowing what intelligence and wisdom are, or what they are from. From this persuasive faith is their belief that they are in the spiritual affection of truth; this therefore is signified by "the faces of the locusts seemed to be as men's faces."

[3] But this must be illustrated by experience in the spiritual world. All who are in the heavens are men in respect both to the face and to the rest of the body, for they are in the spiritual affection of truth, and the spiritual affection of truth is itself a man in form, because that affection is from the Lord, who alone is Man, and because from Him the universal heaven conspires to the human form; consequently angels are forms of their affections, and these also are apparent in their faces. (But these things are fully explained in the work on Heaven and Hell 59-102.) But those who are in hell, where all are external and sensual, because they are in falsities from evil, while they also appear to themselves in respect to the face to be men, so appear only amongst their own; but when they are looked at in the light of heaven they appear like monsters of direful face, and sometimes in place of the face only something hairy, or with a horrible grate-like set of teeth, and sometimes lurid like something dead, in which there is nothing living and human; for such are the forms of hatred, revenge, and cruelty, wherein is spiritual death, because they are in opposition to the life that is from the Lord. That among themselves they appear with a face like men is from fantasy and consequent persuasion. (But respecting these appearances see also in the work on Heaven and Hell 553.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 554 (original Latin 1759)

554. "Et facies illarum sicut facies hominum." - Quod significet quod appareant sibi sicut affectiones veri spirituales, constat ex significatione "facierum", quod sint interiora quae mentis et affectionis sunt (de qua supra, n. 412); et ex significatione "hominis", quod sit affectio veri spiritualis, et inde intelligentia et sapientia (de qua etiam supra, n. 280): et quia facies sunt typi interiorum hominis, inde per "facies" simile significatur quod per ipsos homines, nempe affectiones veri; hic autem quod appareant sibi sicut affectiones veri, et inde intelligentes et sapientes, quia dicitur de locustis quod illarum facies visae sint "sicut" facies hominum. Quod tali facie apparuerint locustae, est ex forti perSuasivo in quo sunt sensuales homines qui in falsis ex malo sunt, qui per "locustas" significantur; ipsum persuasivum sistit talem apparentiam, sed modo coram se ipsis et coram aliis qui etiam in falsis ex malo sunt, non autem coram angelis caeli; causa est quia hi angeli in luce caeli sunt, et quicquid vident ex illa luce vident; et lux caeli, quia est Divinum Verum, dissipat omne phantasticum quod ex persuasivo. Quod sensuales homines sibi appareant tales, est quia sensuales homines persuadent sibi quod in veris ex bono sint prae aliis, tametsi in falsis ex malo sunt; non enim possunt interius ex caelo aliquid perspicere, sed solum exterius ex mundo; et qui solum ex mundo, ii solum ex fatuo lumine vident, ex quo putant se intelligentes et sapientes esse prae aliis; non enim sciunt quid intelligentia et sapientia, et unde illa. Ex hac fide persuasiva est quod credant se in affectione veri spirituali esse: hoc itaque est quod significatur per quod "facies locustarum visae essent sicut facieS hominum." Sed haec illustranda Sunt per experientiam e mundo spirituali. Omnes qui in caelis sunt, homines sunt quoad facies et quoad reliqua corporis; sunt enim in affectione veri Spirituali, et ipsa affectio veri spiritualiS est homo in forma, ex causa quia illa affectio est a Domino, qui est solus Homo, et quia ex Ipso universum caelum conspirat ad formam humanam; inde est quod angeli sint formae affectionum suarum, quae etiam apparent ex faciebus illorum. (Sed haec ample exposita sunt in opere De Caelo et Inferno 59-102.) In inferno autem, ubi omnes sunt externi et sensuales, quia in falsis ex malo, apparent etiam sibi sicut homines, etiam quoad facies, sed modo inter suos: at quando conspiciuntur in luce caeli, apparent sicut monstra, facie dira, et quandoque loco faciei modo crinitum, aut cum crate dentium horribili; quandoque luridum sicut mortuum, in quo non aliquod vivum humanum; sunt enim formae odiorum, vindictarum et saevitiarum, in quibus est mors spiritualis, quia in opposito ad vitam quae a Domino. Quod inter se appareant facie sicut homines, est ex phantasia et inde persuasione. (Sed de his apparentiis videatur etiam in opere De Caelo et Inferno 553.)

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