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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 811

811.That captivity, in the Word, signifies spiritual captivity, which is to be shut out from Divine truths, that is, from the understanding of them in the Word; also destruction by falsities of evil and by evils arising from falsity, is evident from the passages in the Word where captivity is mentioned; as in the following places:

In Luke:

"They shall fall by the edge of the sword, and they shall be made captive amongst all nations; at length Jerusalem shall be trodden under foot" (21:24).

The subject of that chapter is the Consummation of the Age, by which is signified the last time of the church, when there is no longer any truth remaining. By their falling by the edge of the sword is signified the destruction of truth by falsities - sword signifying the combat of falsity against the truth, and also the destruction of truth by falsities. By being made captive amongst all nations, are signified persuasions, and obsessions therefrom, by evils of every kind. For when truths are destroyed, falsities take their place, and not only falsities but evils. All nations signify evils of every kind. By Jerusalem being trodden under foot is signified the full destruction and perversion of the doctrine of the church - Jerusalem denoting the church as to doctrine - and to be trodden under foot denoting to be altogether destroyed; this is done chiefly by falsifications and adulterations of the Word.

[2] In Ezekiel:

"They shall be made captive amongst the nations, and the altars shall be devastated, and the idols shall be broken, and the slain shall fall in the midst of you" (6:1-10).

By the altars being devastated, is signified that all worship from the good of love shall perish. By the idols being broken, is signified that all worship from the truths of that good shall also perish. And by the slain falling in the midst of them, is signified that they shall perish by falsities. To be slain by the sword has this signification.

[3] In Lamentations:

"Hear all ye people, and see ye my grief; my virgins and my young men are gone into captivity" (1:18).

This is a lamentation over the devastation of all truth in the church. The lamentation is described by, hear all ye people, and see ye my grief. That all affection of truth is destroyed, is signified by, my virgins are gone into captivity, a virgin denoting the affection of truth. And that all understanding of truth is destroyed, is signified by, my young men are gone into captivity, young men denoting the understanding of truth and intelligence.

[4] In Amos:

"If they have gone into captivity before their enemies, thence do I command the sword that it may slay them" (9:4).

If they have gone into captivity before their enemies, signifies, if they have suffered evils to take possession of them, enemies denoting evils, and to go into captivity denoting to be possessed by them. Thence do I command the sword that it may slay them, signifies that falsities will shut them out from understanding truths, and destroy them.

[5] In David:

God "forsook the habitation of Shiloh, the tent which he placed amongst men; and he delivered his strength into captivity, his gracefulness into the hand of the enemy" (Psalm 78:60, 61).

By the habitation of Shiloh is signified the church which is in the good of love, and by the tent is signified the church which is in truths of doctrine. Hence it is evident that by God forsaking the habitation of Shiloh, the tent which He placed amongst men, is signified, that the goods of love and the truths of doctrine were destroyed. By the strength which He delivered into captivity, is signified spiritual truth from celestial good; and by captivity, is signified a shutting out thereof from the understanding, and so destruction by falsities. And by the gracefulness which He delivered into the hand of the enemy, is signified natural truth from spiritual; this being signified by gracefulness, and the destruction thereof by evils being signified by delivering it into the hand of the enemy.

[6] In Ezekiel:

The prophet was commanded to depart out of the place, and to bring out the vessels of removal through the wall before their eyes, to bring them out under the darkness, and to cover his face that he might not see the earth; and say, "I am your prodigy; even as I have done, so shall it be done to them; into exile, into captivity, they shall go" (12:1-12).

The prophet by these things represented the state of the church at that time, which was, that there were no longer any truths remaining that were not destroyed by falsities. For all the prophets represented the church as to doctrine from the Word. His departing out of the place, and bringing out the vessels of removal through the wall under darkness, and covering his face that he might not see the earth, represented the rejection of all the truths of doctrine from the Word. By departing out of the place is signified rejection. By the vessels of removal are signified the truths of doctrine. By the wall, through which he brought them out, is signified the ultimate that encompasses and defends truths; and the ultimate of doctrine is the sense of the letter of the Word, which is called a wall by reason of its containing and including the spiritual sense. By the darkness under which he was to bring them out, are signified falsities. By covering his face that he might not see the earth, is signified the truths of good being no longer seen in the church. Because the prophet represented these things, therefore it is said, "As I have done, so shall it be done to them; into exile and captivity shall they go." It is therefore evident that to go into exile signifies the dispersion of truth, and that to go into captivity signifies to be taken possession of by falsities.

[7] In Habakkuk:

"I will raise up the Chaldeans, a nation going to the breadths of the earth; they shall gather the captivity as the sand; they shall mock at kings, and rulers shall be laughter to them" (1:6, 9, 10).

By the Chaldeans are signified those who destroy the truths of the church. By the breadths of the earth are signified the truths thereof. That they will destroy all truths by falsities, is signified by gathering the captivity as the sand. That they will deride and blaspheme the truths and goods of the Word, is signified by mocking at kings, and rulers being laughter to them. Kings signify the truths of the Word, and rulers the goods thereof.

[8] In Jeremiah:

Nebuchadnezzar "shall come and shall smite the land of Egypt; those who are for death to death; those who are for captivity to captivity; those who are for the sword to the sword; and I will kindle a fire in the houses of Egypt, that it may burn them, and he shall carry them away captive; at length he shall array himself with the land of Egypt, as a shepherd putteth on his garment" (43:10, 11).

By Nebuchadnezzar, or by the king of Babel, in the Word, are meant those who destroy everything of the church by evils; and by the Chaldeans are meant those who destroy everything of the church by falsities. In the abstract sense, by the king of Babel are signified the evils which destroy, and by the Chaldeans their falsities. Nebuchadnezzar's coming and smiting the land of Egypt, signifies the destruction of the natural man as to all goods and truths thence from the Word.

Those who are for death to death, signifies destruction by evils. Those who are for captivity to captivity, signifies destruction by the shutting out from and deprivation of truth. Those who are for the sword to the sword, signifies destruction by falsities therefrom. By kindling a fire in the houses of Egypt to burn them, and by taking them captive, is signified that the loves of self and of the world will destroy all things of the natural man by evils, and falsities. Fire signifies those loves; the houses of Egypt signify all things of the natural man; to burn them signifies to destroy by evil loves; and to take them captive signifies to destroy by falsities thence. At length he shall array himself with the land of Egypt as a shepherd putteth on his garment, signifies that the falsities of evil and the evils of falsity will occupy the whole natural man. This is compared to the garment of a shepherd, because a garment signifies truth investing good; but in this case falsity investing evil. For the natural man is as a garment to the spiritual man, for it encompasses and encloses it.

[9] In Jeremiah:

"Those who are for death to death; those who are for famine to famine; and those who are for captivity to captivity" (15:2).

By these words is described the total vastation of good and truth in the church; for in the verse preceding it is said, "If Moses and Samuel stood before me, my soul could not be towards this people; cast them out before my face, that they may go forth." Therefore those who are for death to death, signifies that those who reject goods perish by evils. Those who are for famine to famine, signifies that those who reject truths perish by falsities. Those who are for captivity to captivity, signifies that those who love evils and falsities are taken possession of by them.

[10] In Isaiah:

"As my servant Isaiah went naked and barefoot three years, so shall the king of Assyria lead the captivity of Egypt, and the multitude of Cush, to be carried away, boys and old men, naked and barefoot, even the buttocks uncovered, the nakedness of Egypt" (532).

[11] In Daniel:

"He shall also carry away captive into Egypt their gods with their princes, with their vessels of desire, and the silver and the gold; and he shall stop more years than the king of the north. The intelligent of the people shall instruct many, although they shall fall together by sword and flame, and captivity and depredation, [many] days" (11:8, 33).

The subject here is the war between the king of the north and the king of the south. By the king of the north is signified falsity ruling in the church; by the king of the south the truth defending the church against falsity. That still falsities will predominate in the church in the end of the days is there predicted and described. By their gods and their princes, the vessels of desire; and the gold and silver, which shall be led captive into Egypt is signified that truth protecting shall take away all the truths and goods of the church from those who are in falsities. Its spiritual truths are signified by their gods and princes, natural truths by their vessels of desire, and all truth and good in general by silver and gold. And their taking away and protection is signified by leading into captivity to Egypt. By falling by the sword and flame, is signified to perish by falsities and evils therefrom. And by captivity and depredation is signified the deprivation of all things of truth and good.

