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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 736

736. And they prevailed not, and their place was not found any more in heaven.- That this signifies that they were overcome, and that nowhere hereafter in the heavens will there be a place corresponding to the state of their life, which is a state of thought alone, and not one of affection for good and truth, is evident from the signification of "they prevailed not," as denoting that they were overcome in combat; and from the signification of "their place was not found any more in heaven," as denoting that in the heavens hereafter there will be no place corresponding to the state of their life, of which we shall treat presently. This will not hereafter exist, because the state of their life, which is meant by the dragon and his angels, is a state of thought alone, and not one of affection for good and truth; for those who place everything of the church and thus everything of salvation in faith alone, cannot be in any affection for good and truth, since these belong to the life. Every man has two faculties of life, called understanding and will; the understanding is that which thinks, and the will is that which is affected, thus thought belongs to the understanding and affection to the will. Therefore those who separate faith from life, merely think that a thing is so, and as a consequence of their thinking in such a manner, they say that they will be saved. And because they separate life from faith, they can be in no other than natural affection, which belongs to the love of self and of the world; consequently they conjoin the affections of these loves to the things of their faith, and this conjunction does not constitute the heavenly marriage, which is heaven, but adultery, which is hell, for it is a conjunction of truth with an affection for evil; and such adultery corresponds to the adultery of a son with a mother, as is evident from correspondences known in the spiritual world. Nevertheless, the Lord provides that there shall be no conjunction of truth with evil, by not permitting such to have any real truths, but truths falsified which are in themselves falsities. And as such conjunction pertains to a faith separated, namely, that of falsity with evil, therefore the dragon, by whom those who are in such a faith are meant, is called Satan and the devil, Satan from falsity, and devil from evil; for, as stated above, the conjunction of truth and good makes heaven with man, while the conjunction of falsity and evil makes hell in him. The reason why they have no real truths, is that everything connected with their faith is from the sense of the letter of the Word; nor do they consider that the truths which are in that sense are appearances of truth, and that to accept and defend appearances for truths themselves is to falsify the Word, according to what has been said above (n. 715, 719, 720). This is why the dragon with his angels was cast out of heaven to the earth. Their place not being found any more in heaven, signifies that hereafter in the heavens there will be no place corresponding to the state of their life, because all places in the heavens correspond to the life of the angels, consequently place signifies the state of the life, as said above (n. 731). And because the life of all the angels in the heavens is a life of affection for good and truth, and as those who are in faith alone - and are meant by the dragon and his angels - have not this affection, therefore no place exists in the heavens corresponding to the state of their life. Moreover, all the angels in the heavens are spiritual affections, and every one of them thinks from, and according to his own affection; from this it follows that when those who place everything of the church and thus of heaven in thinking, and not in living, become spirits, they think from their own affections, which are affections for evil and falsity, as said above, and in consequence their faith, which they had made a matter of thought merely and not of life, is exterminated and dissipated. In a word, no one can have any spiritual affection, which is an affection for good and truth, except from the life of faith, which is charity. Charity itself is an affection for good, and faith is an affection for truth, and both conjoined together into one make the affection for good and truth.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 736

736. Verse 8. And they prevailed not, and their place was not found anymore in heaven, signifies that they were overcome, and that nowhere in the heavens henceforth is there a place that corresponds to the state of their life, which is a state of thought alone, and of no affection of good and truth. This is evident from the signification of "they prevailed not," as being that they were overcome in combat; also from the signification of "their place was not found anymore in heaven," as being that in the heavens henceforth there is no place that corresponds to the state of their life (of which presently). This does not exist henceforth, because the state of their life which is meant by "the dragon and his angels" is a state of thought alone, and of no affection of good and truth; for those who place everything of the church and thus everything of salvation in faith alone cannot be in any affection of good and truth, since such affection belongs to life. Every man has two faculties of life, which are called understanding and will; the understanding is that which thinks, and the will that which is affected, thus thought belongs to the understanding and affection to the will; consequently those who separate faith from the life merely think that a thing is so, and by so thinking, and on account of it, they say that they will be saved. And because they separate life from faith, they can be in no other than a natural affection, which is of the love of self and of the world; consequently they conjoin the affections of these loves to the things of their faith, which conjunction does not constitute the heavenly marriage which is heaven, but adultery which is hell, for it is the conjunction of truth with the affection of evil; and such adultery corresponds to the adultery of a son with a mother, as is evident from correspondences known in the spiritual world.

