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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 747

747. Who accuseth them before God day and night.- That this signifies, and who have rebuked them and disputed with them continually from the Word, is evident from the signification of accusing, as denoting to fight against (concerning which see above, n. 1:1). These dispute in favour of faith separated from the life of charity, because they confirm their heresy from certain passages in the Word understood according to the letter only; and when they have thus confirmed it they believe it to be the essential truth of the church although it is a falsity. In general, to accuse day and night signifies the continual influx of falsity from those meant by the dragon; and as their falsities are from the Word falsified, therefore this is signified by accusing before God.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 747

747. That accuseth them before God day and night, signifies and who have denounced them and disputed with them continually from the Word. This is evident from the signification of "to accuse," as being to assault (See above, n. John 1:1).

They dispute in favor of faith separated from a life of charity, because they confirm their heresy from certain passages in the Word understood according to the mere letter, and when they have thus confirmed it they believe it to be the very truth of the church, although it is a falsity. In general, "to accuse day and night" signifies the continual influx of falsity from those who are meant by "the dragon;" and as their falsities are from the Word falsified, therefore this is signified by "accusing before God."

Apocalypsis Explicata 747 (original Latin 1759)

747. "Accusans illos coram Deo dies et noctes." - Quod significet et objurgaverunt [illos] et litigaverunt cum illis ex Verbo continue, constat ex significatione "accusare", quod sit impugnare (de qua supra, n. 746 [a]); inde sequitur quod etiam sit objurgare et litigare, nam qui accusat etiam litigat et objurgat; ex significatione "coram Deo", quod sit ex Verbo (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "dierum et noctium", quod sit continue et absque intermissione; per "dies et noctes" enim significantur omnes status vitae, per "diem" status vitae quando mens in idea clara est, et per "noctem" quando mens in idea obscura est; quod per hos binos status vitae significetur continue, est quia in mundo spirituali non aliqua distinctio temporum in annos, menses, septimanas, dies et horas est, sed pro illis mutationes status; sunt enim ibi angeli et spiritus nunc in idea clara, nunc in idea obscura; quod angeli et spiritus alternis sint in statu clarae perceptionis, et in statu obscurae, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno (n. 154-161): in particulari autem succedunt status illorum varie, sicut ab una affectione in alteram; hi status sunt, ex quibus angeli et spiritus tempora sua numerant, ita qui loco temporum in mundo sunt, quae sunt anni, menses, septimanae, dies, noctes, horae: quia nunc status vitae illorum in genere mutantur quoad intellectum clarum et obscurum, ac ita continue succedunt, inde per "dies et noctes" significatur continue.

Quod "accusare coram Deo" significet objurgare et litigare ex Verbo, est quia illi qui per "draconem" intelliguntur, qui sunt qui fidem separant a vita, ratiocinentur ac litigent ex Verbo; ac litigare ex Verbo est "coram Deo", Deus enim in Verbo est, quia Verbum est a Deo, et est Divinum Verum procedens a Domino: inde est quod dicatur apud Johannem,

"In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum" (1:1).

Quod litigent pro fide separata a vita charitatis, est quia suam haeresin ex quibusdam locis in Verbo, non nisi quam secundum litteram intellectis, confirmant; et quando illam confirmarunt, credunt esse ipsum ecclesiae verum, tametsi est falsum. In genere, per "accusare dies et noctes" significatur influxus falsi continuus ex illis qui per "draconem" intelliguntur; et quia falsa eorum sunt ex falsificato Verbo, inde hoc per "accusare coram Deo" significatur.

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