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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 623

623. Verse 11. And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again over peoples, and nations, and tongues, and many kings.- "And he said unto me, Thou must, prophesy again," signifies the Divine command that the Word may yet be taught; "over peoples, and nations, and tongues, and many kings," signifies with all who are in truths and goods as to life, and at the same time in goods and truths as to doctrine, consequently, that the Word may be taught as to goods of life, and as to truths of doctrine.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 623

623. Verse 11. And he said to me, Thou must again prophesy upon peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.

11. "And he said to me, Thou must again prophesy," signifies Divine command to still teach the Word n. 624; "upon peoples and nations and tongues and many kings," signifies with all who are in truths and goods in respect to life, and at the same time in goods and truths in respect to doctrine, consequently to teach the Word in respect to the goods of life and the truths of doctrine n. 625.

Apocalypsis Explicata 623 (original Latin 1759)

623. VERSUS 11.

"Et dixit mihi, Oportet te iterum prophetare super populos et gentes et linguas et reges multos."

11. "Et dixit mihi, Oportet te iterum prophetare", significat Divinum mandatum ut adhuc doceatur Verbum [n. 624] ; "super populos et gentes et linguas et reges multos", significat apud omnes qui in veris et bonis quod vitam sunt, et simul in bonis et veris quoad doctrinam, proinde ut doceatur Verbum quoad bona vitae et quoad vera doctrinae [n. 625] .

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