[12] In Jeremiah:

After that the prophet was delivered up to prison, he prophesied that all Judah should be transported into captivity to Babel, and should there die and be buried (20:1-6; 27:1 to end).

By that prophet, as by prophet in general, is signified the doctrine of the church from the Word. By his being delivered up to prison was represented that the like should come to pass with the church and its doctrine, which is signified by all Judah being carried away into captivity to Babel. The captivity of the tribe of Judah in Babel seventy years represented the full destruction of truth and the devastation of the church.

[13] In the same:

"The wind shall feed all thy shepherds, and thy lovers shall go into captivity; then shalt thou be ashamed and disgraced for all thy wickedness" (22:22).

By shepherds, in the abstract sense, are signified the goods of the church, and by lovers the truths thereof. The wind which shall feed the shepherds, signifies the hollowness and emptiness of doctrine. The captivity into which the lovers shall go, signifies a shutting out from all truths and from the understanding thereof. To be ashamed and disgraced signifies to be destitute of all good and truth; for thus, when they come amongst the angels, are they affected with shame and disgrace.

[14] In Moses:

"I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh, with the blood of the slain and captivity, with the gall of the revenges of the enemy" (Deuteronomy 32:42).

To make the arrows drunk with blood, signifies delirium of the mind from the Word falsified. The sword shall devour flesh, signifies that falsities shall destroy everything of good. With the blood of the slain and of captivity, signifies the extinction and shutting out of all truth, the slain denoting the extinction of truth by falsities, and captivity the shutting out of truth by falsities. With the gall of the revenges of the enemy, signifies with the malice and cruelty of hell, the gall of revenges denoting malice and cruelty, and the enemy denoting hell.

[15] In Isaiah:

"Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth, their idols are wild beasts and beasts, they stoop, they bow down together, and their soul shall go into captivity" (46:1, 2).

Their idols are wild beasts and beasts, signifies that their falsities are infernal falsities, and evils therefrom. They stoop, they bow down together, signifies that they fall away. Their soul shall go into captivity, signifies that they shall go into hell, where they will be shut out from all truth.

[16] In Obadiah:

"In that day aliens led his strength captive, and strangers entered his gates and cast lots upon Jerusalem" (1:11).

Spoken of Edom, by whom is signified the truth of the natural man, but in this case falsity. By the aliens who led captive his strength, are signified the falsities of the church destroying its truths, strength signifying truth, because all spiritual strength consists in truths. By the strangers who entered the gates, are signified falsities of doctrine destroying the truths by which entrance into interior truths is possible. By Jerusalem upon which they cast lots, is signified the doctrine of the church from the Word thus dissipated, to cast lots denoting to dissipate.

[17] In Jeremiah:

"Woe to thee, Moab, the people of Chemosh perisheth, for thy sons are taken into captivity, and thy daughters into captivity; yet I will bring back the captivity of Moab" (48:46, 47).

By Moab are meant those who are in natural delight, and who therefore adulterate the goods of the Word. By the people of Chemosh are meant those who are in natural truth, By sons and daughters being taken into captivity, is signified that the truths and goods of their church are shut out by falsities and evils, sons denoting truths, and daughters goods. I will bring back the captivity of Moab in the end of the days, signifies that truths shall be opened to those who are meant by Moab; and that they shall be instructed therein, the end of the days signifying the Coming of the Lord. Mention is frequently made in the Word of captives who are to be brought back, and by these are meant the Gentiles, who are called captives by reason of their being shut out from truths, which, however, shall be opened to them by the Lord.

[18] In Isaiah:

"Jehovah hath anointed me to preach glad tidings to the poor; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted; to preach liberty to the captives, and to them that are bound, to him whose eyes are holden" (61:1).

These things are said of the Lord. By the poor to whom Jehovah anointed Him to preach good tidings, are signified those who are in few truths, and yet desire them, that their soul may be thereby sustained. By the broken-hearted are signified those who are consequently in grief. By the captives to whom He should preach liberty are signified those who are shut out from truths and therefore from goods; to whom truths shall be opened, by means of which they shall be imbued with goods. By them that are bound and him whose eyes are holden, are signified those to whom it was denied to see truths; thus the Gentiles are meant, who afterwards received truths from the Lord.

[19] In the same:

"I have raised him up in justice, and all his ways will I make straight; he shall build my city, and shall let go my captivity, not for price, neither for reward" (45:13).

This also is said of the Lord. And by the justice in which Jehovah hath raised Him up, is signified the good of love; and by His ways, which He will make straight, are signified truths proceeding from good. By the city which He shall build, is signified the doctrine of the church; and by the captivity which He shall let go, is signified the opening and revelation of Divine truths among those who had been hitherto shut out from them. That the Lord will do these things freely is signified by, not for price, neither for reward.

[20] In Jeremiah:

"The children of Israel and the children of Judah are oppressed together, and all that take them captive, hold them fast, and refuse to let them go; their Redeemer is strong, striving he will strive in their dispute, and will give rest to the land" (50:33, 34).

This is also said of the Lord who is the Redeemer that is strong. By striving in their dispute, is signified visitation and judgment upon those who oppress them by falsities, and liberation thereby from them. By giving rest to the land, is signified protection from falsities. By the children of Israel and the children of Judah, who are said to be oppressed, are not meant the sons of Israel and of Judah, but the nations that are in truths and goods from the Lord; who, being detained by those who deceive them and shut out truths from them, it is said that those who take them captive hold them fast, and refuse to let them go.

[21] In David:

"Thou hast ascended upon high; thou hast led captivity captive" (Psalm 68:18).

Here also the Lord is treated of. And by leading captivity captive, is signified to liberate from falsities those who were thereby held captive.

In Isaiah:

"Shall the capture be taken from the mighty, or the captivity of the just be snatched away? For thus saith Jehovah, Even the captivity of the mighty shall be taken, and the capture of the violent shall be snatched away" (49:24, 25).

This is also spoken of the Lord, and of the bringing back the sons of Zion from captivity. But by the sons of Zion are meant those who are in love to the Lord, and thence in truths. That they were shut out from truths by those who strenuously confirmed falsities, and that nevertheless they were liberated by the Lord, is signified by, shall the capture be taken from the mighty, and shall the captivity of the just be snatched away?

[22] In David:

"Who will give out of Zion the salvation of Israel? When Jehovah bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall exult, Israel shall be glad" (Psalm 14:7; 53:6).

By Zion are here also meant those who are in the good of love from the Lord. Liberation from evils by the Lord, and salvation, are meant by, who will give out of Zion the salvation of Israel? By bringing back the captivity of His people, is meant deliverance from falsities and evils. By Jacob shall exult, Israel shall be glad, is meant joy on account of deliverance with those who are in the external and internal church. Those who belong to the external church are meant by Jacob, and those who are of the internal church by Israel; and the Gentiles are meant by both.

[23] In Jeremiah:

"Fear not, my servant Jacob, and be not dismayed, O Israel; behold I keep thee from afar off, and thy seed from the land of thy captivity, so that Jacob may return, and rest, and be at ease, and none shall make him afraid" (46:27; 30:10).

By Jacob and Israel here also are meant the Gentiles. By Jacob those who belong to the external church, and by Israel those who belong to the internal church. To keep them from afar off, signifies to save them, although they are far from salvation. From the land of captivity, signifies to liberate them from falsities, whereby they were shut out from the truths and goods of heaven and the church. By returning, and by resting at ease, and none shall make him afraid, is signified to be protected from falsities which are from hell.

[24] In the same:

"All that devour thee shall be devoured, and all thine adversaries, they shall also go into captivity; and they that preyed upon thee shall be for a prey; and all that plundered thee will I give for plunder. I will bring back the captivity of the tents of Jacob; and I will have mercy on his dwelling-places; the city may be built upon its own heap; and the palace inhabited after its own manner" (799).

[25] In the same:

"I shall be found of you, and I will bring back your captivity, and I will gather you out of all nations, and I will bring you back to the place whence I caused you to depart" (376, 405).

[26] In Isaiah:

"Put on thy strength, O Zion; put on the garments of thy gracefulness, O Jerusalem, the city of holiness; for there shall not add to come any more into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean; shake thyself from the dust; sit, O Jerusalem; to open the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion" (52:1, 2).

