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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 667

667. And great fear fell upon them that saw them.- That this signifies a state of anxiety with those who did not receive and acknowledge, is evident from the signification of great fear, as denoting a state of anxiety - for fear, in the Word, signifies various changes of the state of the interiors of man, in the present case therefore, a state of anxiety; and from the signification of upon them that saw them, as denoting, with those that could not sustain the presence of the witnesses, and who therefore slew them and cast them out, and who then had grief and anxiety of heart when they saw them alive, consequently it denotes with those who did not receive and acknowledge the good of love and truth of doctrine. Here is described the state of those who are opposed to the goods of love and truths of doctrine, when there is an end of the old and beginning of a new church; these then come into anxiety from the presence of those who receive love and faith to the Lord, of whom the new church is formed. This, however, takes place in the spiritual, but not in the natural world, for in the spiritual world there is a communication of affections; and spiritual affection, which belongs to love and faith to the Lord, and which is now commencing with some, smites the evil with this anxiety. This therefore is the meaning of great fear fell upon them that saw them.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 667

667. And great fear fell upon them that beheld them, signifies a state of anxiety with those who did not receive and acknowledge. This is evident from the signification of "great fear," as being a state of anxiety, for "fear" signifies in the Word various changes of state of man's interiors, so here, a state of anxiety; also from the signification of "upon them that beheld them," as being in those who could not endure the presence of the witnesses, and who therefore killed them and cast them out, and who therefore had grief of mind and anxiety of heart when they saw them alive, consequently it means with those that have not received and acknowledged the good of love and the truth of doctrine. This describes the state of those who are opposed to the goods of love and the truths of doctrine, at the end of the old and the beginning of the New Church; such then come into anxiety from the presence of those who receive love to the Lord and faith in Him, of whom the New Church is constituted; but this takes place in the spiritual world, not in the natural world; for in the spiritual world there is a communication of affections; and spiritual affection, which belongs to love to the Lord and faith in Him, and which then has a beginning with some, smites the evil with such anxiety. This, therefore, is what is meant by "great fear fell upon them that beheld them."

Apocalypsis Explicata 667 (original Latin 1759)

667. "Et timor magnus cecidit super videntes illos." - Quod significet statum anxietatis apud illos qui non receperunt et agnoverunt, constat ex significatione "timoris magni", quod sit status anxietatis; per "timorem" enim in Verbo significantur variae mutationes status interiorum hominis, hic itaque status anxietatis; et ex significatione "super videntes illos", quod sit apud illos qui non sustinuerunt praesentiam testium, et ideo occiderunt et projecerunt illos; quibus ideo quod viderent illos vivos dolor animi et anxietas cordis; proinde apud illos qui bonum amoris et verum doctrinae non receperunt et agnoverunt. Describitur hic status illorum qui contra bona amoris et vera doctrinae sunt, quando finis ecclesiae veteris est et principium novae; illi tunc in anxietatem veniunt ex praesentia illorum qui amorem et fidem in Dominum recipiunt, ex quibus nova ecclesia; sed hoc fit in mundo spirituali, non autem in mundo naturali; in mundo enim spirituali est communicatio affectionum; et affectio spiritualis, quae est amoris et fidei in Dominum, quae nunc incohat apud quosdam, incutit talem anxietatem apud malos. Hoc itaque intelligitur per quod "timor magnus ceciderit super videntes illos."

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