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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 890

890.And they shall not rest day and night. That this signifies continual infestations by evils and falsities therefrom, is evident from the signification of having no rest, as denoting to be infested by evils and the falsities therefrom (of which we shall speak presently); and from the signification of day and night, as denoting continually. For by day and night is not meant day and night, but the state of those treated of - in this case as to infestation; for in the spiritual world no one has an idea of time, but an idea of state; as has been frequently said and shown above. By day also is signified the state of their falsities, and by night the state of their evil; for man as to his thought is in light, thus in day; and as to his affection, in obscurity, or in night. Moreover, falsities and also truths belong to thought; and evils and also goods belong to the affection. Hence there was upon the tent a cloud by day, and a fire by night; the cloud signifying the truth, and the fire the good of love, with the sons of Israel. The reason why infestation by evils and falsities is signified by having no rest, is, that those who are in hell are continually withheld from their loves; and as often as they break out into them, they are punished. For their loves are hatred, revenge, enmity, and the lust of doing evil; these to them are so delightful, that they may be called the very delights of their life. Wherefore to be withheld from them is to be tormented. For every one is in the joy of his heart when he is in his ruling love; and consequently, on the other hand, grieved at heart, when he is withheld from it. This is the general torment of hell, from which innumerable other torments exist; to recount and describe these does not belong to this work and place.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 890

890. And they shall have no rest day and night, signifies continual infestation by evils and falsities thence. This is evident from the signification of "having no rest," as being to be infested by evils and falsities thence (of which presently); also from the signification of "day and night," as being continuously. For "day and night" does not mean day and night, but their state, here in reference to infestation; for in the spiritual world no one has any idea of time, but an idea of state, as has been frequently said and shown above; and "day" signifies the state of their falsity, and "night" the state of their evil; for it is in reference to thought that man is in light, thus in day, and in reference to affection that he is in obscurity, that is, in night; moreover, falsities and truths pertain to thought, and evils and goods to affection. This is why there was a cloud over the tent by day, and a fire by night, "cloud" with the sons of Israel signifying the truth and "fire" the good of love with them.

[2] Infestation by evils and falsities is signified by "having no rest," because those who are in hell are continually withheld from their loves, and as often as they break out into them they are punished; for their loves are hatreds, revenges, enmities, and lusts of doing evil, which are so delightful to them that they may be called the very delights of their life, consequently to be withheld from them is to be tormented. For everyone is in the joy of his heart when he is in his ruling love; and thus conversely, is in grief of heart when he is withheld from it. This is the general torment of hell, from which innumerable others exist; but to enumerate and describe them does not belong to this work or place.

Apocalypsis Explicata 890 (original Latin 1759)

890. "Et non habebunt requiem diu et noctu." Quod significet infestationem continuam a malis et inde falsis, constat ex significatione "non habere requiem", quod sit infestari a malis et inde falsis (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "diu et noctu", quod sit continue; per "diem" enim et "noctem" non intelligitur dies et nox, sed significatur status illorum, hic quoad infestationem; nam in mundo spirituali non est alicui idea temporis, sed idea status, ut supra aliquoties dictum et ostensum est; etiam per "diem" significatur status falsi illorum, et per "noctem" status mali; homo enim est quoad cogitationem in luce, ita in die, et quoad affectionem in obscuro seu in nocte, ac falsa tum vera sunt cogitationis, ac mali tum bona sunt affectionis. Inde erat super Tentorio nubes interdiu, et ignis noctu; "nubes" significabat verum apud filios Israelis, et "ignis" bonum amoris apud illos.

[2] Quod infestationem a malis et falsis, quae significatur per "non habere requiem", attinet, est quia illi qui in inferno sunt continue detinentur ab amoribus suis, et quoties in illos erumpunt, puniuntur; amores enim illorum sunt odia, vindictae, inimicitiae, et cupiditates malum faciendi, quae illis tam jucunda sunt ut vocari possint ipsa jucunda vitae illorum; quare detineri ab illis est cruciari; quisque namque in gaudio cordis sui est cum in suo amore regnante, proinde vicissim in dolore cordis cum detinetur ab illo: hic cruciatus inferni est communis, ex quo innumeri alii existunt, quos recensere et describere non hujus operis et loci est.

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