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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 924

924. From a thousand six hundred furlongs. That this signifies evils in their whole extent is evident from the signification of furlongs, as denoting productions in a series. For furlongs, like miles, and ways in general, signify progressions in a series according to thoughts from affection. And from the signification of a thousand six hundred, as denoting goods in their whole extent, and in the opposite sense, as in this case, evils in their whole compass. For the number one thousand six hundred signifies the same as sixteen; and the number sixteen, the same as four and two. And all these numbers are said of goods, and in the opposite sense of evils. For the greater numbers arising from multiplication have a signification similar to the lesser and simple from which they arise by multiplication; as twelve thousand the same as twelve; and twelve the same as three and four multiplied into themselves; see above (n. xii. and xiii.; and the devastation by Babylon will be shown below in the explanations of chapters xvii. and xviii.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 924

924. For a thousand six hundred stadia, signifies evils in the whole complex. This is evident from the signification of "stadia," as being the bringing forth in a series, for "stadia," like "miles," and like ways in general, signify the progressions in series according to thoughts from affection. Also from the signification of "a thousand six hundred," as being goods in the whole complex, and in the contrary sense, as here, evils in the whole complex. For the number "a thousand six hundred" has a similar signification as sixteen, and the number sixteen has a similar signification as four and two; and all these numbers are predicated of goods, and in the contrary sense of evils. For the greater compound numbers have a similar signification as the lesser and simple from which they arise by multiplication; as "twelve thousand" has a like signification as "twelve;" and "twelve" a like signification as "three and four" multiplied together (See above, n. twelfth and thirteenth chapters; and how it is devastated by Babylon will be shown below in the explanations of the seventeenth and eighteenth chapters.

Apocalypsis Explicata 924 (original Latin 1759)

924. "A stadiis mille sexcentis." Quod significet mala in, omni complexu, constat ex significatione "stadiorum", quod sint productiones in serie; nam "stadia", sicut "milliaria", et in genere sicut "viae", significant progressiones in serie secundum cogitationes ex affectione: et ex significatione "mille sexcentorum", quod sint bona in omni complexu, et in sensu opposito, ut hic, mala in omni complexu; numerus enim 1

mille sexcenta" simile significat cum sedecim, et numerus "sedecim" simile cum quatuor et cum duobus, et hi omnes numeri dicuntur de bonis, et in opposito sensu de malis, numeri enim majores multiplicati simile significant cum minoribus et cum simplicibus a quibus per multiplicationem exsurgunt; sicut "duodecim millia" simile cum duodecim, et "duodecim" simile cum tribus et quatuor in se multiplicatis (videatur supra, n. 430 [a] , 851). Quod tria in Verbo dicantur de veris, et duo tum quatuor de bonis, ita in opposito sensu tria de falsis, ac duo et quatuor de malis, [videatur] etiam supra (n. 532): inde patet quod "a stadiis mille sexcentis" significentur productiones malorum in continua serie, ita mala in omni complexu. Quod a binis illis devastatoribus ecclesiae, qui intelliguntur per "Babylonem" et per "bestiam draconis", producantur ac producta sint mala in continua serie, et sic mala in omni complexu, multis potest ostendi; sed de devastatione ecclesiae per "bestiam draconis" in explicationibus super cap. 12 et 13 ostensum est, et de devastatione per "Babylonem", in explicationibus super cap. 17 et 18 infra ostendetur.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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