By Zion is meant the church that is in the good of love to the Lord; the truth from that good being signified by the strength which Zion shall put on; and the truths of the doctrine of that church by the garments of gracefulness which Jerusalem shall put on. By the uncircumcised and the unclean who shall not add to come in any more, are signified the evils of earthly loves, and their falsities. By shaking herself from the dust, arising and sitting, when said of Jerusalem, is signified liberation from infernal falsities, and elevation to the truths of heaven. By to open the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion, is signified deliverance from a state of detention from truths through falsities, which hinder the reception of influx out of heaven. The daughter of Zion denotes those who are in the affection of truth from the good of love from the Lord. In the following verses of that chapter it is said of the children of Israel, that they went down to sojourn in Egypt, and that Assyria oppressed them; by which is signified that they were shut out from truths by reasonings from scientifics of the natural man.

[27] In the same:

"The people shall take them, and shall lead them to their place; and the house of Israel shall possess them for a heritage upon the land of Jehovah, for man servants and maid servants; so that they shall take them captive whose captives they were, and they shall rule over their exactors" (14:2).

These words also treat of the bringing back of the sons of Israel, by whom are meant the nations. That those who have shut out [others] from truths, and deceived by means of falsities, are also shut out from truths and deceived by means of falsities, is signified by, they shall take them captive whose captives they were, and they shall rule over their exactors.

[28] In Hosea:

"In the house of Israel I have seen a foul thing; there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is polluted; and, O Judah, he hath set a harvest for thee, when I shall bring back the captivity of my people" (6:10, 11).

These things are said of the state of the church among the Jews about the time of the Lord's Advent. The whoredom of Ephraim, which is the foul thing in the house of Israel, signifies the falsification of the Word, whoredom denoting falsification, and Ephraim the understanding of the Word. Israel is polluted, and, O Judah, he hath set a harvest for thee, signifies that the church was in absolute falsities, and that they applied the Word to confirm them. By Judah is signified the Word, and by harvest, the abundance of such things there which they applied. That this would be the state of the Jewish Church when truths should be opened before the Gentiles, who should thereby be delivered from falsities, is signified by, when I shall bring back the captivity of my people.

[29] Similar things are signified in the historical parts of the Word by the captivities of the sons of Israel by various enemies, and by their deliverances; as,

That they were forced to serve Kushan, king of Syria, and were liberated by Othniel (Judges iii.).

That they served Eglon, king of Moab, and were liberated by Ehud (iii.).

That they were delivered to Jabin, king of Canaan, and liberated by Deborah (iv.).

That they were delivered up to the Midianites, and liberated by Gideon (vi.).

That they were delivered up to the Philistines and Ammonites, and liberated by Jephthah (x. and xi.).

[30] Similar things were signified,

By the captivity of the Jews, seventy years, in Babel (2 Kings xxv.).

For the historical parts of the Word are all representative of such things as pertain to the church, and the expressions by which the historical circumstances are described are all significative.

Similar things are also signified in the Word by them that are bound, as in the following passages:

"They shall be gathered together, they who are bound in a pit, and they shall be shut up in a prison; but after a multitude of days they shall be visited" (Isaiah 24:22).

"By the blood of thy covenant I will send forth the bound out of the pit in which there is no water" (Zech. 9:11).

"The sighing of the bound shall come before thee" (Psalm 79:11).

"He made the world a wilderness and destroyed their cities, he opened not the house for his bound ones" (Isaiah 14:17).

"To open the blind eyes, to bring the bound out of prison, them that sit in darkness out of the prison house" (Isaiah 42:7).

The King said, "I was in prison, and ye came not unto me" (Matthew 25:36).

Jesus said, "Ought not this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, to be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?" (Luke 13:16).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 811

811. That "captivity" signifies in the Word spiritual captivity, which is a shutting out from Divine truths, that is, from the understanding of them in the Word, also destruction by the falsities of evil and by the evils of falsity, can be seen from passages in the Word where "captivity" is mentioned; as in the following. In Luke:

They shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led captive among all nations; and Jerusalem shall finally be trampled down (Luke 21:24).

This chapter treats of the consummation of the age, which means the last time of the church, when there is no longer any truth remaining. "To fall by the edge of the sword" at that time signifies the destruction of truth by falsities; "sword" signifying the combat of falsity against truth, and also the destruction of truth by falsities. "They shall be led captive among all nations" signifies persuasions and thence obsessions by evils of every kind; for when truths have been destroyed not only do falsities succeed in their place, but evils also. "All nations" signify evils of every kind; "Jerusalem shall be trampled down" signifies a complete destruction and perversion of the doctrine of the church; "Jerusalem" signifying the church in respect to doctrine, and "to be trampled down" signifying to be wholly destroyed, which is done chiefly by falsifications and adulterations of the Word.

[2] In Ezekiel:

They shall be led captive among the nations, and the altars shall be laid waste, and the idols shall be broken, and the slain shall fall in the midst of you (Ezekiel 6:1-10).

"The altars being laid waste" signifies that all worship from the good of love shall perish; "the idols becoming broken" signifies that all worship from the truths of that good shall perish; and "the slain shall fall in the midst of you" signifies that they shall perish by falsities, "to be slain by the sword" signifying this.

[3] In Lamentations:

Hear, all ye people, and behold my grief; my virgins and my young men have gone into captivity (Lamentations 1:18).

This is a lamentation over the devastation of all truth in the church; this lamentation is described by "Hear, all ye people, and behold my grief;" that all the affection of truth has been destroyed is signified by "my virgins have gone into captivity," a "virgin" signifying the affection of truth; and that all understanding of truth has been destroyed is signified by "my young men have gone into captivity," "young men" signifying the understanding of truth and intelligence.

[4] In Amos:

If they have gone into captivity before their adversaries, thence do I command the sword that it may slay them (Amos 9:4).

"If they have gone into captivity before their adversaries" signifies, if they have suffered evils to take possession of them; "adversaries" meaning evils, and "to go into captivity" meaning to be possessed by them. "Thence do I command the sword that it may slay them" signifies that falsities will shut them out from the understanding of truths, and will destroy them.

[5] In David:

God abandoned the habitation of Shiloh, the tent He inhabited among men; and He gave His strength into captivity, and His splendor into the hand of the adversary (Psalms 78:60, 61).

"The habitation of Shiloh" signifies the church that is in the good of love, and the "tent" signifies the church that is in the truths of doctrine; thence it is clear what is signified by "God abandoned the habitation of Shiloh, the tent He inhabited among men," namely, that the goods of love and the truths of doctrine have been destroyed. The "strength" that He gave into captivity signifies spiritual truth from celestial good; and "to give into captivity" signifies to shut out from an understanding of it, and thus destruction by falsities; and the "splendor that He gave into the hand of the adversary" signifies natural truth from spiritual; this is signified by "splendor;" and its destruction by evils is signified by "being given into the hand of the adversary."

[6] In Ezekiel:

The prophet was commanded to remove out of the place, and to bring out the vessels of removal through the wall before their eyes, to bring them out in the darkness, and to cover his face that he see not the earth; and say, I am your prodigy; like as I have done, so shall it be done to them; they shall go into exile, into captivity (Ezekiel 12:1-12).

By this the prophet represented the state of the church at that time, that there were no longer any truths remaining that had not been destroyed by falsities. For all the prophets represented the church in respect to doctrine from the Word. "To remove out of the place," and "to bring out the vessels of removal through the wall in darkness, and to cover his face that he see not the earth," represented that all the truths of doctrine from the Word had been cast out; "to remove out of the place" signifies rejection; "vessels of removal" signify the truths of doctrine; the "wall" through which he brought them out signifies the ultimate, which encompasses and defends truths (the ultimate of doctrine being the sense of the letter of the Word, which is called a "wall" because it contains and includes the spiritual sense); the "darkness" in which he was to bring them out signifies falsities; "to cover his face that he see not the earth" signifies that truths of good are no longer seen in the church. Because the prophet represented these things it is said, "like as I have done, so shall it be done to them; they shall go into exile and into captivity." Thence it is clear that "to go into exile" signifies the dispersion of truth, and "to go into captivity" signifies to be possessed by falsities.

[7] In Habakkuk:

I will raise up the Chaldeans, a nation that marcheth into the breadths of the land; it shall gather captivity like the sand; it shall mock at kings and rulers shall be a derision unto it (Habakkuk 1:6, 9, 10).

