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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 894

894. Here are they that keep the commandments of God. That this signifies, that these are they who live according to the Lord's precepts in the Word, is evident without explanation.

In the Word it is said in many places that they should keep and do God's commandments and His precepts; and by doing the precepts of God is meant the same as by loving the Lord above all things, and the neighbour as ourselves. For what a man loves inwardly, or from his heart, this he wills; and what he wills, he does. And to love God is to love His precepts, because they are of God, even as they are God.

Hence it is evident how little the followers of faith alone know what love is. They grant, or assert, that faith lives from love, and that faith is dead without love, and yet they do not know that love and deeds are one. They say also that there is love in faith; and yet they are ignorant that there is no love in faith, if they do not live according to the Lord's precepts in the Word; and that love in faith is from no other source. Natural love is not the love of the Lord and of the neighbour but of self and the world; and these loves are altogether destructive of faith, indeed, they falsify the truths of genuine faith, which are in the Word.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 894

894. Here are they that keep the commandments of God, signifies that these are they who live according to the commandments of the Lord in the Word, as is evident without explanation. It is said in many passages in the Word that "they should keep and do God's commandments and His precepts;" and "to do the precepts of God" means the same as to love the Lord above all things, and the neighbor as oneself. For what a man loves inwardly or from the heart he wills, and what he wills he does; and to love God is to love His precepts, because they are of God even to the extent that they are God. From this it can be seen how little the followers of faith alone know what love is. They grant or affirm that faith lives from love, and that faith without love is dead, and yet they do not know that love and deeds are one. They declare that love is in faith; and yet they do not know there is no love in faith when one does not live according to the Lord's commandments in the Word; and that it is from this, and from no other source whatever, that there is any love in faith except a natural love that is not love to the Lord and love to the neighbor, but love of self and love of the world; and these loves utterly destroy faith, and even falsify the truths that must constitute a genuine faith and that are in the Word.

Apocalypsis Explicata 894 (original Latin 1759)

894. "Hic 1

custodientes mandata Dei." Quod significet quod hi sint qui vivunt secundum praecepta Domini in Verbo, constat absque explicatione. In Verbo permultis in locis dicitur quod "custodirent et facerent mandata Dei" et "praecepta Ipsius"; et per "facere praecepta Dei" simile intelligitur quod per "amare Dominum super omnia, et proximum sicut se ipsum": nam quod homo interius seu ex corde amat, hoc vult, et quod vult hoc facit; et amare Deum est amare praecepta Ipsius, quia illa sunt Dei, usque ut sint Deus. Inde constare potest quam parum sciunt sectatores solius fidei quid sit amor; annuunt vel affirmant quod fides vivat ex amore, et quod fides mortua sit absque amore, et tamen non sciunt quod amor et facta unum sint; dicunt etiam quod in fide sit amor, et tamen ignorant quod in fide non amor sit si non vivatur secundum praecepta Domini in Verbo; et quod exinde et prorsus non aliunde sit aliquis amor in fide, nisi quam amor naturalis, qui non est amare Dominum, nec amare proximum, sed semet et mundum; et hi amores prorsus destruunt fidem, immo falsificant Vera, quae genuinae fidei erunt, quae in Verbo sunt.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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