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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 749

749. And by the word of their testimony.- That this signifies, and, by the confession and acknowledgment of the Divine in His Human, is clear from the signification of the word of testimony, as denoting the confession of the Lord, and the acknowledgment of the Divine in His Human (concerning which see above, n. 19:10).

And after the angel had thus spoken, a white horse appeared, and one sitting thereon, who was called "the Word of God," also "King of kings and Lord of lords" (verses 13, 16). From this it is evident that the word of their testimony signifies the confession and acknowledgment of the Divine in the Human of the Lord. Those who are in this acknowledgment are also in the acknowledgment that the Human of the Lord is Divine, for the Divine itself cannot dwell elsewhere than in what is Divine from itself. But because the learned among us cannot easily comprehend this, therefore in their thought they separate the Divine from the Human of the Lord, and place the Divine without or above it, nevertheless this is contrary to the Christian doctrine of the trinity, called the Athanasian or Nicene confession, which teaches that the Divine took to itself a Human, and that they are not two but a united Person, just as are soul and body.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 749

749. And through the word of their testimony, signifies and through the confession and acknowledgment of the Divine in His Human. This is evident from the signification of "the word of testimony," as being the confession of the Lord, and the acknowledgment of the Divine in His Human (See above, n. Revelation 19:10).

And after the angel had so said:

A white horse was seen upon which One sat who was called "the Word of God," and also "King of kings and Lord of lords" (Revelation 19:13, 16).

From this it can be seen that "the word of their testimony" signifies the confession and acknowledgment of the Divine in the Lord's Human. Those who are in this acknowledgment are also in the acknowledgment that the Lord's Human is Divine, for the Divine itself cannot dwell elsewhere than in what is Divine from itself. But because the scholars amongst us cannot easily comprehend this, they separate in their thought the Divine from the Human of the Lord, and place the Divine without or above it; nevertheless, this is contrary to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, which is called the Athanasian or Nicene Confession, which is that the Divine took to itself the Human, and that they are not two but a united Person, just the same as soul and body.

Apocalypsis Explicata 749 (original Latin 1759)

749. "Et per verbum testimonii eorum." - Quod significet et per confessionem et agnitionem Divini in Humano Ipsius, constat ex significatione "verbi testimonii", quod sit confessio Domini et agnitio Divini in Humano Ipsius (de qua supra, n. 392, 635, 649). Quod hoc sit "verbum testimonii", patet a sequentibus his in Apocalypsi,

Dixit angelus ad Johannem, "Conservus.. tuus sum, et fratrum tuorum, habentium testimonium Jesu; Deum adora, nam testimonium Jesu est spiritus prophetiae" (19:10):

et postquam angelus illa dixit,

Apparuit equus albus, super quo Sedens vocabatur "Verbum Dei", et quoque "Rex regum et Dominus dominorum" (vers. 13, 16):

inde constare potest quod per "verbum testimonii eorum" significetur confessio et agnitio Divini in Humano Domini. Qui in illa agnitione sunt, illi quoque in agnitione sunt quod Humanum Domini Divinum sit, nam Ipsum Divinum non alibi potest habitare quam in Divino quod a Se est. Sed hoc quia nostrates eruditi aegre possunt comprehendere, ideo in cogitatione sua separant Divinum ab Humano Domini, et Divinum extra aut supra illud ponunt; quod tamen contra doctrinam Christianam de Trinitate est, quae vocatur Confessio Athanasiana seu Nicaena, quae talis est, quod Divinum assumpserit ad Se Humanum, et quod non sint duo, sed unita Persona, prorsus sicut anima et corpus.

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