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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 89

89. And the seven golden lampstands. That this signifies, and concerning those in the new heaven and in the new earth, is evident from the signification of the seven lampstands, as denoting the New Heaven and the New Church (concerning which, see above, n. 62). The reason why they denote the good and truth pertaining to those who are in the New Heaven and in the New Church, is, that in the internal sense they thus cohere with the things immediately preceding; for the things which in the sense of the letter appear scattered, are connected in the internal sense (as may be seen above, n. 17).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 89

89. And the seven golden lampstands, signifies also concerning the things in the new heaven and in the new earth. This is evident from the signification of the seven "lampstands," as being the new heaven and the new church (See above, n. 62). They are the goods and truths for those who are in the new heaven and the new church, because in the internal sense they thus cohere with what immediately precedes; for things that appear disconnected in the sense of the letter, in the internal sense are continuous (See above, n. 17).

Apocalypsis Explicata 89 (original Latin 1759)

89. "Et septem candelabra aurea." - Quod significet et de illis in novo caelo et in nova terra, constat ex significatione "septem candelabrorum", quod sint novum caelum et nova ecclesia (de qua supra, n. 62): quod sint bona et vera quae illis qui in novo caelo et in nova ecclesia, est quia in sensu interno cum mox praecedentibus ita cohaerent; quae enim in sensu litterae sparsa apparent, in sensu interno continentia sunt (videatur supra, n. 17).

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