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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 807

807. Slain from the foundation of the world. This signifies whose Divine in the Human has not been acknowledged from the first establishment of the present church, is evident from the signification of the Lamb being sacrificed or slain, as denoting not to be acknowledged (concerning which see above, n. 25:34).

[2] The reason why the Lord is not acknowledged when His Divine in His Human is not acknowledged is, because in such case the Lord is not regarded as God, but only as a man, who is not able to save. But as it is still believed from the Athanasian Creed that the Lord is the Son of God born from eternity, and that His Divine is equal to the Divine of the Father, and yet they separate His Human from His Divine, it follows, that they divide the Lord as it were into two persons, which they call natures, so that the Lord, as the Son of God from eternity is one, and as the Son of Mary another. And because they thus divide the Lord, no one can draw near to Him, unless he approaches Him on the one hand as God, and on the other as a man. Such an idea concerning the Lord has existed from the first foundation of the church, as is evident from the writings of the Fathers, and afterwards from those of their sons.

[3] This division of the Lord in the church from its beginning was the result of the Word not being understood. For where the Father is named by the Lord, it was believed to be the Divine distinct from His Human, although it is quite clear, in Matthew and in Luke, that the Lord was conceived by the very Divine, which is called the Father; and that, consequently, this very Divine is in His Human, as the soul is in its body, and the soul and body are one person. And what is wonderful, the Athanasian Creed, which is the doctrine concerning God throughout the whole Christian world, teaches this in express terms, and yet scarcely any one attends to it. That they do not attend to it has been made clear to me from many with whom I have conversed after their death, both the learned and the unlearned, who have said that they did not know it; but that they thought of the Son of God from eternity as of a Divine Person above His Human sitting at the Father's right hand. So also they said that they had not attended to the words of the Lord, that the Father and He are One; also that the Father is in Him, and He in the Father.

From these things it is evident that the church from its commencement has not acknowledged the Lord's Divine in His Human; and that this is what is signified by the Lamb being slain from the foundation of the world.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 807

807. Slain from the foundation of the world, signifies whose Divine in His Human has not been acknowledged from the first establishment of this church. This is evident from the signification of "the Lamb slain or killed," as being not acknowledged (See above, n. Matthew 25:34).

[2] The Lord is not acknowledged when His Divine in His Human is not acknowledged, for the reason that the Lord is not then regarded as God, but only as a man, who is not able to save. And although it is believed from the Athanasian Creed that the Lord is the Son of God born from eternity, and that His Divine is equal to the Divine of the Father, yet (since they separate His Human from His Divine) they divide the Lord as it were into two persons, which they call natures, making the Lord one thing as the Son of God from eternity, and another as the son of Mary. And because they so divide the Lord no one is able to approach Him unless he is willing to approach Him as one person when regarded as God and as another when regarded as man. Such has been the idea of the Lord from the first foundation of the church, as can be seen from the writings of the fathers, and afterwards from the writings of their sons.

[3] The Lord has been thus divided in the church from its beginning, because they did not understand the Word. For where the Lord mentions the Father it is believed that a Divine distinct from His Human is meant, although it is clearly evident in Matthew and in Luke that the Lord was conceived by the very Divine which is called the Father, consequently that this very Divine is in His Human as a soul is in its body; and the soul and the body are one Person. And what is wonderful, this is taught in express terms in the Athanasian Creed, which is the doctrine concerning God in the whole Christian world, and yet scarcely anyone in that confession gives any heed to it. That no heed has been given to it has been made clear to me from conversations with many in the other life, both the learned and the unlearned, who have said that it was unknown to them, and that they had thought of the Son of God from eternity as a Divine Person above His Human, sitting at the Father's right hand. It was clear also that they had given no heed to those words of the Lord, that "the Father and He are One," and that "the Father is in Him and He in the Father." From this it can be seen that the church from its beginning has not acknowledged the Lord's Divine in His Human, and that this is what is signified by "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."

Apocalypsis Explicata 807 (original Latin 1759)

807. "Mactati a fundatione mundi." Quod significet cujus Divinum in Humano non agnitum est a prima instauratione hujus ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "Agni mactati", seu occisi, quod sit quod non agnitus (de qua supra, n. 315 [a] 328 [a, b]); hic quod non agnitum sit Divinum Ipsius in Humano Ipsius (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "fundationis mundi", quod sit prima instauratio ecclesiae; per "mundum" enim in Verbo plura significantur, nempe tum mundus in genere, ac ibi tam boni quam mali, tum modo mali qui in mundo sunt, et inde quoque inferna; per "mundum" etiam significatur simile quod per "terram", scilicet ecclesia; quae etiam intelligitur hic per "fundationem mundi", et quoque apud Matthaeum,

"Rex dicet illis a dextris.., Venite, benedicti Patris mei, tanquam hereditatem possidete paratum vobis regnum a fundatione mundi" (25:34).

[2] Quod non agnoscatur Dominus quando Divinum Ipsius in Humano Ipsius non agnoscitur, est quia tunc non spectatur Dominus ut Deus, sed solum ut homo, qui non salvare potest: at quia usque ex Confessione Athanasiana creditur quod Dominus sit Filius Dei ab aeterno natus, ac Divinum Ipsius aequale Divino Patris, sed usque quia separant Humanum Ipsius a Divino Ipsius, distinguunt Dominum in binas quasi personas, quas vocant naturas, sic ut Dominus sit alius sicut Filius Dei ab aeterno, ac alius sicut filius Mariae; et quia ita distinguunt Dominum, nemo Ipsum adire potest, nisi velit adire Ipsum ut alium sicut Deum, et alium sicut hominem. Talis idea de Domino fuit a prima instauratione ecclesiae, ut constare potest ex scriptis Patrum, et postea a scriptis filiorum eorum.

[3] Quod Dominus in ecclesia a principio ejus ita divisus sit, est quia non intellexerunt Verbum; nam ubi a Domino nominatur Pater, creditum est quod esset Divinum distinctum ab Ipsius Humano; cum tamen manifeste constat apud Matthaeum et apud Lucam quod Dominus conceptus sit ab ipso Divino, quod Pater vocatur, et sic quod ipsum illud Divinum sit in Ipsius Humano, sicut est anima in suo corpore; ac anima et corpus sunt una Persona: et quod mirum est, hoc claris verbis etiam docet Confessio Athanasiana, quae est doctrina de Deo in universo Christiano orbe, et tamen vix aliquis in ea confessione attendit ad illud; quod non attenderint, patuit mihi a multis tam eruditis quam non eruditis post mortem, cum quibus locutus sum, dicentibus quod non id sciverint, sed quod de Filio Dei ab aeterno cogitaverint sicut de Divina Persona supra Humanum Ipsius, assidente ad dextram Patris: tum etiam quod nec attenderint ad illa verba Domini, quod "Pater et Ipse unum sint", tum quod "Pater in Ipso sit, ac Ipse in Patre." Ex his constare potest quod ecclesia non agnoverit Divinum Domini in Humano Ipsius a principio ejus; et quod hoc sit quod significatur per quod "Agnus mactatus sit a fundatione mundi."

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