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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 660

660. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and shall be glad.- That this signifies the delights of infernal love with those who are opposed to the goods and truths of the church, is evident from the signification of they that dwell upon the earth, as denoting those who are in the church; in the present case, those therein who are in evils and in falsities therefrom, consequently those who are opposed to its goods and truths; and from the signification of rejoicing and being glad, as denoting here the delight of infernal love; for all joy and all gladness is from love. For every one rejoices and is glad when his love is favoured, and when he is in pursuit of and attains the object of his love; in a word, all man's joy proceeds from his love, and all sadness and grief of mind from antagonism to his love.

[2] It is said "to rejoice and to be glad" because of the marriage of good and truth. For joy is said of good because it relates to love, as it properly pertains to the heart and will, and gladness is said of truth, because it relates to love of truth, as it properly pertains to the mind and its thought; therefore we say "joy of heart" and "gladness of mind." For everywhere in the Word two expressions occur, one of which has reference to good and the other to truth, and this is the case because the conjunction of good and truth makes both heaven and the church, therefore both heaven and the church are compared to a marriage, from the fact that the Lord is called the bridegroom and husband, and heaven and the church, the bride and wife. He therefore who is not in that marriage is neither an angel of heaven, nor a man of the church. The reason of this also is, that good is not possible with any one unless formed by truths, nor is truth possible unless it lives from good. For all truth is the form of good, and all good is the esse of truth, and because one is not possible without the other, it follows that the marriage of good and truth must necessarily exist both with the men of the church and the angels of heaven; also all intelligence and wisdom are from that marriage, for from it truths and goods are being continually born, by which the understanding and will are formed.

[3] These things have been stated to make it clear why it is said "to rejoice and be glad;" for to rejoice is stated of good and its love or affection, and to be glad is stated of truth, and its love or affection. Similarly also in many other parts of the Word, in the following passages:

"The heavens shall be glad and the earth shall rejoice" (Psalm 96:11).

"Let all that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee" (Psalm 40:16; 70:4).

"The just shall be glad, and exult before God, and shall rejoice in gladness" (Psalm 68:3).

"That we may rejoice all our days, make us glad according to the days thou hast afflicted us" (Psalm 90:14, 15).

"Be glad in Jerusalem, and exult in her, all ye that love her, rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn over her" (Isaiah 66:10).

"Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom" (Lamentations 4:21).

"Behold joy and gladness; killing the ox" (Isaiah 22:13).

"They shall obtain joy and gladness, sadness and sighing shall flee away" (Isaiah 35:10; 51:11).

"Joy and gladness shall be found in Zion, confession and the voice of singing" (Isaiah 51:3).

"Thou wilt make me to hear joy and gladness" (Psalm 51:8).

"Gladness and joy are cut off from the house of our God" (Joel 1:16).

"The fast of the tenth month shall be to the house of Judah for joy and for gladness" (Zech. 8:19).

"The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, and the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride" (Jeremiah 7:34; 25:10; 33:11).

[4] In the place of joy, exultation is also mentioned, because exultation like joy, is said of good, because it relates to love, to the heart and to the will; as in the following passages:

"Jacob shall exult, Israel shall be glad" (Psalm 14:7; 53:6).

"I exult and am glad in thy kindness" (Psalm 31:7).

"Be glad in Jehovah, and exult, O ye just" (Psalm 32:11).

"The mount of Zion shall be glad, and the daughters of Judah shall exult" (Psalm 48:11).

"Let all that trust in thee be glad, and let them that love thy name exult in thee" (Psalm 5:11).

"This is the day which Jehovah hath made, we will exult and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).

"We will exult and be glad in his salvation" (Isaiah 25:9).

"Be glad and exult for ever in the things which I create" (Isaiah 65:18).

"Exult and be glad that Jehovah hath magnified his doing" (Joel 2:21).

"Sons of Zion exult and be glad in Jehovah your God" (Joel 2:23; Habakkuk 3:18).

"Be glad and exult with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem" (Zephan. 3:14).

"Gladness and exultation are taken away from Carmel" (Isaiah 16:10; Jeremiah 48:33).

The angel said unto Zacharias, "Thou shalt have gladness and exultation, and many shall rejoice at his birth" (Luke 1:14).

In all these passages, exultation signifies delight from the love and affection for good, and gladness signifies pleasure from the love and affection for truth.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 660

660. Verse 10. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and shall be glad, signifies delights from infernal love with those who are opposed to the goods and truths of the church. This is evident from the signification of "they that dwell upon the earth," as being those who are in the church, here those therein who are in evils and in falsities therefrom, thus who are opposed to its goods and truths; also from the signification of "rejoicing and being glad," as being here the delight of infernal love; for all joy and all gladness is of love, since everyone rejoices and is glad when his love is favored, and when he pursues and obtains what he loves; in a word, all the joy of man proceeds from his love and all the sadness and grief of mind from antagonism to his love.

