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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 753

753. For the devil is come down unto you.- That this signifies, because they receive evils from hell, is evident from the signification of the devil, as denoting that hell from which evils come (concerning which see above, n. 740); and from the signification of coming down unto them, when said of the devil, as denoting to be among them, to seduce them, and to be received by them. Those to whom the devil came down mean those that inhabit the earth and the sea, and these signify those who are merely natural and sensual, who became such because they rejected the life of faith, which is called charity. Those who reject this because of their religion, and who believe and say in their heart that deeds contribute nothing to salvation, but that faith alone and piety in worship save, remain natural, and even become sensual, so far as they reject goods in act or deed, and give themselves up to the pleasures that spring from the loves of self and of the world. Because such remain natural, and even become sensual, they receive with delight the evils that arise out of hell for the natural man is in those evils from birth, and unless he also becomes spiritual, he continues in them. For when a man becomes spiritual he has communion with the heavens, and receives goods therefrom, and the goods received from the Lord through heaven remove evils, and this is effected entirely by a life according to the commandments from the Word.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 753

753. For the devil is come down unto you, signifies because they receive evils from hell. This is evident from the signification of "devil," as being the hell from which come evils (of which above, n. 740; also from the signification of "coming down unto them," as being, in reference to the devil, to be among them, to lead them astray, and to be received by them. Those unto whom the devil came down mean "those that inhabit the earth and the sea," and these signify the merely natural and sensual who have become such because they have rejected the life of faith, which is called charity; and those who reject this from religion, and who believe and say in their heart that what they do contributes nothing to salvation, but faith alone and piety in worship are what save, such continue natural, and even become sensual so far as they reject goods in act or deeds, and give themselves up to the pleasures that spring from the loves of self and of the world. Because such continue natural and even become sensual, they receive with delight the evils that rise up out of hell; for the natural man is in those evils from birth, and unless he becomes also spiritual he continues in them; for when man becomes spiritual he has communion with the heavens, and receives goods therefrom, and goods received from the Lord through heaven remove evils, which is effected solely by means of a life according to the commandments from the Word.

Apocalypsis Explicata 753 (original Latin 1759)

753. "Quia descendit diabolus ad vos." - Quod significet quia recipiunt mala ex inferno, constat ex significatione "diaboli", quod sit infernum ex quo mala (de qua supra, n. 740); et ex significatione "descendere ad illos", cum de diabolo, quod sit esse inter illos, seducere illos, et recipi ab illis; per illos, ad quos descendit diabolus, intelliguntur "inhabitantes terram et mare", per quos significantur mere naturales et sensuales, qui tales facti sunt quia rejecerunt vitam fidei, quae vocatur charitas; et qui hanc rejiciunt ex religione, credentes et dicentes corde suo quod facta nihil ad salutem faciant, sed solum fides, et pictas in cultu, illi manent naturales, immo fiunt sensuales, quantum bona actu seu facta rejiciunt, et se tradunt voluptatibus oriundis ex amoribus sui et mundi: hi quia naturales manent, immo sensuales fiunt, mala ex inferno ascendentia cum jucundo recipiunt, nam naturalis homo in illis ex nativitate est, et nisi spiritualis etiam fiat, in illis manet; nam cum homo fit spiritualis communicat cum caelis, et inde bona recipit, et bona per caelum a Domino removent mala, quod unice fit per vitam secundum praecepta ex Verbo.

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