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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 636

636. And they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days.- That this signifies that they shall teach, and what shall be taught, even until the end of the old church, and the beginning of a new, is evident from the signification of prophesying as denoting to teach. Concerning this see above (n. 624). In this case it signifies both to teach and to be taught, for it is said of the two witnesses, who signify the good of love and of charity and the truth of doctrine and of faith, for these are those things with man that teach, and that are also taught. For those who are in goods of love, and in truths of doctrine, are they who teach, while the goods of love and truths of doctrine are what are taught by them. And from the signification of a thousand two hundred and sixty days as denoting even to the end of the old and the beginning of a new church. For a thousand two hundred and sixty days have the same signification as three and a half, because a thousand two hundred and sixty days make three years and a half, reckoning three hundred and sixty days to the year, and by three and a half is signified the end of a former state and the beginning of a new one, here, the end of the former church and the beginning of a new one, the subject being the last time of the church. Because that number has this signification, it is therefore said, in the ninth verse of this chapter, "They shall see their bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer them to be put in sepulchres"; and afterwards in verse eleven; "And after the three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them." In these passages by three days and a half is signified the end of the old church, when the good of love and the truth of doctrine will not be received at all; and also the beginning of a new church when they will be received. The end of the former church is signified by the beast ascending out of the abyss to kill the witnesses, while the beginning of a new church is signified by the spirit of life from God entering into them.

[2] The reason why the number a thousand two hundred and sixty has a signification similar to three and a half, is, that in the Word ages, years, months, weeks, days, and hours have a similar signification, for these simply mean times, and times generally and particularly, or times greater or less, equally signify states, for a period greater or less designated by numbers does not change the signification of the thing, as was also shown above (n. 12:6).

The woman there means the church. The wilderness where she shall be nourished signifies where non-reception of good and truth exists; and the accomplishment of those days signifies a new state of the church.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 636

636. And they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days, signifies that they shall teach, and what shall be taught, even to the end of the old church and the beginning of the new. This is evident from the signification of "to prophesy," as being to teach (See above, n. Revelation 12:6).

The "woman" here means the church; the "wilderness," where she should be nourished, signifies where there is no reception of good and truth; and "after the passing of those days" signifies a new state of the church.

Apocalypsis Explicata 636 (original Latin 1759)

636. "Et prophetabunt diebus mille ducentis sexaginta." - Quod significet quod docebunt et quae docebuntur usque ad finem ecclesiae veteris et principium novae, constat ex significatione "prophetare", quod sit docere (de qua supra, n. 624); hic tam docere quam doceri; nam dicitur de "duobus testibus", per quos significantur bonum amoris et charitatis ac verum doctrinae et fidei, haec enim apud hominem sunt quae docent, et quae etiam docentur; nam qui in bonis amoris et in veris doctrinae sunt, illi docent; et quae ab illis docentur sunt bona amoris et vera doctrinae: et ex significatione "dierum mille ducentorum sexaginta", quod sit usque ad finem ecclesiae veteris ac principium ecclesiae novae, per "dies" enim "mille ducentos sexaginta" simile significatur quod per "tres et dimidium" quoniam dies mille ducenti sexaginta faciunt tres annos et dimidium dum annus sumitur pro trecentis sexaginta diebus; et per "tres et dimidium" significatur finis status prioris et principium novi; hic finis ecclesiae prioris et principium novae, nam hic agitur de ultimo tempore ecclesiae: et quia id per illum numerum significatur, ideo dicitur in hujus capitis versu 19,

"Videbunt.... corpora illorum dies tres et dimidium, et non permittent illa poni in monumentis;"

et dein in versu 11,

#"Et post tres dies et dimidium spiritus vitae a Deo intravit in illos;"

in quibus locis per "tres dies et dimidium" significatur finis veteris ecclesiae, quando prorsus non recepturi aliquod bonum amoris et verum doctrinae, et quoque principium novae ecclesiae, quando recepturi: finis prioris ecclesiae significatur per quod "bestia ex abysso ascendens occidet illos testes", et principium novae ecclesiae significatur per quod "spiritus vitae ex Deo intraverit in illos." Quod numerus "mille ducenta sexaginta" simile significet quod numerus "tria et dimidium", est quia in Verbo "saecula", "anni", "menses", "septimanae", "dies" et "horae", similia 1

significant; nam per illa intelliguntur modo tempora, et per tempora in communi et in particulari, seu per tempora majora aut minora aeque significantur status; nam tempus majus et minus designatum per numeros non mutat significationem rei (ut etiam supra, n. 571, 633 [a] , ostensum est). Simile per eundem numerum dierum significatur in sequente capite Apocalypseos,

"Et mulier fugit in desertum, ubi habet locum praeparatum a Deo, ut ibi alant eam dies mille ducentos sexaginta" (12:6):

per "mulierem" ibi intelligitur ecclesia, per "desertum" ubi aleretur, significatur non receptio boni et veri, et "post exactos illos dies" significatur novus ecclesiae status.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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