[2] It is said "rejoice and be glad" because of the marriage of good and truth; for "joy" is predicated of good because it relates to love, for it belongs especially to the heart and will, and "gladness" is predicated of truth, because it relates to the love of truth, for it belongs especially to the mind and its thought; therefore we speak of "joy of heart" and "gladness of mind." Everywhere in the Word there are two expressions, one of which has reference to good and the other to truth, and this because it is the conjunction of good and truth that makes both heaven and the church; therefore both heaven and the church are compared to a marriage, for the reason that the Lord is called "Bridegroom" and "Husband," and heaven and the church are called "bride" and "wife." Everyone, therefore, who is not in that marriage is not an angel of heaven nor a man of the church; and the reason is that there is no good with anyone unless it is formed by truths, nor is there truth with anyone unless it is made living by good; for every truth is a form of good, and all good is the being [esse] of truth, and as one is not possible without the other it follows that there must needs be a marriage of good and truth with the man of the church as well as with an angel of heaven. Moreover, all intelligence and wisdom are from that marriage, for from it truths and goods are continually born, by which the understanding and will are formed.

[3] This has been said that it may be known why "to rejoice" and "to be glad" are both mentioned, namely, because "to rejoice" is predicated of good and its love or affection, and "to be glad" is predicated of truth and its love or affection. This is the case in many other passages in the Word, as in the following:

The heavens shall be glad and the earth shall rejoice (Psalms 96:11).

Let all that seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee (Psalms 40:16; 70:4).

The righteous shall be glad and exult before God, and shall rejoice in gladness (Psalms 68:3).

That we may rejoice all our days, make us glad according to the days in which Thou hast afflicted us (Psalms 90:14, 15).

Be glad in Jerusalem and exult in her, all ye that love her, rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn over her (Isaiah 66:10).

Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom (Lamentations 4:21).

Behold joy and gladness, slaying the ox (Isaiah 22:13).

They shall obtain joy and gladness, sorrow and sighing shall flee away (Isaiah 35:10; 51:11).

Joy and gladness shall be found in Zion, confession and the voice of singing (Isaiah 51:3).

They shall make 1me to hear joy and gladness (Psalms 51:8).

Joy and gladness are cut off from the house of our God (Joel 1:16).

The fast of the tenth month shall be to the house of Judah for joy and for gladness (Zechariah 8:19).

The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, and the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride (Jeremiah 7:34; 25:10; 33:11).

[4] In place of joy exultation is also mentioned, because exultation, like joy, is predicated of good, because it relates to love, to the heart, and to the will; as in the following passages:

Jacob shall exult, Israel shall be glad (Psalms 14:7; 53:6).

I exult and am glad in Thy kindness (Psalms 31:7).

Be glad in Jehovah, and exult, ye righteous (Psalms 32:11).

Mount Zion shall be glad, and the daughters of Judah shall exult (Psalms 48:11).

Let all that trust in Thee be glad, and let them that love Thy name exult in Thee (Psalms 5:11).

This is the day that Jehovah hath made, let us exult and be glad in it (Psalms 118:24).

Let us exult and be glad in His salvation (Isaiah 25:9).

Be ye glad and exult forever in the things which I create (Isaiah 65:18).

Exult and be glad that Jehovah hath magnified in doing (Joel 2:21).

Exult, ye sons of Zion, and be glad in Jehovah your God (Joel 2:23; Habakkuk 3:18).

Be glad and exult with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem (Zephaniah 3:14).

Gladness and exultation are taken away from Carmel (Isaiah 16:10; Jeremiah 48:33).

The angel said unto Zacharias, Thou shalt have gladness and exultation, and many shall rejoice at His birth (Luke 1:14).

In all these passages, "exultation" signifies delight from love and from the affection of good, and "gladness" signifies pleasure from the love and affection of truth.


1. The Hebrew has "Thou shalt make," as also found in Arcana Coelestia 3812, 8339.

Apocalypsis Explicata 660 (original Latin 1759)

660. [Vers. 10.] "Et habitantes super terra gaudebunt super illis et laetabuntur." - Quod significet jucunda ex amore infernali apud illos qui contra bona et vera ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "habitantium super terra", quod sint qui in ecclesia; hic qui in malis et inde falsis ibi, ita qui contra bona et vera ejus: et ex significatione "gaudere et laetari", quod hic sit jucundum amoris infernalis; omne enim gaudium et omnis laetitia est amoris, quisque enim gaudet et laetatur quando favetur ejus amori, et quando assequitur et obtinet quod amat; verbo, omne gaudium hominis procedit ex amore ejus, et omnis tristitia et dolor animi ex oppugnatione amoris.

