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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 591

591. Nor of their thefts.- That this signifies from taking away the cognitions of truth and good, and consequently the means of procuring for themselves spiritual life, is evident from the signification of theft, and of stealing, as denoting to take away from any one the cognitions of good and truth, which, may be serviceable as the means of procuring spiritual life for himself; concerning which, see above (n. 193). Theft and stealing have this signification, because wealth, raiment, utensils, and other things which thieves take away, signify the cognitions of truth and good; therefore spiritual theft, or theft in the spiritual sense, denotes the taking away of the latter, as natural theft, or theft in the natural sense, denotes the taking away of the former. That this is signified by theft is evident from the fact, that in this verse the subject especially treated of is the extinction of spiritual life in others, and spiritual life is extinguished by the perversions of good and the falsifications of truth, likewise, by the deprivations of the cognitions of truth and good, by means of which spiritual life is procured; and both the former and the latter are signified by murders, enchantments, fornications, and thefts, as already shown.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 591

591. Nor of their thefts, signifies nor from taking away the knowledges of truth and good, and thus the means of acquiring for themselves spiritual life. This is evident from the signification of "theft" and of "stealing," as meaning to take away from anyone the knowledges of good and truth, which are to serve as means for acquiring for himself spiritual life (See above, n. 193). "Theft" and "stealing" have this meaning because "wealth," "raiment," "utensils," and other things that thieves take away, signify the knowledges of truth and good; therefore spiritual theft, or theft in the spiritual sense, is the taking away of these, as natural theft, or theft in the natural sense, is the taking away of the former. That this is the signification of "theft" can be seen from this, that the extinction of spiritual life in others is what is particularly treated of in this verse, and spiritual life is extinguished by the perversions of good and the falsifications of truth, also by the deprivations of the knowledges of truth and good, by means of which spiritual life is acquired; and all of these are signified by "murders, enchantments, whoredoms, and thefts," as has been shown already.

Apocalypsis Explicata 591 (original Latin 1759)

591. "Neque ex furtis suis." - Quod significet ab eripiendo cognitiones veri et boni, et sic media comparandi sibi vitam spiritualem, constat ex significatione "furti" et "furari", quod sit eripere alicui cognitiones boni et veri, quae inserviturae pro mediis comparandi sibi vitam spiritualem (de qua supra, n. 193): quod "furtum" et "furari" illa significent, est quia per "opes", "vestes" et "utensilia", et plura quae fures auferunt, significantur cognitiones veri et boni; quare furtum spirituale seu furtum in spirituali sensu est has auferre, sicut furtum naturale seu in naturali sensu est illa auferre. Quod hoc per "furtum" significetur constare potest ex eo, quod in hoc versu in specie agatur de exstinctione vitae spiritualis apud alios; et vita spiritualis exstinguitur per perversiones boni et falsificationes veri, tum per deprivationes cognitionum veri et boni, per quas vita spiritualiS comparatur; et haec et illa sunt quae significantur per "homicidia, incantationes, scortationes et furta", ut hactenus ostensum est.

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