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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 607

607. Lifted up his hand to heaven.- That this signifies affirmation before the angels concerning the state of the church, is evident from the signification of lifting up the hand to heaven, as denoting affirmation before angels; that this is concerning the state of the church is evident from that which follows. That affirmation before the angels is here signified by lifting up the hand to heaven, may be concluded from this fact, that affirmations are made by raising the hands to heaven, also from this, that he sware by Him that liveth unto the ages of the ages that there should be time no longer, as immediately follows. To swear is an expression of affirmation, and the time that should be no longer signifies the state of the church.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 607

607. And lifted up his hand to heaven, signifies bearing witness before the angels respecting the state of the church. This is evident from the signification of "to lift up the hand to heaven," as being bearing witness before the angels; that it means respecting the state of the church is evident from what follows. That bearing witness before the angels is what is here signified by "lifting up the hand to heaven" may be concluded from this, that bearing witness is expressed by raising the hands to heaven; also from this, that "he sware by Him that liveth unto the ages of the ages that time shall be no more," as immediately follows, and "to swear" is an expression of bearing witness, and the "time that shall be no more" means the state of the church.

Apocalypsis Explicata 607 (original Latin 1759)

607. "Sustulit manum suam ad caelum." - Quod significet contestationem coram angelis de statu ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "tollere manum ad caelum", quod sit contestatio coram angelis: quod sit de statu ecclesiae, patet a sequentibus. Quod sit contestatio coram angelis, quae hic significatur per "tollere manum ad caelum", concludi potest ex eo, quod contestationes fiant per elevationes manuum ad caelum; tum ex eo, quod "juraverit per Viventem in saecula saeculorum quod non tempus erit amplius", ut mox sequitur; et "jurare" est vox contestationis, et "tempus", quod non erit amplius, significat statum ecclesiae.

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