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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 880

880. That great city. That this signifies devastation and destruction as to all things of doctrine among them, is evident from the signification of falling, when said of a city, as denoting to be devastated and destroyed, as was said above (n. 879); and from the signification of a city, as denoting doctrine, with every thing belonging to it; concerning which see above (n. 223). It is said a great city, because a doctrine full of evils and falsities is signified therefrom; for great is said of good, and in the opposite sense of evil; as may be seen above (n. 336, 337). By Babylon is fallen, that great city, is signified, that with those meant by Babylon, all goods and truths are devastated; also that they are to be entirely destroyed at the time of the Last Judgment. That they also were destroyed, and that their great cities, which were situated to the south and to the north, were entirely overthrown, and they who were there cast into hell, is evident from the things related concerning Babylon, in the small work concerning The Last Judgment.

Hence it is clear that by Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, two things are meant - the devastation of their church as to all the goods and truths in the world; likewise, also, their destruction at the time of the Last Judgment.

It is believed that by the destruction of Babylon is meant the destruction of that religion in the world; but this is not so. What is meant is its devastation in the world, as to all the goods and truths of heaven and the church, thus the destruction of those who transferred to themselves the Lord's Divine power, and exercised it from the love of self, as to their souls, consequently as to life eternal. For that religion will still continue among those who persist in that love, and act from it. And because the destruction meant is the devastation of the church, therefore their destruction after the life in this world is also meant in particular and in general; in particular, the condemnation of all belonging to that religion, who were such as are above described; and, in general, the destruction, by means of the Last Judgment, of all those who were of such a character.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 880

880. That great city, signifies devastation and destruction as to all things of doctrine with them. This is evident from the signification of "falling" in reference to a city, as being to be devastated and destroyed (as has been said above, n. 879; also from the signification of a "city," as being doctrine with all things thereof (See above, n. 223). It is said "a great city," because doctrine full of evils and falsities therefrom is signified; for "great" is predicated of good, and in the contrary sense of evil (See above, n. 336, 337). "Fallen is Babylon, that great city," signifies that with those who are meant by "Babylon" all goods and truths are devastated, also that such will be wholly destroyed at the time of the Last Judgment; and that such were destroyed, and their great city, which was situated towards the south and towards the north, was wholly overthrown, and those in it were cast into hell, can be seen from what is related respecting Babylon in the small work on The Last Judgment.

[2] This makes evident that "Fallen, fallen, is Babylon, that great city," means two things, namely, the devastation of the church constituted of such in respect to all the goods and truths in the world, and their destruction at the time of the Last Judgment. It is believed that the destruction of Babylon means the destruction of that religion in the world. But its destruction is not meant, but its devastation in the world as to all the goods and truths of heaven and the church, thus the destruction of those who have transferred to themselves the Lord's Divine authority, and have exercised it from love of self in reference to souls, and thus as to eternal life. For that religion will continue with those who continue in that love and who act from it. And as such destruction is meant, which is the devastation of the church, therefore the destruction of these in the other life is also meant in particular and in general, in particular the condemnation of all of those who were such from that religion, and in general the destruction of all who were such by the Last Judgment.

Apocalypsis Explicata 880 (original Latin 1759)

880. "Urbs illa magna." Quod significet devastationem et destructionem quoad omnia doctrinae apud illos, constat ex significatione "cadere", cum de urbe, quod sit devastari et destrui (ut mox supra, n. 879); et ex significatione "urbis", quod sit doctrina cum omnibus ejus (de qua supra, n. 223): dicitur "urbs magna", quia significatur doctrina plena malis et inde falsis, nam "magnum" praedicatur de bono, et in opposito sensu de malo (videatur n. 336 [a] , 337).

Quod "Ceciderit Babylon, urbs illa magna", significat quod apud illos, qui per "Babylonem" intelliguntur, devastata sint omnia bona et vera, tum quod illi tempore ultimi judicii prorsus destruendi sint; quod etiam destructi sint, et quod urbs illorum magna, quae ad meridiem et quae ad septentrionem sitae sunt, prorsus eversae fuerint, et illi qui ibi, in inferna conjecti, constat ex illis quae in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio, et ibi de Babylonia, memorata sunt:

[2] inde constat, quod per "Cecidit, Cecidit Babylon urbs illa magna", intelligantur duo, nempe devastatio ecclesiae illorum quoad omnia bona et vera in mundo, tum etiam interitus illorum tempore ultimi judicii. Creditur quod per destructionem Babyloniae intelligatur destructio illius religionis in mundo; at non intelligitur destructio ejus in mundo, sed intelligitur devastatio ejus ibi quoad omnia bona et vera caeli et ecclesiae, ita destructio illorum qui Divinam potestatem Domini in se transtulerunt, et illam ex amore sui exercuerunt quoad animas, proinde quoad vitam aeternam; nam religio illa usque permansura est apud illos qui in eo amore perstant, et ex illo agunt: et quia illa destructio intelligitur, quae est devastatio ecclesiae, ideo etiam intelligitur destructio illorum, post vitam in mundo in particulari et in communi; in particulari damnatio omnium ex illis qui tales ex illa religione fuerunt, et in communi destructio omnium qui tales fuerunt, per ultimum judicium.

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