"The Chaldeans" signify those who destroy the truths of the church; "the breadths of the land" signify the truths of the church; that they will destroy all truths by falsities is signified by "it shall gather captivity like the sand;" that the truths and goods of the Word will be derided and blasphemed is signified by "that nation shall mock at kings, and rulers shall be a derision unto it," "kings" signifying the truths of the Word, and "rulers" its goods.

[8] In Jeremiah:

Nebuchadnezzar shall come and shall smite the land of Egypt, they who are for death to death, they who are for captivity to captivity, they who are for the sword to the sword; and I will kindle a fire in the houses of Egypt that he may burn them up, and carry them away captive; finally he shall array himself with the land of Egypt, as a shepherd arrayeth himself with his garment (Jeremiah 43:11, 12).

"Nebuchadnezzar," or "the king of Babylon," means in the Word those who destroy all things of the church by evils; and "the Chaldeans" those who destroy all things of the church by falsities; and in an abstract sense "the king of Babylon" signifies the evils that destroy, and "the Chaldeans" their falsities. "Nebuchadnezzar shall come and smite the land of Egypt" signifies the destruction of the natural man in respect to all goods and all truths thence from the Word; "they who are for death to death" signifies destruction by evils; "they who are for captivity to captivity" signifies destruction by shutting out from and deprivation of truth; "they who are for the sword to the sword" signifies destruction by falsities thence; "to kindle a fire in the houses of Egypt that he may burn them up, or carry them away captive," signifies that the loves of self and of the world will destroy all things of the natural man by evils and falsities; "fire" signifying those loves; "houses of Egypt" signify all things of the natural man; "to burn them up" signifies to destroy by evil loves, and "to carry them away captive" signifies to destroy by falsities thence. "Finally he shall array himself with the land of Egypt as a shepherd arrayeth himself with his garment" signifies that the falsities of evil and the evils of falsity will possess the whole natural man. This is compared to the garment of a shepherd, because a "garment" signifies truth clothing good, but here falsity clothing evil; for the natural man is like a garment to the spiritual man, for it encompasses and includes it.

[9] In Jeremiah:

They who are for death to death, they who are for famine to famine, and they who are for captivity to captivity (Jeremiah 15:2).

This describes the total vastation of good and truth in the church; for in the preceding verse it is said, "Though Moses and Samuel stood before Me, My soul could not be towards this people; cast them out before My face, that they may go forth;" therefore "they who are for death to death" signifies that those who reject goods perish by evils; "they who are for famine to famine" signifies that those who reject truths perish by falsities; "they who are for captivity to captivity" signifies that those who love evils and falsities are taken possession of by them.

[10] In Isaiah:

Like as My servant Isaiah hath gone naked and barefoot three years, so shall the king of Assyria lead the captivity of Egypt, and the crowd of Cush that is to be carried away, boys and old men, naked and barefoot, even the buttocks uncovered, the nakedness of Egypt (532.)

[11] In Daniel:

Also their gods with their princes, with their vessels of desire, silver and gold, shall he carry captive into Egypt; and he shall stand more years than the king of the north. The intelligent of the people shall instruct many; yet they shall fall together by the sword and by flame and by captivity and by depredation, for days (Daniel 11:8, 33).

This treats of the war between the king of the north and the king of the south, "the king of the north" signifying falsity ruling in the church, and "the king of the south" truth defending the church against falsity; that nevertheless falsities will predominate in the church in the latter end of days is here foretold and described. "Their gods and their princes, and vessels of desire, and silver and gold, that shall be carried captive into Egypt," signify that the defending truth will take away all truths and goods of the church from those who are in falsities; its spiritual truths are signified by "their gods and princes," natural truths by "their vessels of desire," and all truth and good in general by "silver and gold," and the taking away and defense of these is signified by "carrying captive into Egypt." "To fall together by sword and flame" signifies to perish by falsities and evils therefrom; and "to fall together by captivity and depredation" signifies the deprivation of all things of truth and good.

[12] In Jeremiah:

When the prophet was given over to the prison he prophesied that all Judah should be carried away into captivity to Babylon, and should there die and be buried (Jeremiah 20:1-6; 27).

This "prophet," like "prophet" in general, signifies the doctrine of the church from the Word; his being "given over to the prison" represented that the like was done in respect to the church and its doctrine, which is signified by all Judah being carried away into captivity to Babylon. The captivity of the tribe of Judah in Babylon seventy years represented the complete destruction of truth and devastation of the church.

[13] In the same:

The wind shall feed all thy shepherds, and thy lovers shall go into captivity; then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness (Jeremiah 22:22).

"Shepherds" in an abstract sense signify the goods of the church, and "lovers" its truths; the "wind" that shall feed the shepherds signifies the hollowness and emptiness of doctrine; the "captivity" into which the lovers shall go signifies a shutting out from all truths and from the understanding of them; "to be ashamed and confounded" signifies to be destitute of all good and truth; for thus, when they come among the angels, are they ashamed and confounded.

[14] In Moses:

I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh, with the blood of the stain and of captivity, and the gall of the revenges of the adversary (Deuteronomy 32:42).

"To make arrows drunk with blood" signifies the delirium of mind from the Word falsified; "the sword shall devour flesh" signifies that falsities will destroy all things of good; "with the blood of the slain and of captivity" signifies the extinction and shutting out of all truth, "slain" meaning the extinction of truth by falsities, and "captivity" the shutting out of truth by falsities. "With the gall of the revenges of the adversary" signifies with the malice and cruelty of hell; "the gall of revenges" meaning malice and cruelty, and the "adversary" meaning hell.

[15] In Isaiah:

Bel hath bowed low, Nebo hath stooped, their idols are to the wild beast and to the beast; they have stooped and bowed low together, and their soul shall go into captivity (Isaiah 46:1, 2).

"Their idols to the wild beast and to the beast" signifies that their falsities are infernal falsities, and evils therefrom; "they have stooped and bowed low together" signifies that they will fall apart; "their soul shall go into captivity" signifies that they shall go into hell, where they will be shut out from all truth.

[16] In Obadiah:

In that day strangers led his strength captive, and aliens entered his gates and cast the lot upon Jerusalem (Obadiah 1:11).

This is said of Edom, which signifies the truth of the natural man, but here the falsity; "the strangers that led his strength captive" signify the falsities of the church destroying its truths, "strength" signifying truth, since all spiritual strength consists in truths; "the aliens who entered the gates" signify the falsities of doctrine destroying the truths through which entrance is given into interior truths; "Jerusalem, upon which they cast the lot," signifies the doctrine of the church from the Word, thus dispersed, "to cast the lot" meaning to disperse.

[17] In Jeremiah:

Woe to thee, Moab, the people of Chemosh have perished; for thy sons are taken into captivity, and thy daughters into captivity; yet I will bring back the captivity of Moab (Jeremiah 48:46, 47).

"Moab" means those who are in natural delight, and who therefore adulterate the goods of the Word; "the people of Chemosh" mean those who are in natural truth; "sons are taken into captivity and daughters into captivity" signifies that the truths and goods of their church are shut out by falsities and evils; "sons" meaning truths, and "daughters" goods; "I will bring back the captivity of Moab in the end of days" signifies that truths will be opened to those who are meant by "Moab," and they will be instructed in them, "the end of days" signifying the Lord's coming.

[18] In many places in the Word it is said that "captives are to be brought back," and captives mean the Gentiles; and these are called "captives" because they are shut out from truths, which, however, will be opened to them by the Lord. As in Isaiah:

Jehovah hath anointed Me to proclaim good tidings unto the poor; He hath sent Me to bind up the broken in heart; to preach liberty to the captives, and to the bound, to the blind (Isaiah 60:1).

This is said of the Lord; and "the poor" to whom Jehovah hath anointed Him to preach good tidings signify those who are in few truths, and yet desire truths that their soul may be sustained by them; "the broken in heart" signify those who in consequence are in grief; "the captives" to whom He was to preach liberty signify those who are shut out from truths and thus from goods; and to these truths are to be opened, and by them they will be imbued with goods. The "bound" and the "blind" signify those to whom it is denied to see truths, meaning the Gentiles that afterwards received truths from the Lord.

[19] In the same:

I have raised him up in justice, and I will make straight all his ways; he shall build My city and he shall let go My captivity, not for price nor reward (Isaiah 45:13).

