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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 713

713. And there was seen another sign in heaven.- That this signifies Divine revelation concerning attack upon the doctrine which is for the new church, and by whom, is evident from the signification of a great sign, as denoting Divine revelation, manifestation, and testification (concerning which see above, n. 706). That it is concerning attack upon the doctrine which is for the new church, and by whom, is evident from the verses that follow in which this sign is described. Those who will attack this doctrine are meant by the great red dragon, the serpent of old, while the attack itself is described by the words, "the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bring forth, that he might devour her child," and afterwards by the combat of the dragon with Michael, and lastly, by his pursuing the woman into the wilderness, and there casting out water after her like a river; and further in the verses that follow. But who those are that are meant by the dragon will be explained in the following article; here we shall merely state that they are those who have communication with the angels of heaven, by means of external things only, but not by means of internal things, for it is said that that dragon was seen in heaven; and those who have no communication with heaven cannot be seen there, for they are in hell. Such are those who deny God, especially the Lord, make no account of the Word, blaspheme it, and do not believe in eternal life; in a word, they are all such as love themselves and the world above all things, and live a life of enmity, hatred, revenge, and deceit, and find delight in these. These things have been said in order that it may be known that such as these are not meant by the dragon, but those who, during their abode in the world, have an external communication with heaven. This communication they have from the reading of the Word, from preaching therefrom, and from external worship according to the rites of their church, but they are, nevertheless, not in a life according to the Lord's commandments; this is the reason why such have indeed communication with heaven, but not internal communication. Why these are called "the devil and Satan" will also be explained in what follows.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 713

713. Verse 3. And there was seen another sign in heaven, signifies Divine revelation respecting the attack upon the doctrine that is for the New Church, and by whom. This is evident from the signification of "a great sign," as being Divine revelation, manifestation, and attestation (of which above, n. 706; that it has reference to attack upon the doctrine that is for the New Church, and by whom, is evident from what follows where this sign is described. They who are about to attack this doctrine are meant by "the great red dragon, the old serpent;" and the attack itself is described by the words, "the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bring forth, that he might devour her offspring," and afterwards by "the combat of the dragon with Michael," and finally by "he pursued the woman into the wilderness, and there cast out water after her as a river;" and further in what follows. Who they are who are meant by "the dragon" will be told in the following article; here let it be said merely that they are those that have communication with angels of heaven, but only through externals, not through internals, for it is said that that dragon was seen "in heaven," and those who have no communication with heaven cannot be seen there, for they are in hell; they are such as deny God, especially the Lord, and make no account of the Word and blaspheme it, who have no faith in eternal life; in a word, they are all such as love self and the world above all things, and live a life of enmity, hatred, revenge, and deceit, and have delight in these. This has been said to make known that such as these are not meant by "the dragon," but such as have, while living in the world, an external communication with heaven, which communication they have from the reading of the Word, from preaching therefrom, and from external worship according to the ordinances of their church, but who nevertheless are not in a life according to the Lord's commandments; from this such have communication with heaven, but not an internal communication. Why such are called "the devil and Satan" will also be told in what follows.

Apocalypsis Explicata 713 (original Latin 1759)

713. [Ver. 3.] "Et visum est aliud signum in caelo." - Quod significet revelationem Divinam de impugnatione doctrinae quae pro nova ecclesia, et a quibus, constat ex significatione "signi magni", quod sit revelatio, manifestatio et testificatio Divina (de qua supra, n. 706): quod sit de impugnatione doctrinae quae pro nova ecclesia, et a quibus, constat ex sequentibus, in quibus describitur hoc signum; illi qui impugnaturi doctrinam intelliguntur per "draconem magnum rufum, serpentem antiquum", et ipsa impugnatio describitur per quod "draco ille steterit coram muliere paritura, ut devoraret fetum ejus", et postea per "pugnam draconis cum Michaele", et dein per quod "persecutus sit mulierem in desertum, et ibi post illam ejecerit aquam sicut flumen", et porro in sequentibus. Quinam autem per "draconem" intelliguntur, in sequenti articulo dicetur; hic solum quod sint illi qui communicationem cum angelis caeli habent, sed modo per externa, non autem per interna; nam dicitur quod draco ille visus sit "in caelo"; nam qui nullam communicationem cum caelo habent, non possunt ibi videri, sunt enim in inferno; qui sunt qui negant Deum, imprimis Dominum, qui Verbum nihili pendunt et blasphemant, quique nullam fidem de vita aeterna habent; verbo, omnes illi qui super omnia amant semet et mundum, ac in inimicitiis, odiis, vindictis et dolis vitam agunt, et in illis jucundum sentiunt. Haec, dicta sunt ut sciatur quod per "draconem" non intelligantur tales, sed qui dum in mundo vivunt communicationem externam cum caelo habent, quae communicatio illis est ex lectione Verbi, ex praedicatione inde, et ex cultu externo secundum ecclesiae suae statuta, sed usque non in aliqua vita secundum praecepta Domini sunt; inde est quod tales quidem communicationem, sed non internam cum caelo habeant: unde est quod illi dicantur "diabolus et satanas", in sequentibus etiam dicetur.

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