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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 645

645. And they have power over the waters to turn them into blood.- That this signifies that truths with them are turned into falsities from evil, is evident from the signification of having power when spoken of the two olive trees and the two lampstands, which signify the goods of love and the truths of doctrine - not that they themselves have such power, namely, to turn truths into falsities, because this is contrary to their nature, which is to turn falsities into truths, for good with them cannot do evil; but still it appears as if they had this power, and also as if they so acted, because this happens when they are injured; on the contrary, it is the evil which is from hell, or hell whence all evil comes, that turns the waters into blood, that is, truths into falsities from evil - and from the signification of waters, as denoting truths; concerning this see above (n. 71, 483, 518, 537, 538); and from the signification of blood, as denoting the truth of the Word, and thence of doctrine from the Word, and in the opposite sense falsity, specifically, falsified truth of the Word; for to shed blood signifies to do violence to charity, and also to the Divine Truth which is in the Word. But concerning the signification of blood in both senses, see above (n. 329).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 645

645. And they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, signifies that truths with such are turned into falsities from evil. This is evident from the signification of "having power" when "the olive trees and lampstands" are referred to, as signifying the goods of love and the truths of doctrine; not that these themselves have such power, namely, to turn truths into falsities, since this is contrary to their nature, which is to turn falsities into truths, for good acts with them and not evil, and yet they appear to have this power and appear to do this, because this occurs when they are hurt; but it is the evil that is from hell, or hell from which all evil comes, that "turns waters into blood," that is, truths into falsities from evil. The above is evident also from the signification of "waters," as being truths (of which above, n. 71, 483, 518, 537, 538); also from the signification of "blood," as being the truth of the Word, and thence of doctrine from the Word, and in the contrary sense falsity, in particular the truth of the Word falsified, for "to shed blood" signifies to do violence to charity, and also to Divine truth which is in the Word. (But as to the signification of "blood" in both senses, see above, n. 329.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 645 (original Latin 1759)

645. "Et potestatem habent super aquas vertere illas in sanguinem." - Quod significet quod vera apud illos vertantur in falsa ex malo, constat ex significatione "potestatem habere", cum de "oleis" et de "candelabris" per quae significantur bona amoris et vera doctrinae, quod ipsa non potestatem habeant, nempe vertere vera in falsa, quia contra illorum naturam, quae est, vertere falsa in vera, nam bonum apud illos agit non malum; sed usque apparet sicut potestatem illam habeant, et quoque sicut faciant, quia evenit quando laeduntur; at est malum quod ab inferno, seu infernum e quo omne malum, quod "vertit aquas in sanguinem", hoc est, vera in falsa ex malo: ex significatione "aquarum", quod sint vera (de qua supra, n. 71, 483, 518, 537, 538); et ex significatione "sanguinis", quod sit verum Verbi et inde doctrinae ex Verbo, ac in opposito sensu falsum, in specie falsificatum verum Verbi; nam "sanguinem effundere" significat violentiam inferre charitati et quoque Divino Vero quod in Verbo. (Sed de sanguinis significatione in utroque sensu, videatur supra, n. 329.)

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