This, too, is said of the Lord; and the "justice" in which Jehovah hath raised him up signifies the good of love; and "his ways which He will make straight" signify the truths proceeding from good; the "city which he shall build" signifies the doctrine of the church; and the "captivity which he shall let go" signifies the opening and revelation of Divine truths with those who had heretofore been shut out from them. That the Lord will do these things freely is signified by "not for price nor reward."

[20] In Jeremiah:

The sons of Israel and the sons of Judah are oppressed together, and all that take them captive hold them fast, they refuse to let them go. Their Redeemer is strong; pleading He will plead their cause, and will give quiet to the land (Jeremiah 50:33, 34).

This also is said of the Lord, who is meant by "their Redeemer is strong;" "to plead their cause" signifies visitation and judgment upon those who oppress them by falsities, and consequent deliverance from them; "to give quiet to the land" signifies protection from falsities, "the sons of Israel and the sons of Judah," who are said to be oppressed, do not mean the sons of Israel and of Judah, but the Gentiles that are in truths and goods from the Lord; and as these are restrained by those who deceive them and shut out truths from them, it is said that "those that take them captive hold them fast, and refuse to let them go."

[21] In David:

Thou hast ascended on high; Thou hast led captivity captive (Psalms 68:18).

This, again, is said of the Lord; and "to lead captivity captive" signifies to deliver from the falsities that have held them captive. In Isaiah:

Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or shall the captivity of the just be delivered? For thus Jehovah hath said, Even the captivity of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the violent shall be delivered (Isaiah 49:24, 25).

This also is said of the Lord, and of the bringing back of the sons of Zion from captivity; and "the sons of Zion" mean those who are in love to the Lord and in truths therefrom. That they had been shut out from truths by those who eagerly confirmed falsities, and yet they were delivered by the Lord, is signified by "Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, and shall the captivity of the just be delivered?"

[22] In David:

Who will give out of Zion the salvation of Israel? When Jehovah shall bring back the captivity of His people Jacob shall exult, Israel shall be glad (Psalms 14:7; 53:6).

Here also "Zion" means those who are in the good of love from the Lord; deliverance from evils by the Lord and salvation are meant by "Who will give out of Zion the salvation of Israel?" "To bring back the captivity of His people" means deliverance from falsities and evils; "Jacob shall exult, Israel shall be glad," means the joy with those who are in the external church and of those who are in the internal church because of their deliverance, "Jacob" meaning those who are of the external church, and "Israel" those who are of the internal church; and both mean the Gentiles.

[23] In Jeremiah:

Fear not, My servant Jacob, and be not dismayed, O Israel; behold I will keep thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of thy captivity, so that Jacob may return, and be quiet and tranquil, and none shall make him afraid (Jeremiah 46:27; 30:10).

Here, too, "Jacob and Israel" mean the Gentiles, "Jacob" those who are of the external church, and "Israel" those who are of the internal church; "to keep them from afar" signifies to save them although they are far from salvation; "to keep from the land of captivity" signifies to deliver from the falsities by which they have been shut out from the truths and goods of heaven and the church; "to return and be quiet and tranquil, and none shall make afraid," signifies to be protected from falsities which are from hell.

[24] In the same:

All that devour thee shall be devoured; and all thine adversaries, all shall go into captivity; and they that plundered thee shall be for plunder; and all that preyed upon thee will I give for a prey. I will bring back the captivity of the tents of Jacob; and I will have compassion on his habitations, that the city may be built upon its own heap, and the palace shall be inhabited after its own manner (799.)

[25] In the same:

I will be found of you, and I will bring back your captivity, and I will bring you together out of all nations, and I will bring you back to the place whence I caused you to depart (376, 405).

[26] In Isaiah:

Put on thy strength, O Zion; put on the garments of thy splendor, O Jerusalem, the city of holiness; for there shall not add to come any more into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean; shake thyself from the dust; sit, O Jerusalem; open the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion (Isaiah 52:1, 2).

"Zion" means a church that is in the good of love to the Lord; truth from that good is signified by the "strength that Zion shall put on;" and the truths of doctrine of that church are signified by "the garments of splendor that Jerusalem shall put on." "The uncircumcised and the unclean, who shall not add to come any more," signify the evils of earthly loves and their falsities; "to shake herself from the dust, to arise and to sit," signifies, in respect to Jerusalem, deliverance from infernal falsities and elevation to the truths of heaven. "To open the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion," signifies deliverance from being withheld from truths by falsities that hinder the reception of influx out of heaven, "daughter of Zion" meaning those who are in the affection of truth from the good of love from the Lord. In the verses that follow it is said of the sons of Israel:

That they sojourned in Egypt, and that Assyria oppressed them (Isaiah 4);

which signifies that they were shut out from truths by reasonings from the knowledges (scientifica) of the natural man.

[27] In the same:

The peoples shall take them and shall lead them to their place, and the house of Israel shall possess them for a heritage upon the land of Jehovah, for manservants and for maidservants; that they may thus take captive them whose captives they were, and they shall have dominion over their exactors (Isaiah 14:2).

This, too, treats of the bringing back of the sons of Israel, and by sons of Israel the Gentiles are meant. That those who shut out others from truths and lead them astray by falsities are shut out from truths and led astray by falsities, is signified by "they shall take captive them whose captives they were, and they shall have dominion over their exactors."

[28] In Hosea:

In the house of Israel I have seen a filthy thing; there is Ephraim's whoredom; Israel is polluted and Judah hath set a harvest for thee, when I shall bring back the captivity of My people (Hosea 6:10, 11).

This treats of the state of the church among the Jews about the time of the Lord's coming; "Ephraim's whoredom," which is "the filthy thing in the house of Israel," signifies the falsification of the Word; "whoredom" signifying falsification, and "Ephraim" the understanding of the Word. "Israel is polluted, and Judah hath set a harvest for thee," signifies that the church was in mere falsities, and that they applied the Word to confirm falsities, "Judah" signifying the Word, and "harvest" the abundance of such things in the Word as they applied. That this would be the state of the Jewish Church when truths should be opened before the Gentiles, by which they might be delivered from falsities, is signified by "when I shall bring back the captivity of My people."

[29] In the historical parts of the Word the captivities of the sons of Israel by various enemies, and their deliverances, have a like signification, as:

That they were forced to serve Cushan, king of Syria, and were delivered by Othniel (Judges 3);

That they served Eglon, king of Moab, and were delivered by Ehud (Judges 3);

That they were given over to Jabin, king of Canaan, and delivered by Deborah (Judges 4);

That they were given over to the Midianites, and delivered by Gideon (Judges 6);

That they were given over to the Philistines and Ammonites, and delivered by Jephthah (Judges 10, Judges 11).

Similar things were signified by:

The captivity of the Jews seventy years in Babylon (2 Kings 25).

For the historical parts of the Word are all representative of such things as pertain to the church, and the expressions by which the historical facts are described are all significative.

[30] The "bound" have a similar signification in the Word as "captives," as in the following passages:

The bound in the pit shall be gathered together, and they shall be shut up in a prison; but after a multitude of days shall they be visited (Isaiah 24:22).

By the blood of thy covenant I will send forth the bound out of the pit wherein is no water (Zechariah 9:11).

The sighing of the bound shall come before Thee (Psalms 79:11).

He hath made the world into a wilderness and destroyed his 122 cities. He hath opened not the house for His bound ones (Isaiah 14:17).

To open the blind eyes, to lead him that is bound out of prison, them that sit in darkness out of the prison house (Isaiah 42:7).

The king said, I was in prison, and ye came 2unto me (Matthew 25:36).

Jesus said, Ought not this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound lo these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the day of the sabbath? (Luke 13:16).


1. See above, n. 741, where we read "his."

2. The Latin has "ye did not come," for "ye came."

Apocalypsis Explicata 811 (original Latin 1759)


Quod "captivitas" in Verbo significet captivitatem spiritualem, quod sit seclusio a Divinis veris, nempe ab intellectu illorum in Verbo, tum quoque destructio per falsa mali et mala falsi, constare potest a locis in Verbo ubi "captivitas" dicitur, ut in sequentibus: Apud Lucam,

"Cadent..ore gladii, et captivabuntur inter omnes gentes, ..tandem Hierosolyma erit conculcata" (21:24):

agitur in eo capite de consummatione saeculi, per quam significatur ultimum tempus ecclesiae, quando non verum amplius superest; per "cadere" tunc "ore gladii" significatur destructio veri per falsa ("gladius" significat pugnam falsi contra verum, et quoque destructionem veri per falsa); per "captivabuntur inter omnes gentes" significantur persuasiones et obsessiones inde a malis omnis generis, nam cum vera destructa sunt, non modo falsa loco illorum succedunt, sed etiam mala; "omnes gentes" significant mala omnis generis: per quod "Hierosolyma erit conculcata" significatur plenaria destructio et perversio doctrinae ecclesiae; "Hierosolyma" significat ecclesiam quoad doctrinam, et "conculcare" prorsus destruere, quod fit imprimis per falsificationes et adulterationes Verbi.