[2] Quod dicatur "gaudere et laetari", est propter conjugium boni et veri; "gaudium" enim praedicatur de bono quia de amore, est enim proprie cordis et voluntatis, et "laetitia" praedicatur de vero quia de ejus amore, est enim proprie animi et ejus cogitationis; quare dicitur "gaudium cordis" et "laetitia animi": sunt enim ubivis in Verbo binae expressiones, quarum una se refert ad bonum et altera ad verum, et hoc quia conjunctio boni et veri facit et caelum et ecclesiam; inde tam caelum quam ecclesia comparatur conjugio, ex eo, quod Dominus dicatur Sponsus et Maritus, et caelum ac ecclesia sponsa et uxor; quapropter omnis qui non in illo conjugio est, non est angelus caeli, nec est homo ecclesiae: causa etiam est, quia bonum apud neminem datur nisi formatum per vera, nec verum apud aliquem datur nisi quod vivit ex bono; omne enim verum est forma boni, et omne bonum est esse veri; et quia unum absque altero non datur, sequitur quod conjugium boni et veri necessario esse debeat apud hominem ecclesiae sicut apud angelum caeli: omnis etiam intelligentia et sapientia est ex illo conjugio; nam ex illo nascuntur jugiter vera et bona, ex quibus formatur intellectus et voluntas.

[3] Haec dicta sunt ut sciatur cur dicitur "gaudere et laetari", quod nempe quia "gaudere" dicitur de bono ac de ejus amore seu affectione, et "laetari" de vero ac de ejus amore seu affectione; ut quoque pluries alibi in Verbo, ut in his locis: –

"Laetabuntur caeli, et gaudebit terra" (Psalms 96:11)

"Gaudeant et laetentur in Te omnes quaerentes Te" (Psalms 40:17 [B.A. 16] ; Psalms 70:5[4]);

"Justi laetabuntur et exultabunt coram Deo, et gaudebunt in laetitia" (Psalms 68:4 [B.A. 3]);

"Ut gaudeamus omnibus diebus nostris, laetifica nos juxta dies, afflixisti nos" (Psalms 90:14, 15);

"Laetamini in Hierosolyma, et exultate in ea, omnes amantes illam; gaudete cum ea gaudium, omnes lugentes super ea" (Esaias 66:10);

"Gaude et laetare, filia Edomi" (Threni 4:21);

"Ecce gaudium et laetitia occidere bovem" (Esaias 22:13);

"Gaudium et laetitia assequentur, fugient tristitia et gemitus" (Esaias 35:10; 51:11);

"Gaudium et laetitia invenietur in" Zione, "confessio et vox cantus" (Esaias 51:3);

"Audire 1

facies me gaudium et laetitiam" (Psalms 51:10 [B.A. 8]);

"Excisum est e domo Dei nostri laetitia et gaudium" (Joel 1:16);

"Jejunium decimi erit domui Jehudae in gaudium et in laetitiam" (Sacharia 8:19);

"Vox gaudii et vox laetitiae, et vox sponsi et vox sponsae" (Jeremias 7:34; 25:10; 33:11)

[4] Loco "gaudii" etiam dicitur "exultatio", quia "exultatio" similiter ac "gaudium" dicitur de bono, quia de amore, decorde et de voluntate; ut in sequentibus locis: –

"Exultabit Jacob, laetabitur Israel" (Psalms 14:7; Psalms 53:7 [B.A. :6]);

"Exulto et laetor in benignitate tua" (Ps. 31:8 2


"Laetamini in Jehovah, et exultate justi" (Psalms 32:11);

"Laetabitur mons Zionis, et exultabunt filiae Jehudae" (Psalms 48:12 [B.A.[11]);

"Laetentur omnes confidentes in Te, et exultent in Te amantes nomen tuum" (Psalms 5:12 [B.A. 11]);

"Hic dies quem fecit Jehovah, exultemus et laetemur in eo" (Psalms 118:24);

"Exultemus et laetemur in salute Ipsius" (Esaias 25:9);

"Laetamini et exultate in aeternum super iis quae creo" ( 3

Esai. 65:18);

"Exulta et laetare, quod magnificaverit Jehovah faciendo" (Joel 2:21);

"Filii Zionis, exultate et laetamini in Jehovah Deo vestro" (Joel 2:23; Hab. 3:18 4


"Laetare et exulta ex omni corde, filia Hierosolymae" (Zephanias 3:14);

"Ablata est laetitia et exultatio de Carmele" (Esaias 16:10; Jeremias 48:33);

Dixit angelus ad Zachariam, "Erit tibi laetitia et exultatio, et multi super nativitate ejus gaudebunt" (Luca 1:14):

in omnibus his locis "exultatio" significat jucundum ex amore et affectione boni, ac "laetitia" amoenum ex amore et affectione veri.


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