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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 561

561. And their power was to hurt men five months.- That this signifies that they would induce stupor as to the understanding of truth, and the perception of good, so long as they are in that state, is evident from the signification of hurting, as denoting to cause injury to anything, in the present case, to stupify, of which hereafter; from the signification of men as denoting, those who understand truth and perceive good, and in the abstract, the understanding of truth and perception of good, because from these a man is a man, see above (n. 546); and from the signification of five months, as denoting so long as they are in that state, see also above (n. 548). The reason why to hurt here signifies to stupify, is, that their tails, as stated above, were like unto scorpions, and by scorpions is signified the persuasive [influence] infatuating and suffocating, consequently also inducing a stupor, for, as said above, that persuasive [influence] is, with spirits, of such a nature that it benumbs the Rational and Intellectual, consequently it induces a stupor.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 561

561. And their power was to hurt men five months, signifies that while in that state they induced a stupor on the understanding of truth and on the perception of good. This is evident from the signification of "to hurt," as being to do harm, here to induce a stupor (of which presently); also from the signification of "men," as being those who have an understanding of truth and a perception of good, and in an abstract sense the understanding of truth and the perception of good, because from these man is a man (See above, n. 546); also from the signification of "five months," as being while in that state (See above, n. 548). "To hurt" signifies here to induce a stupor, because it is said above that "their tails were like scorpions," and "scorpions" signify a persuasiveness that infatuates and suffocates, and thus also induces a stupor; for this persuasiveness, as has been said above, is such with spirits as to stupefy the rational and intellectual, and thus to induce a stupor.

Apocalypsis Explicata 561 (original Latin 1759)

561. "Et potestas illarum laedere homines mensibus quinque." - Quod significet quod stuporem inducerent intellectui veri et perceptioni boni quamdiu in illo statu sunt, constat ex significatione "laedere", quod sit damno afficere, hic stuporem inducere (de qua sequitur); ex significatione "hominum", quod sint intelligentes veri et percipientes boni, et abstracte intellectus veri et perceptio boni, quia homo est homo ex illis (de qua supra, n. 546); et ex significatione "mensium quinque", quod sit quamdiu in illo statu sunt (de qua etiam supra, n. 548).

Quod "laedere" hic significet stuporem inducere, est quia supra dicitur quod "caudae illarum essent similes scorpiis", et per "scorpios" significatur persuasivum infatuans et suffocans, ita quoque stuporem inducens; nam, ut supra de persuasivo illo dictum est, est id apud spiritus tale ut rationale et intellectuale obstupescat, proinde quod stupor inducatur.

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