[2] Apud Ezechielem,

Captivabuntur inter gentes, ac devastabuntur altaria, et frangentur idola, et cadet confossus in medio vestri (6:1-10):

per "devastari altaria" significatur quod periturus omnis cultus ex bono amoris; per "frangi idola" significatur quod periturus sit omnis cultus ex veris illius boni; "et cadet confossus e medio vestri", 1

significat quod perituri per falsa ("confodi gladio" id significat).

[3] In Threnis,

"Audite, ..omnes populi, et videte dolorem meum; virgines meae, et juvenes mei iverunt in captivitatem" (1:18):

est lamentatio super devastationem omnis veri in ecclesia; lamentatio describitur per "Audite, omnes populi, et videte dolorem meum"; quod omnis affectio veri destructa sit, significatur per quod "virgines meae in captivitatem iverint" ("virgo" significat affectionem veri); et quod omnis intellectus veri destructus sit, significatur per quod "juvenes mei in captivitatem iverint" ("juvenes" significant intellectum veri ac intelligentiam).

[4] Apud Amos,

"Si iverint in captivitatem coram hostibus suis, inde praecipio gladio ut occidat eos" (9:4):

"Si iverint in capitivitatem coram hostibus", significat si patiantur ut mala occupent illos; "hostes" sunt mala, et "ire in captivitatem" est occupari ab illis: "inde praecipio gladio ut occidat eos", significat quod falsa secludent illos ab intelligendis veris, et destruent illos.

[5] Apud Davidem,

Deus "deseruit habitaculum Schiluntis, tentorium habitavit inter homines; et dedit in captivitatem robur ejus, et decus ejus in manum hostis" (Psalms 78:60, 61):

per "habitaculum Schiluntis" significatur ecclesia quae in bono amoris est, ac per "tentorium" significatur ecclesia quae in veris doctrinae; inde patet quid significatur per quod "Deus deseruerit habitaculum Schiluntis, tentorium habitavit inter homines"; nempe, quod bona amoris et vera doctrinae destructa sint: per "robur", quod dedit in captivitatem, significatur verum spirituale ex bono caelesti, et per "dare in captivitatem" significatur seclusio ab intellectu ejus, et sic destructio per falsa; et per "decus", quod dedit in manum hostis, significatur verum naturale ex spirituali, hoc significatur per "decus", et destructio ejus per mala significatur per "dari in manum hostis."

[6] Apud Ezechielem,

Mandatum est Prophetae, ut migraret e loco, et per parietem educeret vasa migrationis coram oculis eorum, sub tenebras educeret, ac facies obtegeret ne videret terram: "et dic, Ego prodigium vestrum; quemadmodum feci, sic fiet illis; in exilium, in captivitatem abibunt" (12:1-12):

propheta per haec repraesentabat statum ecclesiae qui tunc fuit, quod non aliqua vera superessent, quae non destructa sunt per falsa; omnes enim prophetae repraesentabant ecclesiam quoad doctrinam ex Verbo: per "migrare e loco", ac per "educere per parietem vasa migrationis, sub tenebras", et per "obtegere faciem ne videat terram", repraesentabat quod omnia vera doctrinae e Verbo ejecta sint; per "migrare e loco" significatur rejectio, per "vasa migrationis" significantur vera doctrinae, per "parietem" per quem educeret significatur ultimum quod ambit et tutatur vera; (ultimum doctrinae est sensus litterae Verbi, qui "paries" dicitur quia est continens et includens sensus spiritualis;) per "tenebras" sub quas educeret, significantur falsa; per "obtegere faciem ne videat terram" significatur quod vera boni non amplius in ecclesia videantur: quia propheta repraesentabat illa, dicitur", Quemadmodum feci sic fiet illis, in exilium et captivitatem abibunt"; inde patet quod "abire in exilium" significet dissipationem veri, et quod "abire in captivitatem" significet occupationem a falsis.

[7] Apud Habakuk,

"Excitabo Chaldaeos, gentem pergentem...in latitudines terrae;.... congregabit sicut arenam captivitatem, illa reges illudet, et dominatores risus illi" (1:6, 9 [, 10]):

per "Chaldaeos" significantur qui destruunt vera ecclesiae; per "latitudines terrae" significantur vera ejus; quod destructuri omnia vera per falsa, significatur per "Congregabit sicut arenam captivitatem"; quod vera et bona Verbi subsannaturi et blasphematuri sint, significatur per quod illa gens "reges illudet, ac dominatores risus illi"; "reges" sunt vera Verbi, et "dominatores" sunt bona ejus.

[8] Apud 2


"Veniet" Nebuchadnezar", et percutiet terram Aegypti, qui morti morti, ..qui captivitati captivitati..qui gladio gladio; ac incendam ignem in domibus [deorum] Aegypti, ut comburat eos, et captivet eos; tandem induet sibi terram Aegypti, sicut induit pastor vestem" (43:11, 12):

per "Nebuchadnezarem" seu per "regem Babelis" in Verbo intelliguntur qui destruunt omnia ecclesiae per mala, ac per "Chaldaeos" intelliguntur qui destruunt omnia ecclesiae per falsa; ac in sensu abstracto per "regem Babelis" significantur mala quae destruunt, ac per "Chaldaeos" falsa eorum: quod "Nebuchadnezar veniet et percutiet terram Aegypti" significat destructionem naturalis hominis quoad omnia bona et inde vera ex Verbo; "qui morti morti" significat perniciem per mala; "qui captivitati captivitati" significat perniciem per seclusionem et deprivationem veri; "qui gladio gladio" 3

significat perniciem per falsa inde; per "incendere ignem in domibus Aegypti, ut comburat eos, vel captivet eos", significat quod amores sui et mundi deperdent omnia naturalis hominis per mala et falsa; ("ignis" significat illos amores, "domus Aegypti" significant omnia naturalis hominis, "comburere" eos significat deperdere per amores malos, et "captivare" eos significat deperdere per falsa inde;) "tandem induet sibi terram Aegypti, sicut induit pastor vestem suam", significat quod falsa mali et mala falsi occupatura sint totum naturalem hominem: comparatur id vesti pastoris, quia "vestis" significat verum investiens bonum, hic autem falsum investiens malum; nam naturalis homo est sicut vestis spirituali homini, cingit enim et includit eum.

[9] Apud Jeremiam,

"Qui ad mortem ad mortem, ..qui ad famem ad famem, et qui ad captivitatem ad captivitatem" ( 4


per haec describitur totalis vastatio boni et veri in ecclesia, nam in versu praecedente dicitur, "Si Moses et Samuel starent coram Me, non anima mea erga populum hunc; ejice coram facie mea ut exeant"; quare "qui ad mortem ad mortem" significat quod qui rejiciunt bona pereant per mala; "qui ad famem ad famem" significat quod qui rejiciunt vera pereant per falsa; "qui ad captivitatem ad captivitatem" significat qui mala et falsa amant, occupentur ab illis.

[10] Apud Esaiam,

"Sicut ivit servus meus Esaias nudus et discalceatus tres annos, .... sic ducet rex Aschuris captivitatem Aegypti, et turbam deportandam Kuschi, pueros et senes, nudum et discalceatum, immo detectos nates, nuditatem Aegypti" (20:3, 4):

per "regem Aschuris" significatur ratiocinatio ex scientificis naturalis hominis, et per "Aegyptum" significatur naturalis homo; inde per quod "rex Aschuris ducet captivitatem Aegypti" significatur quod ratiocinatio ex falsis destructura 5

sit omnia vera in naturali homine, quae sunt qualia sunt vera sensus litterae Verbi. (Reliqua videantur supra, n. 532, explicata.)

