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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 80

80. Saying to me, Fear not. That this signifies renewal, is evident from the series of things in the internal sense. For John lay as dead, and the Lord, appearing as the Son of man, laid His right hand upon him, and said to him, Fear not. His lying as dead signified a failing of his own life; the Lord's laying His right hand upon him, signified life from Him; hence His saying to him, Fear not, signified renewal; for all who come suddenly from their own life into a life which is in some degree spiritual, are at first afraid, but are renewed by the Lord. This renewal is effected by the Divine presence, and the fear on that account, being accommodated to reception. The Lord is indeed present with all in the universe, but nearer and more remotely, according to the reception of good by means of truths with them from Him. For it is good in which the Lord is present with angels, spirits, and men. Hence, according to the quantity and quality of good which they possess from the Lord is the degree and quality of His presence with them; if the presence is in excess, it causes anguish and tremor, whereas by accommodation to the state of reception, it produces renewal, as is also evident from what has just been said and shown above (n. 36.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 80

80. Saying unto me, Fear not, signifies renewal of life. This is evident from the series of things in the internal sense. For John lay as dead, and the Lord, seen as the Son of man, laid His right hand upon him, and said to him, "Fear not." His "lying as dead" signified failure of his self-life; the Lord's "laying His right hand upon him" signified life from Him; therefore His saying to him "Fear not" signified renewal of life; for all who come suddenly from self-life into any spiritual life are at first afraid, but their life is renewed by the Lord. This renewal is effected in this way that the Divine presence, and fear on account of it, are accommodated to reception. The Lord is present, indeed, with all in the universe, but more nearly or remotely according to the reception of good by means of truths with them from Him. For good is that in which the Lord is present with angel, spirit, and man; therefore the extent and quality of good from the Lord with them are what determine the extent and quality of His presence; if the presence goes beyond this, there is anguish and tremor; but by accommodation to reception there is renewal of life (as can be seen from what has just been said and shown above, n. Arcana Coelestia 6849. What "clouds" are in the spiritual world, and therefore in the spiritual sense, see above, n. 36.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 80 (original Latin 1759)

80. "Dicens mihi, Ne time." - Quod significet recreationem, constat ex serie rerum in sensu interno: jacuit enim Johannes tanquam mortuus; et Dominus visus ut Filius hominis, imposuit dextram manum super eum, et dixit ei, "Ne time": quod jacuit "tanquam mortuus" significabat vitae propriae ejus defectum; quod Dominus "imposuit dextram manum super eum" significabat vitam ab Ipso; inde quod dixerit ad eum "Ne time" significabat recreationem. Omnes enim qui subito veniunt a vita propria in quandam spiritualem, primum timent, sed recreantur a Domino; recreatio illis fit per id, quod Divina praesentia et pro illa timor, accommodetur ad receptionem.

Apud omnes in universo quidem est Dominus praesens; sed propius et remotius secundum receptionem boni per vera apud illos ab Ipso: bonum enim est in quo Dominus est praesens apud angelum, spiritum et hominem; inde quantum et quale boni a Domino est apud illos, tanta et talis praesentia Ipsius est; si praesentia excedit, fit angustia et tremor, sed recreatio per accommodationem ad receptionem, ut quoque constare potest ex illis quae mox supra (n. 78) dicta et ostensa sunt; haec recreatio est quae significatur per "Ne time": etiam alibi, ubi a Domino aut Angelo Domini viso dictum est "Ne time" (ut Dan. cap. 10:12, 19; Luca 1:12, 13; 2:8-10; Matthaeus 28:5, 9, 10).

Recreatio, quae fit per accommodationem ad receptionem, apparet in mundo spirituali, cum sistitur visibilis, sicut nubes; tali obvelantur ibi omnes societates, densiori et tenuiori secundum receptionem. (Quod etiam angeli obvelentur tenui correspondente nube, ne laedantur ab influxu propiori Divini Domini, videatur n. 6849. Quid "nubes" in spirituali mundo, at inde in spirituali sensu, videatur supra, n. 36.)

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