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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 669

669. Come up hither.- That this signifies separation and thence protection is evident from the signification of ascending into heaven, when spoken of the witnesses, by whom the goods of love and the truths of doctrine are signified, as denoting to be separated from those who do not possess the goods of love and the truths of doctrine, thus to be separated from the evil. And since the cause of separation is, lest those things, namely, the good of love and the truth of doctrine, should be injured by the evil, therefore come up hither also signifies protection. For if those things were communicated to the evil, they would receive them exteriorly, but interiorly they would do injury to them, by denial and derision; it therefore would result in the evil being conjoined with the simple well-disposed who cannot perceive that the interiors of such are evil. These simple well-disposed form the ultimate heaven; unless therefore they were separated, injury might be done to those who are in that heaven by conjunction with the externals of the evil. But more may be seen upon this subject in the work on the Last Judgment 70). This is what is involved in the command to the two witnesses to ascend into heaven, and by this their protection is signified.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 669

669. Come up hither, signifies separation and consequent protection. This is evident from the signification of "going up into heaven" when said of the witnesses, by whom the goods of love and the truths of doctrine are signified, as being to be separated from those that have no goods of love and truths of doctrine, thus to be separated from the evil. And as the reason for separation is that these, namely, the good of love and the truth of doctrine, may not be harmed by the evil, therefore "come up hither" signifies also protection. For if the good of love and the truth of doctrine were communicated to the evil they would receive them in an outward way, but would do them harm by inwardly denying and mocking them. Thence it would come to pass that the evil would be conjoined with the simple well-disposed, who are unable to perceive that the interiors of such are evil. These simple well-disposed constitute the lowest heaven; therefore if this separation were not effected, harm would be done to those who are in that heaven by their being conjoined with the externals of the evil (but on this see further in the small work on The Last Judgment 70). This is what is involved in the command to the two witnesses "to go up into heaven," and by this also protection is signified.

Apocalypsis Explicata 669 (original Latin 1759)

669. "Ascendite huc." - Quod significet separationem et inde tutelam, constat ex significatione "ascendere in caelum", cum de "testibus", per quos significantur bona amoris et vera doctrinae, quod sit separari ab illis apud quos bona amoris et vera doctrinae non sunt, ita separari a malis; et quia causa separationis est, ne illa, nempe bonum amoris et verum doctrinae, laedantur a malis, inde per "Ascendite huc" etiam significatur tutela; nam si illa communicarentur malis, reciperentur ab illis exterius, sed laederent illa interius negando et subsannando: inde eveniret quod mali conjungerentur cum simplicibus probis, qui interiora illorum, quod sint mala, percipere nequeunt; et simplices probi ultimum caelum constituunt; ideo nisi separarentur, potuisset damnum inferri illis qui in eo caelo sunt per conjunctionem cum externis illorum (sed de hac re videantur plura in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 70). Hoc involvit quod mandatum sit duobus testibus ut "ascenderent in caelum", et quoque quod per id significetur tutela.

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