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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 927

927. Great and wonderful. That this signifies from Divine Omnipotence and Providence, is evident from the signification of great, when said of the Lord, as denoting His Divine Omnipotence; and from the signification of wonderful, when said of the Lord, as denoting His Divine Providence. For man, when he thinks of what is great in the Lord, thinks of His Divine Omnipotence; and when he thinks of what is wonderful in the Lord, he thinks of His Divine Providence. The things also that follow, concerning the salvation of the good and the damnation of the evil, all pertain to the Divine Omnipotence and Providence.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 927

927. Great and wonderful, signifies from Divine omnipotence and providence. This is evident from the signification of "great," as being in reference to the Lord His Divine omnipotence; also from the signification of "wonderful," as being in reference to the Lord His Divine providence. For when man looks to what is great in the Lord he looks to His Divine omnipotence, and when he looks to what is wonderful in the Lord he looks to His Divine providence. Moreover, what follows respecting the salvation of the good and the condemnation of the evil is all of the Divine omnipotence and providence.

Apocalypsis Explicata 927 (original Latin 1759)

927. "Magnum et mirabile." - Quod significet ex Divina Omnipotentia et providentia, constat ex significatione "magni", cum de Domino, quod sit Divina Ipsius omnipotentia; et ex significatione "mirabilis", cum de Domino, quod sit Divina Ipsius providentia: homo enim cum spectat magnum in Domino, spectat Divinam Ipsius omnipotentiam; et cum spectat mirabile in Domino, spectat Divinam Ipsius providentiam: etiam illa quae sequuntur de salvatione bonorum et de condemnatione malorum, omnia sunt Divinae omnipotentiae et providentiae.

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