[11] Apud Danielem,

"Etiam deos eorum cum principibus eorum, cum vasis desiderii eorum, argento et auro, in captivitatem abducet Aegyptum, et consistet annos prae rege septentrionis. .... Intelligentes populi erudient multos, licet corruituri sint gladio et flamma, et captivitate et depraedatione diebus" (11:8, 33):

agitur ibi de bello inter regem septentrionis et inter regem meridiei; et per "regem septentrionis" significatur falsum dominans in ecclesia, et per "regem meridiei" verum tutans ecclesiam contra falsum; quod usque falsa praedominatura sint in ecclesia in extremitate dierum, praedicitur et describitur ibi; per "deos eorum" et "principes eorum", ac per "vasa desiderii", perque "argentum et aurum", quae in captivitatem ducentur Aegyptum, significatur quod verum tutans auferet omnia vera et bona ecclesiae illis qui in falsis sunt; vera spiritualia ejus significantur per "deos et principes eorum", vera naturalia per "vasa desiderii eorum", omne verum et bonum in genere significatur per "argentum et aurum", ac ablatio et tutatio eorum significatur per "ducere in captivitatem Aegyptum": per "corrui gladio et flamma", significatur perire ex falsis et inde malis; per "corrui captivitate et depraedatione", significatur deprivatio omnium veri et boni.

[12] Apud Jeremiam,

Postquam propheta traditus est in carcerem, prophetavit quod universa Jehudah transportaretur Babelem in captivitatem, ac ibi morerentur et sepelirentur (20:1-6; 27:1 ad fin. ):

per "prophetam illum", ut per "prophetam" in genere, significatur doctrina ecclesiae ex Verbo; per quod ille traditus in carcerem, repraesentatum est quod simile fiet cum ecclesia et ejus doctrina, quod significatur per quod universa Jehudah transportaretur in captivitatem Babelem; captivitas tribus Jehudae in Babele septuaginta annos repraesentabat plenam destructionem veri, ac devastationem ecclesiae.

[13] Apud eundem,

"Omnes pastores tuos pascet ventus, et amasii tui in captivitatem abibunt;..tunc pudefies et ignominia afficieris ob omnem malitiam tuam" (22:22):

per "pastores" in sensu abstracto significantur bona ecclesiae, et per "amasios" vera ejus; "ventus" qui pascet pastores significat inanitatem et vacuitatem doctrinae; "captivitas" in quam abibunt amasii, significat seclusionem ab omnibus veris et ab intellectu eorum; "pudefieri et ignominia affici" significat destitui ab omni bono et vero, sic enim, dum inter angelos veniunt, pudore et ignominia afficiuntur.

[14] Apud Mosen,

"Ebria faciam tela mea ex sanguine, et gladius meus comedet carnem, ex sanguine confossi et captivitatis, ex felle ultionum hostis" (Deuteronomius 32:42):

"ebria facere tela ex sanguine" significat deliria mentis ex falsificato Verbo; "gladius comedet carnem" significat quod falsa destructura sint omnia boni; "ex sanguine confossi et captivitatis" significat exstinctionem et seclusionem omnis veri ("confossus" est exstinctio veri per falsa, et "captivitas" est seclusio veri a falsis); "ex felle ultionum hostis" significat ex malitia et saevitate inferni ("fel ultionum" est malitia et saevitas, et "hostis" est infernum).

[15] Apud Esaiam,

"Incurvatus est Bel, inflexus est Nebo, sunt idola eorum ferae et bestiae;.... inflexi sunt et incurvati sunt simul, .... et anima eorum in captivitatem abibit" (46:1, 2):

"idola eorum ferae et bestiae" significat quod falsa eorum sint falsa infernalia et inde mala; "inflexi et incurvati simul" significat quod dilapsura sint; "anima eorum in captivitatem abibit" significat quod in infernum, ubi seclusi ab omni vero erunt.

[16] Apud Obadiam,

"In die illo captivum duxerunt alieni robur ejus, et alienigenae intrarunt portas.., et super Hierosolymam jecerunt sortem" (1:11):

haec de Edomo, per quem significatur verum naturalis hominis, hic autem falsum; per "alienos" qui "captivum duxerunt robur ejus" significantur falsa ecclesiae destruentia vera ejus; ("robur" significat verum, quia omne robur spirituale in veris consistit;) per "alienigenas" qui "intraverunt portas" significantur falsa doctrinae destruentia vera per quae ingressus datur in vera interiora; per "Hierosolymam", super quam "jecerunt sortem", significatur doctrina ecclesiae ex Verbo sic dissipata; "jacere sortem" est dissipare.

[17] Apud Jeremiam,

"Vae tibi Moabe, periit populus Kemoschi, nam rapti sunt filii tui in captivitatem, et filiae tuae in captivitatem; reducam tamen captivitatem Moabi [in extremitate dierum] " (48:46, 47):

per "Moabum" intelliguntur qui in jucundo naturali sunt, et ideo bona Verbi adulterant; per "populum Kemoschi" intelliguntur qui in vero naturali sunt; quod "filii rapti sint in captivitatem, ac filiae in captivitatem", significat quod vera et bona ecclesiae eorum seclusa sint a falsis et malis ("filii" sunt vera, ac "filiae" sunt bona); "reducam captivitatem Moabi in extremitate dierum", significat quod vera illis qui per "Moabum" intelliguntur, aperientur et in illis instruentur; "extremitas dierum" significat adventum Domini.

[18] Pluribus in locis in Verbo dicitur quod "captivi reducendi sint", et per "captivos" intelliguntur gentes, qui "captivi" dicuntur quia seclusi a veris, sed quae a Domino illis aperientur: Ut apud Esaiam,

"Unxit Me Jehovah ad evangelizandum pauperibus, misit Me ad obligandum fractos corde, ad praedicandum captivis libertatem, et vinctis, oculis capto" (61:1):

haec de Domino; et per "pauperes", quibus ad evangelizandum Ipsum unxit Jehovah, significantur qui in paucis veris sunt, et usque desiderant illa ad sustendandum animam suam ex illis; per "captivos", quibus "praedicaret libertatem", significantur qui seclusi a veris et inde bonis sunt, quibus aperientur vera et per illa imbuentur bonis; per "vinctos, et oculis captum", significatur quibus negatum videre vera; per hos intelliguntur gentes, qui a Domino postea receperunt vera.

[19] Apud eundem,

"Ego excitavi Illum in justitia, et omnes vias Illius rectificabo; Ille aedificabit urbem meam, et captivitatem 6

meam dimittet, non pretio neque munere" (45:13):

haec quoque de Domino, et per "justitiam" in qua Jehovah excitavit Illum, significatur bonum amoris; ac per "vias" Illius, quas rectificabit, significantur vera procedentia a bono; per "urbem", quam aedificabit, significatur doctrina ecclesiae; et per "captivitatem", quam "dimittet", significatur aperitio et revelatio veritatum Divinarum apud illos qui ab illis hactenus seclusi fuerunt; quod Dominus haec facturus sit gratis, significatur per "non pretio neque munere."

[20] Apud Jeremiam,

"Oppressi filii Israelis et filii Jehudae simul, et omnes captivantes prehendent eos, renuunt dimittere eos: Redemptor eorum fortis.... litigando litigabit litem eorum, et quietem dabit terrae" (50:33, 34):

hic quoque de Domino, qui est "Redemptor eorum fortis"; per "litigare litem eorum" significatur visitatio et judicium super illos qui opprimunt illos falsis, et sic liberatio ab illis; per "quietem terrae", quam dabit, significatur tutatio a falsis; per "filios Israelis et filios Jehudae", qui oppressi dicuntur, non intelliguntur filii Israelis et Jehudae, sed gentes qui in veris et bonis a Domino sunt; qui quia a seducentibus eos et secludentibus vera ab illis detenti sunt, dicitur quod "captivantes eos prehendant eos, et renuant dimittere eos."

[21] Apud Davidem,

"Ascendisti in altum, captivam duxisti captivitatem" (Psalms 68:19 [B.A. 18]):

haec quoque de Domino, et per "captivam ducere captivitatem" significatur liberare a falsis quae illos captivos tenuerunt.

Apud Esaiam,

"Num sumetur a forti captura? aut num captivitas justi eripietur? Nam sic dixit Jehovah, Etiam captivitas fortis sumetur, et captura violenti eripietur" (49:24, 25):

haec quoque de Domino, ac de reductione filiorum Zionis a captivitate; at per "filios Zionis" intelliguntur qui in amore in Dominum sunt, et inde in veris; quod seclusi fuerint a veris per illos qui acriter confirmarunt falsa, et quod usque liberati sint a Domino, significatur per "Num sumetur a forti captura? et num captivitas justi eripietur?"

