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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 764

764. 1That he might cause her to be swallowed up by the river, signifies in order that the Church might be blinded and dissipated by the ratiocinations. This follows from the meaning of "river," namely, ratiocinations, as said just above, and from the meaning of "to cause to be swallowed up," and "to swallow up," in that it is "to destroy." This is to be blinded and dissipated because to destroy by ratiocinations from falsities is understood. And he who perishes from falsities, is first blinded so that he does not see truths. And when truths are no longer seen, the Church with him is dispersed as well. For the Church is the Church from truths.


1. All printed versions of Apocalypse Explained note that the explanation for this portion of verse 15 in Apocalypse Revealed 562 and Arcana Coelestia 7293[5], both of which explain verse 15, do not really say anything about the last part).

Number 764 of the present published editions should be 765, and has been changed to that in NewSearch98. [Research and footnote provided by the Rev. Stephen D. Cole.]

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 764

764. 1(Revelation 12:16) That he might cause her to be swallowed up by the river, signifies in order that the Church might be blinded and dissipated by the ratiocinations. This follows from the meaning of "river," namely, ratiocinations, as said just above, and from the meaning of "to cause to be swallowed up," and "to swallow up," in that it is "to destroy." This is to be blinded and dissipated because to destroy by ratiocinations from falsities is understood. And he who perishes from falsities, is first blinded so that he does not see truths. And when truths are no longer seen, the Church with him is dispersed as well. For the Church is the Church from truths.


1. All printed versions of AE note that the explanation for this portion of verse 15 in Apocalypse Revealed 562 and Arcana Coelestia 7293:5, both of which explain verse 15, do not really say anything about the last part).

Number 764 of the present published editions should be 765, and has been changed to that in NewSearch98. [Research and footnote provided by the Rev. Stephen D. Cole.]

Apocalypsis Explicata 764 (original Latin 1759)

764. 1

"Ut illam a flumine absorptam faceret." Quod significet ut Ecclesia illa per ratiocinationes occaecaretur et dissiparetur, constat ex significatione fluminis, quod sit ratiocinationes, de qua mox supra; et ex significatioine absorptum facere ac absorbere, quod sit perdere, quod sit occaecari et dissipari est quia intelligitur per ratiocinationes ex falsis perdere, et qui ex falsis perit, is primum occaecatur ut non videat vera, ac dum vera non amplkius videntur, dissipatur etiam Ecclesia apud illum nam Ecclesia est Ecclesia ex veris.


1. Found in the first draft, but omitted from the second.

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