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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 784

784. Verse 3. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded unto death; and his death stroke was healed, and the whole earth wondered after the beast.

"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded unto death," signifies the discordance of their doctrinals with the Word, in which love, life, and works, are so often mentioned, which do not at all agree with that religious persuasion; "and his death stroke was healed," signifies the discordance apparently removed by assumed conjunctions of works with faith; "and the whole earth wondered after the beast," signifies acceptance by the more learned in the church, and a remote reception by those who are less learned.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 784

784. Verse 3. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been wounded to death; and the stroke of his death was healed, and the whole earth wondered after the beast.

3. "And I saw one of his heads as if it had been wounded to death," signifies the discordance of their doctrinals with the Word, in which "love," "life," and "works," which do not at all agree with that religious principle, are so often mentioned n. 785; "and the stroke of his death was healed," signifies the discordance apparently cleared away by means of devised conjunctions of works with faith n. 786; "and the whole earth wondered after the beast," signifies the acceptance of these by the more learned in the church, and the reception from afar by the less learned n. 787.

Apocalypsis Explicata 784 (original Latin 1759)

784. VERSUS 3.

"Et vidi unum capitum ejus sicut sauciatum in mortem, et plaga mortis ejus sanata est; et admirata est tota terra post bestiam."

3. "Et vidi unum capitum ejus sicut sauciatum in mortem", significat discordantiam doctrinalium eorum cum Verbo, ubi "amor", "vita" et "opera" toties dicuntur, quae cum illo religioso prorsus non concordant [n. 785] ; et plaga mortis ejus sanata est", significat discordantiam apparenter summotam per inventas conjunctiones operum cum fide [n. 786] ; "et admirata est tota terra post bestiam", significat acceptationem ab eruditioribus in ecclesia, et receptionem e longinquo a minus eruditis [n. 787] .

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