[22] Apud Davidem,

" 7

Quis dabit ex Zione salutem Israelis? Cum reducet Jehovah captivitatem populi sui, exultabit Jacob, laetabitur Israel" (Psalms 14:7; Psalms 53:7 [B.A. 6]);

per "Zionem" etiam hic intelliguntur qui in bono amoris a Domino sunt; liberatio a malis a Domino et salvatio, intelligitur per "Quis dabit ex Zione salutem Israelis?" per "reducere captivitatem populi sui" intelligitur a falsis et malis; per "exultabit Jacob, laetabitur Israel", intelligitur gaudium ex liberatione apud illos qui in ecclesia externa et interna sunt; illi qui ab ecclesia externa sunt intelliguntur per "Jacobum", et qui ab ecclesia interna per "Israelem", ac per hos et illos intelliguntur gentes.

[23] Apud Jeremiam,

"Ne timeas, serve mi, Jacob; et ne consterneris, Israel; ecce Ego servans te e longinquo, et semen tuum e terra captivitatis 8

tuae, ita ut redeat Jacob, ac quiescat et tranquillus sit, nec qui terreat" (46:27; 30:10):

per "Jacobum" et "Israelem" hic quoque intelliguntur gentes, per "Jacobum" illi qui ab ecclesia externa sunt, per "Israelem" illi qui ab ecclesia interna; "servare illos e longinquo" significat salvare illos tametsi procul a salvatione sunt; "servare e terra captivitatis" significat liberare a falsis, per quae seclusi sunt a veris et bonis caeli et 9

ecclesiae; "redire et quiescere tranquillus, nec qui terreat", significat ut tuti sint a falsis quae ex inferno.

[24] Apud eundem,

"Omnes comedentes te comedentur, et omnes hostes tui, omnes in captivitatem abibunt, et erunt praedatores tui in praedam, et omnes direptores tuos dabo in direptionem. .... Ego reducens captivitatem tentoriorum Jacobi, et habitaculorum ejus miserebor, ut aedificetur urbs super tumulo suo, et palatium juxta morem suum habitabitur" (30:16, 18):

"omnes comedentes te comedentur, omnes hostes tui in captivitatem abibunt, et erunt praedatores tui in praedam, et omnes direptores tuos dabo in direptionem", significant similia quae in Apocalypsi haec, quae nunc explicantur; nempe, "Si quis captivitatem duxerit, in captivitatem abibit; et si quis machaera occiderit, oportet eum machaera occidi." (Quid per reliqua significatur, supra, n. 799 [b] , explicatum est.)

[25] Apud eundem,

"Inveniar vobis, et reducam captivitatem vestram, et congregabo vos ex omnibus gentibus, .... et reducam vos ad locum, unde migrare feci vos" (29:14):

etiam per haec describitur liberatio gentium a captivitate spirituali, quae est seclusio a veris et bonis caeli et ecclesiae, per quae salvatio.

Apud Zephaniam,

"In tempore illo adducam vos, et in tempore congregare Me vos, quia dabo vos 10

in nomen et in laudem omnibus populi terrae, cum reduxero captivitatem vestram coram oculis vestris" (3:20):

per haec quoque intelligitur reductio gentium a captivitate spirituali.

Apud Amos,

"Reducam captivitatem populi mei Israelis, ut aedificent urbes devastatas, et sedeant et plantent vineas, et bibant vinum earum, et faciant hortos, et comedant fructum eorum" (9:14):

haec videantur supra (n. 376 [b] 405 [c]) explicata.

[26] Apud Esaiam,

"Indue robur tuum, Zion; indue vestes decoris tui, Hierosolyma, urbs sanctitatis; quia non addet, veniet amplius in te praeputiatus et immundus; excute te e pulvere, [surge,] sede Hierosolyma; aperire vinculis colli tui, captiva filia Zionis" (52:1, 2);

per "Zionem" intelligitur ecclesia quae in bono amoris in Dominum est; verum ex illo bono significatur per "robur" quod induet Zion; vera doctrinae illius ecclesiae significantur per "vestes decoris" quas induet Hierosolyma; per "praeputiatum et immundum" qui non addent venire amplius, significantur mala amorum terrestrium, et illorum falsa; per "excutere se e pulvere", "surgere", "sedere", cum de Hierosolyma, significatur liberatio ab infernalibus falsis, ac elevatio ad vera caeli; per " 11

Aperire vinculis colli, captiva filia Zionis", significatur liberatio a detentione a veris per falsa impedientia ne recipiatur influxus e caelo; "filia Zionis" sunt qui in affectione veri ex bono amoris a Domino. In sequentibus ibi dicitur de filiis Israelis,

Quod peregrinati sint in Aegypto, et quod Aschur illos oppresserit [ (vers. 4]),

per quae significatur quod seclusi a veris essent per ratiocinia ex scientificis naturalis hominis.

[27] Apud eundem,

" 12

Accipient eos populi, et ducent eos ad locum suum, et in hereditatem tenebunt illos domus Israelis super terra Jehovae, in servos et..ancillas, ita ut sint captivantes captivantes illos, et dominentur exactoribus suis" (14:2):

haec quoque de reductione filiorum Israelis, et per "filios Israelis" intelliguntur gentes; quod illi qui secluserunt a veris et seduxerunt per falsa, secludantur a veris et seducantur a falsis, significatur per "captivabunt captivantes, et dominabuntur exactoribus suis."

[28] Apud Hoscheam,

"In domo Israelis vidi rem foedam; ibi scortatio Ephraimo, pollutus est Israel, et Jehudah posuit messem tibi, cum reduxero captivitatem populi mei" (6:10, 11):

haec de statu ecclesiae apud Judaeos circa adventum Domini; "scortatio Ephraimo", quae res foeda in domo Israelis, significat falsificationem Verbi; "scortatio" significat falsificationem, ac "Ephraim" intellectum Verbi: "pollutus est Israel, et Jehudah posuit messem tibi", significat quod ecclesia in meris falsis esset, et quod Verbum applicuerint ad confirmandum falsa; per "Jehudam" significatur Verbum, et per "messem" suppeditatio talium ibi quae applicuerunt: quod hic status Ecclesiae Judaicae esset, cum aperirentur vera coram gentibus, quae sic liberarentur a falsis, significatur per "cum reduxero captivitatem populi mei."

[29] Similia in historicis Verbi per "captivitates filiorum Israelis" a variis hostibus, et per "liberationes eorum", significata sunt: ut

Quod coacti sint servire Kuschani regi Syriae, et liberati ab Othniele (Judic., cap. 3);

Quod serviverint Egloni regi Moabi, ac liberati per Ehuden (Judic., cap 3);

Quod traditi Javini regi Canaanis, ac liberati per Deboram (Judic., cap. 4);

Quod traditi Midianitis, et liberati per Guideonem (Judic., cap. 6);

Quod traditi Philisthaeis et Ammonitis, et liberati per Jiphtacum (Judic., cap. 10 et 11).

Similia significata sunt

Per captivitatem Judaeorum septuaginta annos in Babele (2 Reg. 25 13


Historica enim Verbi omnia sunt repraesentativa talium quae ecclesiae sunt, et voces per quas historica descripta sunt omnes significativae sunt.

[30] Similia quae per "captivos" in Verbo, etiam significantur per "vinctos"; ut in sequentibus locis:

"Colligentur collectione vinctus in fovea, et claudentur in claustro; at post multitudinem dierum visitabuntur" (Esaias 24:22);

Per sanguinem foederis tui emittam vinctos..e fovea, in qua non aqua" (Sacharia 9:11);

"Veniet ante Te gemitus vincti" (Psalms 79:11);

"Posuit orbem in desertum, et urbes 14

eorum destruxit, vinctis suis non aperuit domum" (Esaias 14:17);

"Ad aperiendum oculos caecos, ad educendum e carcere vinctum, e domo claustri sedentes in tenebris" (Esaias 42:7);

Rex dixit, "In carcere fui, et 15

venistis ad Me" (Matthaeus 25:36);

Jesus dixit, "Hanc filiam Abrahami, quam vinxit satanas, ecce octodecim annos, nonne oportet solvi e vinculo hoc die sabbathi?" (Luca 13:16.)


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