Nevertheless, the Lord provides that there shall be no conjunction of truth with evil, by allowing such to have no genuine truths but only truths falsified, which in themselves are falsities. And as such a conjunction pertains to faith separate, namely, that of falsity with evil, "the dragon," by whom those who are in such a faith are meant, is called" Satan" and "the devil;" "Satan" from falsity, and "devil" from evil, for as has been said above the conjunction of truth and good makes heaven with man, while the conjunction of falsity and evil makes hell with him. Such have no genuine truths, because all things of their faith are from the sense of the letter of the Word, and they do not consider that the truths that belong to that sense of the Word are appearances of truths, and that to accept and defend for truths themselves the appearances is to falsify the Word, according to what has been shown above (n. 715, 719, 720). This then is why "the dragon with his angels was cast out of heaven to the earth." "Their place was not found anymore in heaven" signifies that in the heavens henceforth there is no place that corresponds to their state of life, for the reason that all places in the heavens correspond to the life of the angels, consequently "place" signifies a state of life, as has been said above n. 731. And because the life of all the angels in the heavens is a life of the affection of good and truth, and those who are in faith alone (who are meant by "the dragon and his angels") have no affection of good and truth, so there is no place in the heavens corresponding to the state of their life. Moreover, all the angels in the heavens are spiritual affections, and every one of them thinks from his own affection and according to it; from which it follows that those who place everything of the church and thence of heaven in thinking, and not in living, when they become spirits think from their affections, which are the affections of evil and falsity, as has been said above, and in consequence their faith, which they made to be of the thought alone and not of life, is exterminated and dissipated. In a word, no one can have any spiritual affection, which is an affection of good and truth, except from the life of faith, which is charity; charity itself is the affection of good, and faith is the affection of truth, and both joined together into one are the affection of good and truth.

Apocalypsis Explicata 736 (original Latin 1759)

736. [Vers. 8.] "Et non praevaluerunt, et non locus inventus eorum amplius in caelo." - Quod significet quod succubuerint, et quod nullibi in caelis posthac detur locus correspondens statui vitae eorum, qui est solius cogitationis ac nullius affectionis boni et veri, constat ex significatione "non praevaluerunt", quod sit quod in pugna succubuerint; [et] ex significatione quod "non locus inventus eorum amplius in caelo", quod sit quod in caelis posthac non detur locus correspondens statui vitae eorum (de qua sequitur): quod hoc posthac non detur, est quia status vitae illorum, qui per "draconem et ejus angelos" intelligitur, est solius cogitationis, et nullius affectionis boni et veri; qui enim in sola fide omne ecclesiae et inde omne salutis ponunt, illi non possunt in aliqua affectione boni et veri esse, quoniam haec est vitae. Quisque enim homo binas facultates vitae habet, quae vocantur intellectus et voluntas; ac intellectus est qui cogitat, et voluntas est quae afficitur; proinde cogitatio est intellectus et affectio voluntatis; qui itaque separant fidem a vita, illi solum cogitant quod ita sit, ac per id et propter id quod cogitent, dicunt quod salventur: et quia separant a fide vitam, non possunt in alia affectione esse quam in affectione naturali, quae est amoris sui et mundi; inde est quod horum amorum affectiones conjungant illis quae sunt fidei eorum, quae conjunctio non facit conjugium caeleste, quod est caelum, sed adulterium, quod est infernum; nam est conjunctio veri cum affectione mali, et id adulterium correspondet adulterio filii cum matre, ut patet a correspondentiis in mundo spirituali notis. Sed ne usque sit conjunctio veri cum malo, providetur a Domino per id, quod illis non aliqua genuina vera sint, sed vera falsificata, quae in se sunt falsa; et quia talis conjunctio est fidei separatae, nempe falsi cum malo, ideo "draco", per quem illi intelliguntur, vocatur "satanas" et "diabolus", "satanas" a falso et "diabolus" a malo; nam, ut supra dictum est, conjunctio veri et boni facit caelum apud hominem, at conjunctio falsi et mali facit infernum apud illum. Quod illis non aliqua genuina vera sint, est quia omnia fidei eorum ex sensu litterae Verbi sunt; et non expendunt quod illa vera, quae in eo sensu Verbi sunt, apparentiae veri sint; et eas pro ipsis veris assumere et defendere est Verbum falsificare, secundum illa quae supra (n. 715, 719, 720) dicta sunt. Inde nunc est quod "draco cum suis angelis projectus sit e caelo in terram." Quod "non locus amplius eorum inventus sit in caelo" significet quod in caelis posthac non detur locus correspondens statui vitae eorum, est quia omnia loca in caelis correspondent vitae angelorum; inde est quod "locus" significet statum vitae, ut supra (n. 731) dictum est; et quia vita omnium angelorum in caelis est vita affectionis boni et veri, et illis qui in sola fide sunt, qui per "draconem et ejus angelos" intelliguntur, non aliqua affectio boni et veri est, ideo non datur locus in caelis correspondens vitae eorum. Praeterea omnes angeli in caelis sunt affectiones spirituales, et quisque eorum cogitat ex affectione sua, et secundum illam; inde sequitur quod qui omne ecclesiae et inde caeli ponunt in cogitare, et non in vivere, 1

dum fiunt spiritus, cogitent ex suis affectionibus, quae sunt affectiones mali et falsi, ut supra dictum est; consequenter quod fides eorum, quam fecerunt solius cogitationis et non vitae, exterminetur et dissipetur. Verbo, non est alicui affectio spiritualis, quae est boni et veri, nisi quam ex vita fidei, quae est charitas; ipsa charitas est affectio boni, et fides est affectio veri, ac utraque conjuncta in unum est affectio boni et veri.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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