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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 711

711. Cried out, travailing, and in pain to bring forth.- That this signifies non-reception by those in the church who are natural and sensual, and their resistance is evident from the signification of crying out, travailing, and being in pain to bring forth, when said of the nascent doctrine of truth from celestial love, which is meant by the male child which the woman brought forth, as denoting non-reception thereof, and also resistance; and this is from those in the church who are natural and sensual, because such are meant by the dragon treated of in what follows. That to travail and to bring forth denote to travail in birth and bring forth such things as pertain to the church, in this case, those which pertain to the doctrine of truth and good, is evident from what has been shown in the preceding article concerning the womb, the opening of it, and concerning birth, and also from the rest of this chapter, where the expression to bring forth is used. In the meantime it is sufficient here to observe only, that by the male, which the woman brought forth, is meant the doctrine of the New Jerusalem, which has been given by the Lord out of heaven. That the dragons then stood around and opposed vehemently, and with all their might, and this even to the crying out and torment of those who were in favour of that doctrine, I can bear witness; thence it is evident that those who are like them in the world will also oppose the reception of that doctrine. Who these are shall be stated in what follows, where the dragon and the beasts are treated of. But what is specifically signified, in other parts of the Word, by crying out, travailing in birth, and being in pain to bring forth, may be seen below (n. 721), where the signification of travailing in birth and of bringing forth is explained.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 711

711. She cried out travailing and pained to bring forth, signifies non-reception by those in the church who are natural and sensual, and their resistance. This is evident from the signification of "to cry out, travailing," and "to be pained to bring forth," when this has reference to the nascent doctrine of truth from celestial love, which is meant by "the male" that the woman brought forth, as being non-reception thereof, and also resistance; it is by those in the church who are natural and sensual, because such are meant by "the dragon" treated of in what follows. That "to travail" and "to bring forth" mean to be in labor over and to bring forth such things as belong to the church, here to the doctrine of truth and good, can be seen from what has been shown in the preceding article about the womb, and the opening of it, and birth, also from what is said about bringing forth in the rest of this chapter. In the meantime it may be mentioned that "the male" which the woman brought forth means the doctrine of the New Jerusalem which has been given by the Lord out of heaven; that the dragons then stood around and vehemently and strenuously opposed, and this even to the crying out and torment of those who favored that doctrine, I can testify; which shows that those who are like them in the world will also oppose to prevent this doctrine from being received. Who these are will be told in what follows, where "the dragon and the beasts" are treated of. But what in particular is signified elsewhere in the Word by "to cry out travailing" and "to be pained to bring forth" can be seen below n. 721, where the signification of "travailing" and "bringing forth" is explained.

Apocalypsis Explicata 711 (original Latin 1759)

711. "Clamavit parturiens, et cruciata parare." - Quod significet non receptionem ab illis qui in ecclesia naturales et sensuales sunt, et resistentiam illorum, constat ex significatione "clamare parturiens" et "cruciari pariendo", cum de doctrina veri nascente ex amore caelesti, quae per "masculum" quem peperit, intelligitur, quod sit non receptio ejus, et quoque resistentia; quod sit ab illis qui in ecclesia naturales et sensuales sunt, est quia illi intelliguntur per "draconem", de quo sequitur.

Quod "parturire" et "parere" sit parturire et parere talia quae ecclesiae sunt, hic quae doctrinae veri et boni, constare potest ex illis quae in antecedente articulo de "utero" et ejus apertura, et de "partu", ostensa sunt, et quoque in sequentibus hujus capitis, ubi "parere" dicitur. Interim licet hoc modo memorare quod per "masculum, quem mulier peperit", intelligitur doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, quae a Domino e caelo data est; quod dracones tunc circumsteterint, ac vehementer et obnixe obstiterint, et hoc usque ad clamorem et cruciatum illorum qui pro illa doctrina erant, testari possum: quod etiam similes in mundo obstituri sint ne recipiatur, inde constare potest. Quinam illi sunt, dicetur in sequentibus, ubi de "dracone" et de "bestiis." Quid autem in specie significatur [per] "clamare parturiens" et "cruciari pariendo" in Verbo alibi, videatur infra (in articulo 721 1

), ubi explicatur quid "parturire" et "parere" significat, quae videantur.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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