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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 611

611. But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound.- That this signifies the last state of the church, and then revelation of Divine Truth, is evident from the signification of the days of the voice of the seventh angel, as denoting the last state of the church; for the progressive changes of the state of the church are described by the sounding of the seven angels, therefore the voice of the seventh angel signifies the last state; and from the signification of, when he is about to sound, as denoting revelation then of Divine Truth. That by sounding a trumpet or horn is signified the influx of Divine Truth, and its revelation, may be seen above (n. 502). That its revelation is here signified, is evident from the following part of this verse, where it is said, "And the mystery of God shall be consummated, as he hath declared in good tidings to his servants the prophets." This signifies that the prediction concerning the coming of the Lord shall then be fulfilled. With the coming of the Lord there is also revelation of Divine Truth.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 611

611. Verse 7. But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, signifies the last state of the church, and revelation at that time of Divine truth. This is evident from the signification of "the days of the voice of the seventh angel," as being the last state of the church; for as the progressive changes of the state of the church are described by the sounding of the seven angels, so "the voice of the seventh angel" signifies the last state; also from the signification of "when he is about to sound," as being the revelation at that time of Divine truth. That "to sound a trumpet or horn" signifies the influx of Divine truth and revelation of it, may be seen above n. 502; here the revelation of it is signified, as is evident from the rest of this verse, where it is said "the mystery of God shall also be finished, as He hath declared the good tidings to His servants the prophets," which signifies that the prediction respecting the Lord's coming shall then be fulfilled. With the Lord's coming there is also a revelation of Divine truth.

Apocalypsis Explicata 611 (original Latin 1759)

611. [Vers. 7.] "Sed in diebus vocis septimi angeli, quando futurus clangere." - Quod significet ultimum statum ecclesiae, et tunc revelationem Divini Veri, constat ex significatione "dierum vocis septimi angeli", quod sit status ultimus ecclesiae; progressivae enim mutationes status ecclesiae descriptae sunt per quod "Septem angeli clanxerint"; unde per "vocem septimi angeli" significatur ultimus status; et ex significatione "quando futurus clangere", quod sit tunc revelatio Divini Veri. Quod per "clangere tuba" seu "buccina" significetur influxus Divini Veri, ac revelatio ejus, videatur supra (n. 502); quod hic significetur revelatio ejus, patet ex sequentibus hujus versus, ubi dicitur, "Et consummabitur mysterium Dei, sicut evangelizavit suis servis prophetis", per quae significatur quod implebitur tunc praedictio de adventu Domini: cum adventu Domini est quoque revelatio Divini Veri.

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