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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 836

836. (Verse 16) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond. That this signifies lower and higher, wise and simple, both those who think from themselves and those who think from others, is evident from the signification of all, small and great, as denoting lower and higher, or more common and more eminent; and from the signification of rich and poor, as denoting the wise and simple. That those are called rich who possess much knowledge of good and truth, thus who are wise, may be seen above (n. 820). From these considerations it follows, that by bondmen are meant those who do not think from themselves but from others, and who do not perceive whether a thing is true or false, and yet acknowledge that it is true. That these are the bond, when those who think from themselves are the free, is evident from contrast.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 836

836. Verse 16. And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, signifies the lower and the higher, the wise and the simple, both those who think from themselves and those who think from others. This is evident from the signification of "all, the small and the great," as being the lower and the higher, or the more common and the more eminent; also from the signification of "the rich and the poor," as being the wise and the simple. (That those are called "rich" who possess many knowledges of good and truth, thus who are wise, may be seen above, n. John 8:32-36). It may also be seen above (n. John 21:18). From this it follows that by "the bond" those are meant who think not from themselves but from others, and who do not see whether a thing is true or false and yet acknowledge it to be true. That such are "the bond," while those who think from themselves are "the free," is evident from the opposition of their relation.

Apocalypsis Explicata 836 (original Latin 1759)

836. [Vers. 16.] "Et facit omnes parvos et magnos, et divites et pauperes, et liberos et servos." Quod significet inferiores et superiores, sapientes et simplices, quique a se cogitant et qui ab aliis, constat ex significatione "omnium parvorum et magnorum", quod sint inferiores et superiores, seu viliores et eminentiores; ex significatione "divitum et pauperum", quod sint sapientes et simplices; (quod "divites" dicantur qui multas cognitiones boni et veri possident, ita sapientes, videatur supra, n. 118, 236; et quod "pauperes" dicantur, qui non habent cognitiones boni et veri, quia non habent Verbum, et usque desiderant illas, videatur etiam supra, n. 118, 238): et ex significatione "liberorum et servorum", quod sint qui ex se cogitant et qui ab aliis. Ex se cogitare est ex se videre num verum sit aut num falsum, ac sic eligere unum et rejicere alterum; hi sunt qui spirituales a Domino facti sunt, et inde in luce caeli, et a Domino vident ac ducuntur, nam liberum est cogitare et vivere a Domino, ac servum est cogitare et vivere ex inferno; quod illi sint "liberi", videatur supra (n. 248, 409 [a, b] 701 [a] , 774). Quod Dominus per Divinum suum Verum liberos faciat, dicitur apud Johannem (cap. 1

21:18), videantur supra (n. 820 [b]). Ex his sequitur quod per "servos" intelligantur qui non a se sed ab aliis cogitant, sed non vident an verum sit vel falsum, et usque agnoscunt quod verum; quod hi servi sint, cum illi qui ex se cogitant liberi sunt, ex relatione opposita patet.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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