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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 91

91. And the seven lampstands which thou sawest are the seven churches. That this signifies all those who are in the New Heaven and in the New Church is evident from the signification of the seven lampstands, as being the New Heaven and the New Church (concerning which, see above, n. 62); and from the signification of the seven churches, as denoting those who are in truths from good, or in faith from charity (concerning which, see also above, n. 20). It is therefore clear, that by the seven lampstands, and the seven churches, are signified all those who will be in the New Heaven and in the New Church. All things that are treated of in the Apocalypse have respect to what is signified by the seven lampstands, that is, the New Heaven and the New Church, as to their end and conclusion; the last chapters, therefore, treat of them; all the other things which intervene are such as stand in the way, and are to be removed, as the things related concerning the dragon, and the beasts of Babylon, which being removed, or no longer in the way, the New Heaven and the New Church rise up and are manifest.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 91

91. And the seven golden 1lampstands which thou sawest are the seven churches, signifies that all such are in the new heaven and in the new church. This is evident from the signification of the "seven lampstands," as being the new heaven and the new church (See above, n. 62); and also from the signification of the "seven churches," as being those who are in truths from good or in faith from charity (See also above, n. 20). From this it is clear that by the "seven lampstands are the seven churches" all who will be in the new heaven and in the new church are signified.

All things in Revelation have regard to that which is signified by the "seven golden lampstands," that is, to the new heaven and the new church, as to their end and conclusion; consequently, these are treated of in the final chapters. The remaining things that come between are such things as stand in the way, and are to be removed, as what is said of the "dragon" and of the "beasts of Babylon." When these no longer oppose, or when they are removed, the new heaven and the new church come forth and are manifest.


1. "Golden" is not found in the Greek, nor in the text.

Apocalypsis Explicata 91 (original Latin 1759)

91. "Et septem 1

candelabra quae vidisti septem Ecclesiae (sunt)." - Quod significet quod omnes illi in novo caelo et in nova ecclesia sint, constat ex significatione "septem candelabrorum", quod sint novum caelum et nova ecclesia (de qua supra, n. 62); et ex significatione "septem Ecclesiarum", quod sint qui in veris ex bono, seu in fide ex charitate, sunt (de qua etiam supra, n. 20). Inde patet quod per "septem candelabra septem Ecclesiae" significentur omnes illi qui in novo caelo et in nova ecclesia erunt. Omnia quae in Apocalypsi sunt, ad id quod significatur per "septem candelabra aurea", nempe Novum Caelum et Nova Ecclesia, spectant ut ad suum finem et conclusum; de illis ideo in ultimis capitibus agitur: reliqua, quae intercedunt, sunt talia quae obstant et quae removenda, ut quae de "dracone" et quae de "bestiis Babyloniae" memorantur; quibus non obstantibus, vel quibus remotis, novum caelum et nova ecclesia exsurgit et patet.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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